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Zechariah NAC Micah - Malachi WBC Zechariah EBC Zechariah REC Haggai and Zechariah OTL Zechariah NIB God's Restored People FB Minor Prophets Handbook on the Prophets: The Book of The Twelve Prophets: Wayne Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: Zechariah 0 Ironside, H. Micah-Malachi JMB 0 eds. An Exegetical and Expository Commentary: Powis; Bewer, Julius A.

Be Heroic Minor Prophets: Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi: Stuart, Douglas Micah - Malachi rev. Ephrem the Syrian Syriac Commentaries on the Prophets? Pak, Sujin Minor Prophets? The Message of Zechariah. Twelve Prophets, Volume 2. The Book of Zechariah. Minor Prophets Part 2. Haggai and Zechariah A Commentary on the Book of the Twelve: The Minor Prophets, Volume 3: Commentaries on the Twelve Prophets: Prophecy in an Age of Uncertainty.

The first returning group of exiles was 50, strong, but had been hindered and finally stopped building. GOD spoke through Zechariah and Haggai to stir up their hearts and renew their labors. While Haggai's burden seemed to be the religious life of the people, Zechariah's was to concentrate on the national and political. His ministry extended over two years and he was used to bring to completion the restoration of the temple.

His main ministry looked far into the future envisioning both the first coming of the Messiah and His return in power and great glory. The expression "Thus saith the Lord" is found 89 times; the term "The Lord of hosts" 36 times. Zechariah contains more specific promises relative to the crucifixion than any other Old Testament book except Psalms Zec 9: In spite of meager circumstances and coming opposition for the chosen people, GOD is still to.

GOD's watchful interest in other nations is clearly demonstrated both in relation to their sin and idolatry, and with reference to their treatment of Israel. A delightful picture of the future is presented in the coming happiness of Zion with streets full of children 8: Life is not concerned with time alone. There is an overruling power which works in time to prepare for eternity. The Jewish nation is but an example of the great passion of the heart of GOD for the sons of men.

Zechariah 10 — Judah and Israel are to be scattered again, but they will be finally regathered. Prophetic aspects connected with second coming of Christ, Zechariah Zechariah 12 — The final siege of Jerusalem and the lifting of the siege. Christ in All the Scriptures - Table of Contents.

Zechariah - We have already seen the connection of this prophet with Haggai. He was probably a priest as well as a prophet. His first prophecy [Zech 1: He has a special word of encouragement to the ruler Zerubbabel, who must have been conscious of his own weakness, and that it was indeed a ''day of small things.

He promised that the mountains of difficulty should be removed, and that he who had laid the foundation should have the joy of bringing forth the headstone with rejoicing, crying, ''Grace, grace,'' unto it. Third, of the Measuring Line. This shows the future prosperity of Jerusalem. The presence of Jehovah as a wall of fire round about His people will make walls unnecessary, the extent of the city will make them impossible. Fourth, of Joshua, a picture of Israel cleansed and restored to the priestly position of access to God. Then follows the symbolic act of crowning the High Priest Zechariah 6: By this act the two great offices of priest and king are united in his person, type of the person and work of the Man whose name is the Branch Zechariah 6: In contrast to the false shepherds we see Him as the Good Shepherd, saving His flock, caring for the poor of the flock Zechariah 9: We see Him as the Smitten Shepherd, with the sheep scattered Zechariah He speaks of the wounds with which He was wounded in the house of His friends Zechariah The last chapter foretells the Great Day of the Lord, which is always associated with the coming of Christ to judgment.

He who ascended from the slopes of Olivet shall so come in like manner as those who watched Him saw Him go. It shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord And the Lord shall be King over all the earth: The Old Testament Presents Charles Feinberg - A Hebrew Christian commentator of ability, he brings tot he study a knowledge of rabbinic sources and a fine perception of the place of Israel in the prophetic plan of God.

