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Your company hired you because you have skills that the company wants you to use to deliver results on the job. No one hires a person for a development need. Therefore, it is important to have a clear idea what your skills are and how you can leverage them. While it is easy to name our technical skills, it is not always so easy to name the leadership or management skills we are good at doing. We suggest you start with identifying your strengths. Our strengths are the foundation of our leadership and management skills that we are know for on the job.

Once you can name these leadership and management skills than you can leverage your strengths in formulating your career strategy. Research in Positive Psychology suggests that there are at least 24 Strengths and virtues that are recognized in most cultures. You can go to that site and register yourself; then you can take multiple personality tests and keep all your scores together. Note that the full Strengths test will take minutes to complete. It is a faster but less accurate way of diagnosing your strengths. You can also print it out. It is a good place to start if you are curious about identifying your values.

The second most frequent request we receive is from people who would like help dealing with difficult people at work. Career Development is our number one request. The resources here are some of our favorites for transforming a difficult situation at work. We hope you find them helpful. Many of our past clients have found them valuable. How do successful people cope with anger-their own or that of others? This books outlines a clear and concise plan to better deal with this difficult emotion using the principles of positive psychology.

How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress will help executives, supervisors, and managers-and the people that work for them-protect pride, profit and productivity from these disabling emotions. Protect your career and workplace from the hidden costs of workplace tension and hostility. Grounded in years of hands-on experience, Managing the Unmanageable is full of valuable tips and techniques, and shows you how to implement them with authentic care and respect.

Some pointed advice from blogger Steve Tobak. This blog is a nice overview and offers some good advice. While this may be a terrible title, it contains some great advice for how to transform one of the most difficult situations a person can encounter at work. It is humorous, insightful and practical. In addition, it will leave you thinking. No one could possibly write that report as well as you could, right?

In this 90 minute webinar, our very own Laura Erkeneff offers a short course on all the basics of delegating. This course does charge a small fee. How NOT to Motivate: In fact, for many of my friends, especially in the technology sector, you could say they hate it. And, be sure to check out the templates at the end. How do you get noticed among the other bright people in your company without alienating everyone?

Pitch Like a Girl: This book is not just for women! Here is a short 2 min.


Yes, this section is for everyone! Being knowledgeable about these differences can allow both sexes to appreciate and leverage diversity of styles for a greater business advantage. The Glass Hammer is an award-winning blog and online community created for women executives in finance, law, technology and big business. However, the resources here everyone will find valuable. This book is a classic and a great starting point for those wanting to understand the basics about women and men working in the business world. It outlines all the unwritten rules about how most company cultures behave at work.

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Are you a male manager and your female direct report or colleague keeps making career mistakes that hold her back? This book uncovers behaviors that women learn in girlhood that sabotage them as adults and especially in the workplace.

How to Manage Your Employees to Shine

You can also take the assessment to see which ones may be holding back your career. This is a consulting firm Negotiating Women, Inc. Their website has a great resource section with video, audios, papers and websites. It is well worth some of your time to check this site. I have also attached some of their handouts for you to use. Did you just get laid off or think you might be layed off soon? Take a deep breath and read this blog. Then, use the template and instructions to develop a plan to take your next career step and find a new job. Many of us at ITL have put development programs into place for our corporate clients.

We know what components need to be included in the process to be thorough as well as how overwhelming finding a new job can be. Karen has managed to write a guide that is complete as well as easy to follow and encouraging all at the same time. But, what else would you expect from a Jersey Girl? We love this guide and frequently refer our clients to it.

A large part of our job as a manager is to train, coach and guide our employees in some aspect of both hard and soft skills. While this part of the job is often rewarding, it can be the most frustrating, too. This frustration often comes from the fact that we rarely get the tools in how to train or coach other people.

They will benefit your own career growth, too. Upon finishing this book, you will have the skills to find out how to assess coaching needs, discover the six tools essential to coaching success, understand the roles of a coach, and learn how to supply the right advice and support. Through effective coaching, managers can improve performance, personal growth, and increased job satisfaction for their employees and themselves.

This manual will guide you through every step of the coaching process, from problem solving to developing accountability. It is practical and straightforward. A great manual will help every leader coach others to excellence. Did you know that many top universities offer free on-line courses? Here is a short list below. This link will take you to free UCB online courses: The Space Agency is making available a free Web-based educational product to learners of all ages across the country.

