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He was thin, of a good height, almost the same height as Jesus, whose habit of stooping a little in contemplation during walks made him appear shorter; and it seemed that he had enough strength, although for some reason he pretended to be sick and feeble and had an irregular voice: His short red hair did not conceal the strange and unusual forms of his skull: The other side had no wrinkles and was dead-smooth, flat, and frozen; and, although it matched the former in size, it appeared enormous because of the wide open blind eye.

Judas: this is what really happened

Covered with a whitish haze, closing neither during the night nor during the day, it greeted both light and darkness in the same way; but maybe because beside it lived a crafty comrade, one could not trust in its complete sightlessness. When in a fit of timidity or anxiety Judas would close his living eye and shake his head, the other would sway with the movements of the head, silently gazing. Even people wholly devoid of insight could clearly see, looking at Judas, that such a man could not bring any good, but Jesus brought him closer, and he even… he even sat Judas down by his side.

John, the beloved disciple, squeamishly moved aside, and the rest, loving their teacher, lowered their eyes disapprovingly.

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But Judas sat down, and, turning his head left and right, he began to complain of his ailments in a high-pitched voice; he complained that his chest hurt during the night, that ascending mountains left him breathless, and that whenever he stood at the edge of an abyss his head would begin to spin and he could hardly restrain himself from a stupid desire to hurl himself down.

He rubbed his chest with his large palm, and he even affected a cough, this Judas of Kerioth, before the unanimous silence and downcast eyes. I cannot bear it any longer and I am going to get away from here.

Judas Iscariot and the Others

He looked once more at Jesus and, swiftly, like a rock torn from a cliff, moved towards Judas Iscariot, telling him loudly with frank and clear good-naturedness:. He patted Judas gently on the back and, not looking at the teacher but sensing his gaze, added decisively with his loud voice, a voice which expelled all objections like water displaces air:.

One time I saw in Tyre an octopus caught by the local fishermen, and I was so frightened that I was ready to run. But they laughed at me, a fisherman from Tiberias, and they let me have a taste, and I asked for seconds because it was so delicious. Teacher, do you remember, I told you about this, and you also laughed. And you, Judas, you look like an octopus—although only half of you does. And he laughed loudly, pleased with his joke.

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When Peter said anything his words sounded as forceful as if he was driving them in with nails. When Peter moved or did anything, the noise he raised could be heard far away, and he managed to obtain replies from the most mute of things: And it is likely that this is what made them love Peter: But some, those who have also been to the sea and have seen an octopus, were unsettled by its monstrous image, so carelessly bestowed by Peter on the new disciple.

They recalled its enormous eyes, dozens of greedy tentacles, feigned calmness—and bam! But Jesus is silent, Jesus is smiling, and, with a frowning, friendly chuckle he looks at Peter, who carries on talking passionately about the octopus—and one by one the uneasy disciples walked up to Judas and softly conversed with him, although afterwards they made a hasty and awkward retreat.

And only John Zebedee remained unyieldingly silent, and Thomas, it seemed, did not venture to say anything as he was thinking through what had just happened. Thomas gazed attentively at Christ and Judas, sitting side by side, and this strange proximity of divine beauty and monstrous hideousness, a man with gentle eyes and an octopus with enormous, motionless, dim, greedy eyes, oppressed his mind like an unsolvable puzzle.

Judas Iscariot And Others by Leonid Andreyev (1 star ratings)

He anxiously wrinkled his straight, smooth forehead, squinted his eyes, thinking that this would let him see better, but the only result of this was that Judas really did acquire eight restlessly shifting legs. Thomas knew this and kept staring intently. And Judas slowly grew in confidence: And now it was just as if he had climbed out of a hole, he felt his strange skull in the light, and then his eyes—he stopped—then decisively revealed the whole of his face. Peter had gone somewhere; Jesus was sitting thoughtfully, his head resting on his hand, gently swaying his tanned leg; the disciples talked amongst themselves, and only Thomas kept studying him, attentively and seriously, like a conscientious tailor taking measurements.

Judas smiled—Thomas did not return the smile, but, it seems, included it in his calculations, like everything else, and continued studying him. Eugenia rated it did not like it Mar 23, Victor rated it did not like it Mar 03, Russell rated it did not like it Mar 26, Marina rated it did not like it Nov 15, Judas Iscariot And Others - chapters 4 - 6 6 25 Jul 31, Judas Iscariot And Others - chapters 31 39 Jul 31, Judas Iscariot And Others - chapters 7 - 9 6 21 Jul 30, Leonid Nikolayevich Andreyev Russian: He was active between the revolution of and the Communist revolution which finally overthrew the Tsarist government.

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His first story published was About a Poor Student, a narrative based upon his own experiences. It was not, however, until Gorky discovered him by stories appearing in the Moscow Courier and elsewhere that Andreyevs literary career really began.

His first collection of stories appeared in , and sold a quarter-million copies in short time. He was hailed as a new star in Russia, where his name soon became a byword.

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He published his short story, In the Fog in Although he started out in the Russian vein he soon startled his readers by his eccentricities, which grew even faster than his fame. Books by Leonid Andreyev. No trivia or quizzes yet. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.