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Home Tree Fruit Production and Pest Management

Often, a lack of these products is attributed to other factors for example, water, cold, etc. It is essential that pollinators be protected from insecticides early in the season. In addition, the use of certain insecticides during the bloom period can adversely effect pollination and subsequent fruit set. Pesticides When chemical pesticides must be used, there are two alternatives: Home fruit spray mixtures are convenient, but seldom control all insects and diseases on all tree fruit crops.

In addition, they may include chemicals that are unnecessary but included in the prepared mixture. Although the drawbacks to using general-purpose treatments may limit control in some instances or may be wasted in other cases, this approach is generally satisfactory for homeowner situations. Assuming that home-growers using this guide have one to five trees and the neighborhood is not overpopulated with fruit trees, use of general-purpose premixed treatments should keep the majority of pest problems in check.

Homeowners should be highly encouraged to read any pesticide label thoroughly and accurately diagnose their specific problems to ensure that these premixes will be effective for their particular pest problems. Note that controls for specific plant pathogens often serve as protectants that coat the plant or plant parts fruits or leaves and guard against disease. Fortunately, not all fruit growers in Oklahoma encounter every disease. Since disease problems often develop because of environmental causes, growers should attempt to identify those conditions that encourage disease problems and develop an understanding of the risks for the local area before embarking on an aggressive spray schedule.

Growers who want to produce blemish-free fruit, regardless of cost, should consider their goals in relation to the cost of purchasing supermarket or fresh-market produce. If they still insist on producing blemish-free fruit, they should obtain information from fact sheets that address commercial fruit production and pest management. Spray Equipment To adequately control pests, thoroughly cover the tree or plant parts with pesticides according to the label.

Use a sprayer that is powerful enough to reach all parts of the plants that need treatment. Compressed air sprayers range in size from one to ten gallons. Because of cost and handling ease, most homeowners prefer the two- to three-gallon sizes. Hose-end sprayers are less expensive but require a high volume of water, moderate pressure, and a convenient water outlet. Applying wettable powders with a hose-end sprayer is difficult and proper calibration of the expensive models is extremely difficult.

Dusters are convenient, make a visible application, and require little or no mixing; however, they are inefficient and increase risks associated with inhalation of pesticides. Materials must also be kept dry. Trombone sprayers are quite portable, but the spray pattern is intermittent because it relies on the applicator to keep pumping. Air pressure sprayers provide a variable pattern depending on the nozzle tip and pressure level during operation. Home-growers commonly use this type of sprayer, but should be encouraged to take more time and effort in cleaning, caring for, and maintaining them.

Home Tree Fruit Production and Pest Management

Thorough cleaning is required after each use. One to two tablespoons of household ammonia per gallon of water will neutralize corrosive effects and prolong sprayer life. In addition, oiling the plunger rod and allowing the tank to dry completely will reduce abrasive effects and prevent rust formation. While residual insecticides or fungicides will not present a serious threat in most fruit tree situations, herbicide residues could be very detrimental.

Do not use the same sprayer for herbicides and insecticides. Accessory Equipment Home fruit growers need some additional pieces of equipment to make things run smoothly. These include 1 a one-quart graduated measuring container, preferably a clear one, and, 2 a set of measuring spoons. Do not store pesticides where they will be exposed to drastic changes in temperatures, flames like a gas water heater or heating unit , or ventilation ducts. This is not a wise approach and can pose unwarranted hazards, not only to the applicator, but also to the plants being treated and even to the environment.

Recommended rates of pesticides are based on amounts needed for control. Applications in excess of recommended rates contribute unnecessarily to environmental contamination without increasing the level of control. When you purchase a pesticide for use around your home, buy small quantities, always keeping in mind your most significant pest problems. Large quantities of pesticides will present problems associated with storage, odor, cost, and ultimately disposal.

When an excessive amount of pesticide is purchased or mixed up and not used, store it temporarily until the remainder can be used according to label directions. Do not attempt to pour left over pesticides down any drainage system. This can contaminate the water supply. Use of excess amounts in a well-landscaped homeowner environment may result in run-off into non-target points or unnecessary exposure of humans and pets to high levels of pesticides.

All factors increase the liability of homeowners who simply intended to grow fruit for the family. For fruit trees with heavy infestations, pesticide applications may be repeated every days to protect new growth. Follow all label directions when using any pesticide and observe harvest intervals waiting periods from the last spray. Seven Tips for Good Control 1. Mix fresh spray for each application. Add spray materials to a little water in a clean container. Smooth out all the lumps before you pour the materials into the sprayer. Straining the spray mixture through a screen when filling the sprayer helps to prevent a clogged nozzle.

Stir the spray mixture or shake the sprayer often to prevent chemicals from settling out. Dormant sprays are important because some pests attack before visible growth begins. A dormant oil spray is applied to control over-wintering pests. Certain fungicides are applied during the dormant period to control some diseases such as peach leaf curl. Spray soon after rain to help prevent diseases from seriously infecting foliage and fruit.

Heavy rain may wash protective chemicals from the plant.

Tree Fruit Growing - Volume II. - Pears, Quinces and Stone Fruits - Raymond Bush - Google Книги

Wash out sprayer immediately each time spraying is completed. A hour delay may result in a clogged nozzle and a corroded tank. Do not use sprayers that have been used to apply weed control chemicals. Label and use a separate sprayer for weed control purposes only. Spray carefully and thoroughly to cover all parts of wood, leaves, and fruits. Spray until a noticeable amount is dripping from the tree. Approximate amounts for various size fruit trees with full foliage are shown in Table 1.

Alternative Means to Suppress or Control Insects and Diseases The first means of combating pest problems in fruit trees should be selecting well-adapted, resistant varieties.

While few fruit varieties have been selected to resist insects, stone and pome fruits have been selected to resist diseases such as bacterial spot, black knot, cedar apple rust, fireblight, and scab. When selecting a variety for planting be aware of the most common disease problems for your area. For instance, early-maturing peach varieties are more likely to have brown rot than late-maturing varieties, but late varieties are often damaged by peach scab.

In addition to using resistant cultivars, several cultural practices may be used to combat pest problems. Disease problems are often associated with moisture usually excessive. Planting fruit trees on well-drained soils will help to reduce the risks from fireblight.

Proper spacing and pruning can also improve air movement within a group of trees. Sanitation pick up and disposal of infected or infested branches, leaves, or fruit can help reduce carryover of disease and insect problems. Foresight when planting can nearly eliminate a problem before it begins. Avoid planting stone fruits and pome fruits together.

The presence of stone fruits can often encourage plum curculio problems in pome fruits, which otherwise is not a significant pest. Remove any cedars grown near apples, since they serve as alternate hosts for cedar apple rust. Do not overwater trees or apply nitrogen late in the season, because such practices can encourage lush growth creating disease problems.

Apply dormant oils or superior summer oils before the pink stage of tree development, particularly where mites, scales, or aphids have been a chronic problem. With good coverage, it is possible to kill as much as 80 percent of the eggs of European red mites; therefore, the oil should be diluted as much as possible. A two percent rate is needed at the half-green stage, but at tight cluster a one percent rate is adequate. Protecting young trees from insect injury is critical. Because trees are not expected to bear fruit for a few years, people often plant them and then ignore them.

In addition, the grower will prematurely unwind the tree wrap attached to the seedling. This material should be left on during the winter dormant period and then removed when spring growth begins. Self-sufficiency Grow Your Own. Pruning for Flowers and Fruit. Gardening in Windy Locations. Gardeners' World Practical Gardening Handbook.

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Table 1. Approximate amount of spray to adequately cover fruit trees.

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