NASA eClips consists of more than 55 short, minute video segments, which are available on-demand via the Internet. Check it out at: You could spend your whole life on this site…really. This is a video made by diverse musicians from around the world. Additionally, employee passion for the product fuels the emotional engagement of customers and facilitates sustainability. Starbucks' chief executive officer CEO Howard Schultz explains the transference of passion slightly differently: Aristotle once said, " We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence is not an act but a habit. Are they facilitating emotional connections, a sense of community, and product passion excellence? By effectively building authentic rituals into your business, you will also define unique aspects of your culture and reinforce the broader purpose of your businessparticularly when the rituals are supported by enriched experiential learning and a congruent business strategy.

All of our decisions are emotional. Leading the Starbucks Way: Can't Get Enough Leadership.

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New research suggests that a few extra pounds or a slightly larger waistline affects an executive's perceived leadership ability as well as stamina on the job. Leadership experts and executive recruiters say that staying trim is now virtually required for anyone on track for the corner office. BMI, a common measure of body fat, is based on height and weight. While weight remains a taboo conversation topic in the workplace, it's hard to overlook. A heavy executive is judged to be less capable because of assumptions about how weight affects health and stamina, says Barry Posner, a leadership professor at Santa Clara University's Leavey School of Business.

He says he can't name a single overweight Fortune CEO. A pair of university researchers, using data from executives measured between and , found that weight may indeed influence perceptions of leaders among subordinates, peers and superiors. The CEOs of today are also more visible than their forebears and must be camera-ready at a moment's notice, composed while courting investors and ready to respond in a company emergency.

In general, the executives in the Center for Creative Leadership study were healthier than the average American. They drank and smoked less and were more likely to exercise regularly. About half were considered overweight or obese, defined as having a BMI of more than The sample's leaner executives, defined as having a BMI under 25, were viewed more favorably by peers, averaging 3. Similarly, members of the leaner group rated higher on interpersonal skills. Cameron at the University of Michigan's Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship also cites studies showing that likeable people--those at the hub of what he calls "positive energy networks"--are four times more potent on the job than those who have influential jobs but are less popular.

Even before the recession, incomes of American middle-class families weren't keeping up with inflation, especially with the rising costs of what are considered the essential ingredients of middle-class life—college education , health care and housing. In , the income of the median family, the one smack in the middle of the middle, was lower, adjusted for inflation, than in , the Census Bureau says. Economist Edward Wolff of New York University estimates that the net worth—household assets minus debts—of the middle fifth of American households grew by 2.

Despite waitressing to supplement her year career as a support specialist at a cable company, the woman said that her finances are strained as utility bills, gas prices and the expenses of her two daughters keep growing. Her scrupulous budgeting of household expenses hasn't alleviated the pinch.

In , the most recent calculation available, the Gini coefficient totaled 0. The Wall Street Journal, September 12, As the Tunisian dictator Zine el Abidine Ben Ali discovered in January, there is no surer route to political oblivion than to deny people access to affordable food.

He died two weeks later. The riots that ensued—propelled in part by anger over high food prices—drove Ben Ali from power and spread to Egypt, Jordan, Yemen, and Algeria. The hunger that has roiled the Middle East was not caused by the whims of autocrats and cops. It began last year with crippling drought in Russia and later Argentina, and torrential rains in Australia and Canada.

The global agriculture crisis's supply and demand imbalance has caused commodities to spike and food to become less affordable. Hungary people riot because of lack of food and jobs which results in a political imbalance that changes governmental power centers. Unstable governmental balance, in regions of the world, lead to warfare by the perceived stronger states over their weaker neighbors.

The assassination on 28 June of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary , was the proximate trigger of the war. Within weeks the major powers were at war; via their colonies, the conflict soon spread around the world. The longest social cycle has been approximately 50 years the length of an adult's productive life. The last long-term social cycle ended at the turn of the century kicking off a long-term bear market cycle that we are experiencing today.

The stock market still moves in cycles , large and small, market forecaster Robert Prechter says, based mainly on "social mood," which, in turn, influences the economy. Part of his argument will be familiar to anyone who follows the financial news. Danger is lurking, he warns, and not just in stocks, but also in bonds and commodities and other asset classes. These prices have risen due to strong global demand, particularly in emerging markets, and pockets of reduced supply.

