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Review of Medical and Veterinary Entomology is a fully searchable abstracts database of internationally published research on medical and veterinary entomology, covering not only insects but also other arthropods that are of medical and veterinary importance in the broadest sense. Selected from the applied life sciences database CAB Abstracts , it includes the latest research on the subject, including taxonomy, molecular genetics, biochemistry, physiology, behaviour, ecology, faunistics, pesticides, entomopathogens and natural enemies, other control methods and sociocultural aspects of mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, lice, cockroaches, scorpions and other relevant arthropods of medical and veterinary importance including wild animals as well as domestic ones ; and also all aspects of bacterial and viral diseases transmitted by arthropod vectors.

Medical and Veterinary Entomology | ScienceDirect

Invasive arthropods are covered if harmful to man, animals or domestic environments. Review of Medical and Veterinary Entomology is updated weekly online, delivering all the latest searchable summaries covering key English and non-English language journal articles, reports, conferences and books about medical and veterinary entomology.

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Created and indexed by subject specialists, it provides access to these abstracts using comprehensive indexing and classification codes. It includes a fully searchable backfile to of over , abstracts with over 12, new records added each year. Review of Medical and Veterinary Entomology is also available in print as a monthly journal with author, subject and serials cited indexes.

All aspects, including the biology and control, of arthropods which are allergenic to humans and other animals, such as:. All aspects, including biology and control, of haematophagous or blood-feeding arthropods, such as. All aspects, including the behaviour and ecology, of arthropods associated with animal carrion, carcasses and faeces. All aspects, including biology and control, of arthropod vectors of diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites.

Medical And Veterinary Entomology

All aspects, including biology and control, of arthropods parasitic on man and wild and domestic vertebrates, and the diseases that they cause. All aspects of the management and control of arthropods of medical and veterinary importance.

The Encyclopedia of Medical and Veterinary Entomology

All aspects of vector-borne bacterial, rickettsial and spirochaetal diseases and disease agents, including:. Selected aspects epidemiology, vector-parasite relationships, vector control of vector-borne diseases caused by protozoa, including:. All aspects, including the biology and control, of insects and other arthropods which sting or are venomous or poisonous to vertebrates, such as:. Updates to the below Serials Cited list are produced monthly. Medical and Veterinary Entomology. First Page Preview View Large.

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