Below is another source because the above source has numerous typos Be cautious Acts Excerpts are included from each sermon to give you a sense of how Pastor Cole preaches the text in hope that you will be stimulated to read or listen to the entire message to supplement your personal reading and study of this great prophetic book. Too many avoid this great book because it is filled with symbolism and eschatology. Even the great Martin Luther who penned two commentaries on Zechariah published his first one in and stopped at the end of Zechariah 13 without explanation!

Luther's second commentary on Zechariah was written one year after his first but still had minimal explanation of Zechariah In fact in the second commentary Luther wrote these words regarding Zechariah 14 "Here, in this chapter, I give up. For I am not sure what the prophet is talking about. In fact someone has written that there are at least seven different interpretations of Zechariah 14!

Of course, there is only one correct interpretation See related note below. Clark Clifford, who was White House counsel during the Truman Administration, was at a White House banquet one night when one of the guests turned to the woman next to him.

  1. Zechariah 1?
  2. The Times of Laura Grey?
  3. Zechariah 11 Bible Commentary - Matthew Henry (concise).
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Knowing something and applying it are two different matters. It is possible to be an expert on manners and yet eat the wrong salad! It is possible to be an expert on the Bible and yet not apply that knowledge in your daily life. It will be great for someone who does not know Christ, but I do know Christ.

They were, for the most part, believers who would have voiced their allegiance to God. They were a remnant of 50, Jews who had made the difficult commitment to return to Jerusalem from the Babylonian captivity in B. But opposition had mounted, and for 16 years the work had been set aside. Meanwhile, the people got caught up in the busyness of life. It was probably not an intentional decision. They meant no harm to God. That date is significant! Two months into any volunteer project of this magnitude, people need a word from the Lord!

They need hope and encouragement. They need the motivation that comes from knowing that this project is worthwhile. That is especially so when the people are a bunch of refugees returning to a devastated country, still surrounded by hostile neighbors. A Jewish fable tells of a rabbi who went on a journey with the prophet Elijah. At nightfall, they came to the cottage of a poor man and his wife, whose only earthly treasure was a cow.

Zechariah 2

The man and his wife welcomed the strangers, fed them their best food, and put them to bed in their own bed, while the hosts lay down before the kitchen fire. The next evening the rabbi and Elijah came to the house of a wealthy merchant. He treated them coldly, fed them bread and water, and put them to bed in a cow shed.

The rabbi could not keep his silence. He asked the prophet to explain the treatment of the two hosts. In regards to the rich miser, I repaired his wall because a chest of gold was concealed near the place, and if the miser had repaired it himself, he would have discovered the treasure. How you apply this message personally depends on where you are at. Rest in the promise that you are the apple of His eye and that He will judge those who harm you. When John Wesley was six years old, he awoke one night to the horror of being in a burning house.

Everyone else had gotten to safety, but somehow he had been forgotten. At the very last moment, just before the roof collapsed, a neighbor climbed through the window and pulled the terrified child to safety. He always saw himself as a brand plucked from the burning. After his conversion, which came after years of trying to earn salvation by his good works, he realized even more how much God had rescued him from the eternal flames of hell.

If God has not rescued you from your sins, you must let go of your good works and allow God to cleanse you by His sovereign grace through Christ alone. If He has rescued you, it is so that you can now serve Him as you walk in His ways. The solution to burnout is not to quit working for the Lord. Have you checked your spiritual dipstick lately? President Calvin Coolidge was not known for his talkativeness.

A story, perhaps apocryphal, says that one Sunday he attended a worship service without his wife. When he returned home, she asked him what the minister had talked about. Israel was rebuilding the temple, and Zechariah wanted to encourage them in that work. But God also wanted to warn them that His people must be holy, even as He is holy. God would deal with all sinners in Israel and He would ultimately purge the nation of all wickedness. So they fall into pornography, sexual immorality, or greed. Sometimes those who give large donations to a local church think that their gifts buy them influence or, even worse, a license to sin.