The globalization of the labor force continues to exert pressure on the U. This vulnerability was highlighted in mid when oil prices soared and consumer spending promptly tanked. That was before the worst of the recession. Household income has barely outpaced inflation since , and gains are largely due to women entering the work force. Median income for men was actually higher, in real terms, in than in Statistics tell the story. In , 66 million women were employed in the U. Today, young college-educated women in New York City and other major cities are earning more than their male counterparts.

It is estimated that million women who have not participated in the mainstream global economy will gain employment or start their own companies over the next decade. The credit boom, along with stock and housing bubbles, helped boost living standards for a time, but wasn't sustainable. A firmer economic footing requires steady job creation and rising wages, which remain elusive. The globalization of the labor force, meanwhile, continues to exert pressure on the U.

The Wall Street Journal, February 17, A woman was waiting at an airport one night, With several long hours before her flight. She hunted for a book in the airport shop, Bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop. She was engrossed in her book, but happened to see, That the man beside her, as bold as could be, Grabbed a cookie or two from the bag between, Which she tried to ignore, to avoid a scene.

She read, munched cookies, and watched the clock, As the gutsy 'cookie thief' diminished her stock. She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by, Thinking, 'If I wasn't so nice, I'd blacken his eye! When only one was left, she wondered what he'd do. With a smile on his face and a nervous laugh, He took the last cookie and broke it in half. He offered her half, as he ate the other. She snatched it from him and thought, 'Oh brother, This guy has some nerve, and he's also rude, Why, he didn't even show any gratitude!

The Center for Creative Leadership's (CCL®) Leadership Fundamentals program.

She gathered her belongings and headed for the gate, Refusing to look back at the 'thieving ingrate. As she reached in her baggage, she gasped with surprise: There was her bag of cookies in front of her eyes! The Real "Cookie" Story. I had gone to catch a train. This was April , in Cambridge, U. I was a bit early for the train.

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  6. I went to get myself a newspaper to do the crossword, and a cup of coffee and a packet of cookies. I went and sat at a table. I want you to picture the scene. What he did was this: Now this, I have to say, is the sort of thing the British are very bad at dealing with. You know what would happen if this had been South Central Los Angeles. There would have very quickly been gunfire, helicopters coming in, CNN, you know… But in the end, I did what any red-blooded Englishman would do: I took out a cookie for myself.

    I thought, That settled him. He took another cookie. Having not mentioned it the first time, it was somehow even harder to raise the subject the second time around. We went through the whole packet like this. When I say the whole packet, I mean there were only about eight cookies, but it felt like a lifetime. He took one, I took one, he took one, I took one. Finally, when we got to the end, he stood up and walked away. Well, we exchanged meaningful looks, then he walked away, and I breathed a sigh of relief and sat back. A moment or two later the train was coming in, so I tossed back the rest of my coffee, stood up, picked up the newspaper, and underneath the newspaper were my cookies.

    Leadership by Sharing Knowledge. Knowledge is power and sharing it can build even more capability for the person sharing and the organization.

    Coaching Tip: The Leadership Blog: Food and Drink

    Yet, this concept can be a hard sell to those who have been raised on the belief that giving away their knowledge is surrendering their power. Today, social networks are allowing us all to share our virtual cookies with people all over the world by practicing the law of reciprocity www. A series of studies conducted by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , known as the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys , began during the Eisenhower Administration and have been carried out periodically ever since.

    According to the first National Health study, which was done in the early nineteensixties, By the time of the second survey in the early s, the proportion of overweight adults had increased by three-quarters of a percent, and, by the third survey in the late s, it had edged up to During the s, the American gut, instead of expanding very gradually, had ballooned: In , published findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that in just ten years, Americans had collectively gained more than a billion pounds. During the next decade, Americans kept right on gaining.

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    Men are now on average 17 pounds heavier than they were in the late s, and for women that figure is even higher: Something big must have changed in America to cause so many people to gain so much weight so quickly. But what, exactly, is unclear--a mystery batter-dipped in enigma.

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    Keeping Your Career on Track: Twenty Success Strategies

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