I had to get a federal license to handle, work with or even transport refrigerants. I found that, amazingly no insurance either from home or wo I went back to college when I was 30 and got a technology degree. I found that, amazingly no insurance either from home or work covered that Within a very few years the changes were even greater That's where the title of this book comes from.
You know, I know I'm just a technician They're heavier than air. The ozone layer is The refrigerants puddle and breakdown down here Oh well, I guess I'm just to suspicious or something, whatever. This book is not about that, it's past but it's a beginning.
- by Dick Morris & Eileen McGann.
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Please, please if you're even pretending to have an open mind read this book. The reason it gets the title is that many things that would have caused people to say, "oh, you're a black helicopter type" are now coming about. They are all but a done deal. The treaties will supersede our Constitution. The World Court will be able to overturn the U. Supreme Court, double jeopardy protection is gone as it does not exist in the World Court.
The internet and space will be under UN control.
HERE COME THE BLACK HELICOPTERS! by Dick Morris , Eileen McGann | Kirkus Reviews
This is not a wild statement, it's real. Some are saying, "well yes but the Senate has to approve the treaties".
All the Senate Harry Reed has to do is keep them from coming to a vote. This is a part of the discussion in this book.
Here Come the Black Helicopters!: UN Global Domination and the Loss of Freedom (Unabridged)
It lays out the facts and spells out the process. I hadn't read this book as I've never really been a Dick Morris fan. He's an alumnus of the Clinton administration. He's often made me angry. Here he's thinking and expressing himself very clearly. Please read this book. View all 6 comments. I give this book 4 stars because of its importance in revealing how the UN has designs on American sovereignty.
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In area after area they would like to strip the U. This is not a "conspiracy theory" book but a carefully researched expose of how various UN agencies would like international law to trump the American constitution and laws. The book is not a piece of great writing, but it is eye-opening and merits a careful read. Dec 18, Alex rated it liked it. This is one of those books that I personally like to read because it gives me a perspective that I don't particularly view.
With that said, he brings up strong arguments that support the books claims. The reason I didn't give it a 5 out of 5 is that I felt the book itself was being a bit repetitive and that overall while it opened my frame of thought, This is one of those books that I personally like to read because it gives me a perspective that I don't particularly view.
The reason I didn't give it a 5 out of 5 is that I felt the book itself was being a bit repetitive and that overall while it opened my frame of thought, it still was hard for me to get past some of the topics because I am a huge fan of Star Trek and for some reason hope that society would move to something of that utopia for all, which may be my own naivete. I still would recommend it for anyone with an open mind to read, its a quick read and should give you some interesting insights in the world.
Feb 04, Brittney Bramlett rated it liked it. Ironically, there was a helicopter flying over my neighborhood the entire time I read this So Dick Morris is pretty right winged and brings up a lot of scary points. I don't know how much of this is valid, but the majority of his book emphasizes that the rest of the world just ins't prepared to have an equal vote to Americans.
I don't know how someone could call themselves an American if they think that our elected officials SHOULD have the same vote as a country who does not allow thei Ironically, there was a helicopter flying over my neighborhood the entire time I read this I don't know how someone could call themselves an American if they think that our elected officials SHOULD have the same vote as a country who does not allow their citizens an honest vote.
That being said, I hope to hear about these treaties in the actual news over the coming months now that we've reelected Obama and still have Harry Reid running the Senate. Maybe I just rate this book with 3 stars because it freaks me out The day when the virtual black helicopters land. So, watch out, the black helicopters are metaphorically on the way. Opening the iTunes Store. If Apple Books doesn't open, click the Books app in your Dock.
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