But our text underscores the message of all Scripture, that we are to be holy as the Lord Himself is holy. God will judge all sin, including the sins of those who call themselves His people. Satan often deceives us into thinking that sin will get us what we really want in life, and that holiness is boring or that it robs us of fun.

But the Bible is consistently clear that unchecked sin is like leprosy, spreading gradually but inevitably to disfigure and finally kill its victims. It defiles all that come into contact with it. On the other hand, holiness brings true and lasting joy, and the family of a man who fears God will be blessed Ps. We look around and see people who flaunt their sin and yet seem to be prospering. We also see godly people who seem to suffer terribly. I will remember them and bless them at My appointed time. But as I said, if we see sin as the Bible sees it, and holiness as the Bible portrays it, then the idea of God purging all sin from our lives and from the face of the earth sounds wonderful.

I had to throw away a magazine article recently. It told how I could avoid heart disease and arteriosclerosis. The article went in the trash!

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I have both bad news and good news. The bad news is that like arteriosclerosis, spiritual sclerosis creeps up on you gradually as a result of certain bad spiritual habits that are as easy to fall into as eating too much fatty food. Work on the rebuilding of the temple is progressing nicely. In two more years it would be completed. At this time, a delegation from the town of Bethel arrives to seek the favor of the Lord and to ask a practical question of the priests and prophets in Jerusalem. The question involved the keeping of certain Jewish fasts.

All were related to the fall of Jerusalem in B. For the past 68 years, the Jews had observed these dates as fasts. But now, with the temple going up and Jerusalem being rebuilt, this delegation wondered whether they should continue to observe these fasts. But I would guess that few, if any, of us would ever think to describe His kingdom as our text does: This word was intended originally to encourage the remnant that was struggling to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem after the exile. It fit into the overall theme of Zechariah, that God remembers His chosen people, and that He will bless them in His time.

When the Lord dwells in our midst, we will treat the elderly and children properly. Sadly, those words do not describe a large segment of American society. I suspect that it has not gotten better since then. Most such abuse occurs within the confines of the home. Our streets, especially in large cities, are not safe, especially for women, children, or the elderly. By way of contrast, the picture of our text is a city where the elderly are at rest and the children at play, unafraid of attack or harm.

Since these two groups represent the most vulnerable in any society, if they are securely at rest, everyone else will also enjoy peace. How a society treats its elderly and its young children may be a good measure of how close that society is to the Lord. When He dwells in our midst, He describes the result as this scene of peaceful joy for the aged and the young.

Sin damages and can destroy family relationships. Truth and holiness Zech 8: Things had gotten so bad inside the city that women were eating their own children to survive. But Elisha the prophet had predicted something that seemed utterly impossible, that the next day food would be plentiful and affordable in Samaria. Meanwhile, the four lepers evaluated their dismal situation.

If they stayed at the gate of Samaria, they would starve. If they went over to the enemy camp, they may be killed, which would be no worse than starving. But there was the outside chance that the enemy would take pity on them and give them some scraps of food. So they took their chances and went over to the enemy camp. When they got there, they were shocked to find the camp deserted. The Lord had caused the enemy to hear the sound of a great army of chariots and horses so that they fled in a panic, leaving all of their supplies behind.

The four beggars ate all that they could eat. They hauled away and hid several loads of silver and gold and clothes. But then their consciences began to gnaw at them. So they went and told the starving city where they could find abundant supplies to satisfy their needs.

God pours out His grace on us so that we will slop it over on others who are starving and dying without hope. Because God has promised to bless us abundantly, we should be a blessing to others. Editorial Question - How are you doing as the divinely appointed "Blesser" representing the most High God? He has blessed us with His salvation and He promises to bless us even more abundantly in the future. He saved us so that we may become a blessing to others. He blessed you so that you may become a blessing. There is a true sense to that bit of folk wisdom, in that the Bible exhorts us to be disciplined and hardworking in all that we do.

