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The 50 greatest Yogi Berra quotes

Winners pay attention to others and think before they speak. Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.

The 48 greatest quotes about winning | For The Win

Winners love what they do and are passionate about life. They use this inner obsession to fuel them and push them forward; especially when the going gets tough. Winners are very independent and they understand that the path to victory is sometimes a lonely one.

While they are great at communication and networking they are the best lone wolfs. They have a permanent fire inside of them that always burns for success. Winners constantly explore challenges and opportunities to expand their comfort zone. Winners are able to withstand all kinds of hurdles and hardships. They have good self-discipline and are able to control their mind and body. Their body is their temple. Winners know what they are worth and they feel good about themselves.

Winners do whatever it morally takes to achieve their goals. They push and push and keep pushing until they reach their goal. Winners know that to reach success they will have to at one time or another face failure. So rather than being afraid of failure, they embrace it and learn form. Winners use failure to motivate themselves even further. Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat.

It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing. They understand the value of time and try to make every second time. They know that multi-tasking is a myth and they try to be as productive as possible.

They know they are always better ways of doing things. And they try to find what they are.

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Winners are both physical and mentally alert. They are always on the lookout for changes in their surroundings. Winners believe in themselves, their abilities and their talents. They are conformable in their own skin and embrace their strengths and weaknesses. They know that life is limited and that ever moment matters. They are not wasteful. Winners make a conscious effort to right their wrongs and learn from their experiences. Skip to main content.

Read e-book online Champion by Choice: From Loser to Winner: A True Story PDF

Winners Are Driven Winners are very ambitious and driven about what they want to achieve. Winners Are Eager To Learn Winners are always learning and are always looking for new ways to challenge themselves. Winners Are Positive Thinkers Winners always take an optimistic perspective towards life and are always trying to leverage the field in their favor. Watch your thoughts, they become words; Watch your words, they become actions; Watch your actions, they become habits; Watch your habits, they become character; Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.

Winners Focus On Solutions Rather than focusing on the problem, winners focus on how to solve the problem. Winners Work Hard Winners put in their best effort and never run away from work. Winners Take Action Winners never refrain from action and are always the first to start. Lost senatorial race at age Lastly, he was elected president of united states of america at age The person was Abraham Lincoln.

Fear- Fear results in insecurity, lack of confidence and procrastination.

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It primarily comes from lack of understanding. To live in fear is to live in a emotional prison. Lack of motivation- motivation is a spark that ignites action. There are two types of motivation. Internal and external motivation. External motivation comes from outside such as money, fame, societal approval or fear. Internal motivation comes from within such as pride, a sense of achievement, responsibility, and belief. Low self esteem- self esteem is how we feel about ourselves.

Develop high self esteem. Let us compare people with high self esteem and low self esteem. Ego- it is an unhealthy pride that results in arrogance. Healthy pride is a feeling of pleasure of accomplishment with humility. This way you will attain your goals. At this stage I was not aware that I can't ride a bike. The worst part I had no skill to ride a bike. After so many trials I came to know I can't ride a bike. I was conscious of my inability. Still I had no skills to ride a bike. As I practiced more and more. I was able to ride the bike comfortably. I was conscious about the process. I had developed the skills to ride a bike.

At this stage I don't have to understand the mechanics of bike riding. I could ride the bike like a pro. I was unconsciously competent. Still people don't achieve excellence the big reason is lack of vision or limited vision. Remember, everything we see today such as mobile phones,laptops or internet they all were dreams before they become a reality. If not for edison most people would have quit that's the thing that diatinguishes great people from the odinary.

You got a dream. You gotta protect it. People can't do something themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want something, go get it. Failures are considered the stepping stones to success if you have learnt a lesson from your failures you have not failed. This says he's a winner however trespassers These people stands on flat land and always talks about failures and winnings of others who tries to acheive something in his life may consider him a loser. By never considering those words, and just being confident and continuing the efforts will someday gain the success and place you on top position remember, failures teach you more than your successes.

Success and positivity is contagious. Associate yourself with positive people. Leave all the negative shit because one day if your successful even it will start following you. Last but not least encourage people like me by up voting because life is a circle and we will meet each other some where at the success Road. The question should be, do you consider yourself as a loser or winner? You must have studied in class 8th in the chapter reproduction that in an intercourse trillions of sperms are released into the vagina and only one gets fused and hence converts in embryo.

Now coming on that part of winning in real lifetime society for me anyone who is determined enough will get through no matter how many obstacles come in between In this era there are ample of examples that work as an inspiration and numerous books to which act as energy source of doing something: This page may be out of date. Save your draft before refreshing this page.

Submit any pending changes before refreshing this page. Ask New Question Sign In. Success Winners prepare themselves for success.

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Successful people don't give up easily. Forbes said " History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heart breaking obstacles before they triumphed. As winners tread on the path to success they face many obstacles. Obstacles to success are: Think of fear as False Evidence Appearing Real 2. Let us compare people with high self esteem and low self esteem High self esteem 1. Talk about ideas 2.

Givers Low self esteem 1. Talk about people 2. Greedy, argue, and takers 4. Healthy pride is a feeling of pleasure of accomplishment with humility Trait 3 Goal setting Goals are dreams with a deadline and an action plan. Make definite goals 2. Have a plan to accomplish them. Stage 2- Conscious incompetence After so many trials I came to know I can't ride a bike. I was incompetent Stage 3- conscious competence As I practiced more and more. Stage 4- unconscious competence At this stage I don't have to understand the mechanics of bike riding. At last I would quote Mr.

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