Because of the fall, our human tendency is to trust primarily in ourselves and only secondarily, if at all, in the Lord. Thus we are quick to take the credit for any successes that come our way. We may give a passing tip of the hat to God for His part, but the primary glory goes to us for all our hard work or genius.

God brings down the proud, but He helps those who are helpless, who depend on His deliverance. You thought that it was in a square brown box, but it really was in an oblong yellow box. So you stared right at it, and perhaps even moved it out of the way, but you missed it because your mental picture of it was wrong. They thought that Messiah would be a mighty political deliverer, who would lead Israel to military victory over Rome.

They were not looking for a lowly Savior, riding on the foal of a donkey.

Zechariah 11 Bible Commentary

They could not conceive of a suffering Savior, who offered Himself as the sacrifice for sinners. And so, tragically, they missed the coming of their King! Many people still miss Jesus because of wrong expectations. They want a Savior who will instantly solve their deepest problems, but those problems have not gone away. Or, they expect a church where everyone always loves one another. But a church member treated them wrongly, so they dropped out in bitter disappointment.

In order joyously to welcome Jesus as our King, we need to understand properly who He is. Our text is one of the great Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. The news that a king is coming is not necessarily a cause for great joy. The news of his coming would have struck terror into the hearts of those in his path.

He often slaughtered all the men in a city and sold the women and children into slavery. He was not concerned about the well-being of his subjects, but only about his own power and dominion. It is also difficult to accept the news of a coming king because there is a sense in which all of us want to rule our own lives. But if a king started trying to control every aspect of our lives—how we do business, how we relate to others, including our families, and even how we speak and think—we resist the very thought!

But that is precisely the kind of King that Jesus is! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you. If we understand who this King is and what His coming will mean for all the earth, we will rejoice greatly at the news of His coming. At the historic battle of Waterloo, the Duke of Wellington led the British forces against the mighty Napoleon.

On top of Winchester Cathedral, the signalman began to spell out the eagerly awaited message. This time it spelled out the complete message: If you have known the Lord for any time at all, then you have experienced something like that in your praying. You have prayed earnestly for something important. But it seemed as if God was not answering, or even worse, that His answer spelled defeat.

I feel that way about several of my long-term prayer requests. From our limited vantage point, it may not seem so. It may not be in our time or in our way. This should encourage us to pray. Jesus told the story Luke But those he invited made up excuses for why they could not attend. There is nothing wrong with purchasing land or oxen, or with getting married. Even so, those who know the gospel invitation need to be warned about the tragedy of rejecting the invitation. Those who are familiar with the things of God can reject Christ because they value other legitimate things more than they value the Good Shepherd.

Lucy and Linus were talking. Charlie Brown has really been a dedicated baseball manager. We should give him a testimonial dinner. How about a testimonial snack? Just outside of Madrid is a famous old monastery, the Escorial.

The kings of Spain have been buried there for centuries. The architect who built the church made an arch so low that it frightened the king. Fearing that it would collapse, he ordered the architect to add a column to uphold the middle of the arch. The architect protested that it was not necessary, but the king insisted and so the column was built.

Years later, the king died and the architect then revealed that the column was a quarter of an inch short of touching the arch, and that the arch had not sagged in the slightest. That arch illustrates our salvation, which comes totally from the Lord. It stands because of God, not because of anything that fallen sinners can add to it.

But, like the Spanish king, people want to add something to help God out. The idea that salvation is totally from God is an affront to our pride. So even many that profess to believe in Christ as Savior are prone to think that their salvation rests at least partially on something that they must do, rather than completely on what God has done. This burden focuses on Israel, and specifically on Jerusalem 22 times in these chapters. This will plunge the nation into a time of severe testing, described by Jeremiah Jer At the last minute, just before Israel is annihilated, God will supernaturally rout the enemy and deliver His people.

The great military victory that God will achieve for His helpless people illustrates the great spiritual salvation that He also brings. Both sections emphasize the truth that God is mighty to save His people according to His purpose It was not so that they could draw up prophecy charts and read books about how soon these things would take place.

Zechariah Commentary - Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete)

He gave these prophecies to comfort His people as they went through trials and faced threatening enemies with the solid truth that He is a mighty Savior, and that no one can touch His elect apart from His purpose. If you have not yet repented of your sins and trusted in Christ as your Savior, God may have kept you alive until now so that today you would look on Him whom you pierced and mourn. Your sweaty body has attracted the dirt like a magnet. You need to attend a wedding that afternoon, so you go inside, put on your best clean clothes, and head out the door. Nobody would just change clothes without first washing off the dirt and sweat.

The entire human race reeks of sin in the presence of the holy God.

But what about Zechariah 14?!!

But because we all smell the same, we tend not to notice how foul we really smell. Many go their entire lives without sensing their need for cleansing from sin. Others may think that their good works cover the foul odor of their sin, and so they put on their clean clothes without showering. But the Bible has great news:. God has graciously provided a fountain for sinners to be cleansed so that they may become His holy people. We saw there how God promised to save His people according to His purpose. But since the Gentiles have now been made partakers of the New Covenant through the gospel Rom.

For us, as well as for the Jews, God has opened a fountain for sin and for impurity. The older you get, the less you look forward to birthdays. That applies to the old gray stud, too! But kids love birthdays! When our kids were young, for weeks in advance of their birthdays they would excitedly look forward to that day. There is a day mentioned repeatedly in the Bible that we should be anticipating with eagerness.

The day of the Lord is not a hour day, but that future period of time when the Lord will bring judgment to the wicked and salvation to His faithful. The New Testament makes clear that the hallmark of this day will be the second coming of Jesus Christ to earth. He will destroy the nations that are on the verge of destroying Israel, and establish His millennial reign over all the earth from Jerusalem.

But before He comes, Jesus prophesied that there will be a time of tribulation such has never occurred before, nor ever will occur after. I used to believe that the church will be raptured before the tribulation, but I now am not so sure about that. But whether we are raptured beforehand or go through the tribulation, we certainly must be prepared for persecution. Then Jesus will rule the nations with a rod of iron Rev. It refers to the great final battle, elsewhere called the Battle of Armageddon Rev. When Israel is surrounded by the armies of the nations and on the verge of annihilation, the Lord Jesus will return in power and glory.

When Christ returns as King, He will defeat His enemies and establish His righteous kingdom over all the earth. James Rosscup's comment on Feinberg's book God Remembers A Study of Zechariah studies below are from Bibliotheca Sacra is worth noting as it might encourage you to purchase the annual fee which gives full access to these papers. Rosscup says that Feinberg's book "is a reprint of one of the best premillennial expositions by the late evangelical Old Testament scholar. He, Barker and Unger have the best longer premillennial commentaries of a verse by verse nature on the book. An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works.

Suggestion - Consider paying the monthly fee to access all the articles below and compile them into a Word Document which totals pages. This resource is not the same as Gaebelein's commentary below. Charles Feinberg - A study of the prophecy from the dispensational, premillennial position by one of the foremost teachers of prophecy in this generation. Links below are from Archive. James Rosscup writes "This work supplies much help on matters of the text, word meaning, resolving some problems, etc.

Some have found it one of the most contributive sources in getting at what a text means. Charles Feinberg - One of the finest commentaries on the Minor Prophets, making splendid use of the cognate Semitic languages. Not Recommended for study of those passages in Zechariah which clearly have a future fulfillment. Comment on this Commentary: For example, his interpretation of "I will gather the nations" Zech There is absolutely no mention of the Romans in the original text nor is their a suggestion of such in the context.

Henry sees this prophecy as historically fulfilled in the Roman destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. He goes on to comment on Zec And thus Henry is forced to resort to a speculative allegorical approach See Garland's Rise of Allegorical Interpretation and arrives at an absurd, nonsensical comment writing that "The valley of the mountains in Zech So why is Henry even listed? But " Caveat emptor! Contrast the wise insights of another older writer Charles Simeon who wrote around