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Again, it would be necessary for the new friends to review what I have said before, in order to grasp what I am going to say now. People often indulge in what is called daydreaming.

Material world vs Spiritual world.

No one thinks that there is anything wrong with that. You believe that it is not a harmful pastime, since you do not harm anyone with it. But it is harmful to yourselves. I will try to explain why. When very young people daydream, it is one thing; when they mature, they will get over it. If people continue to daydream as adults, however, it is another thing. It means that in some way such people have not matured; if they had, they would live in reality, not in fantasy.

Daydreaming is very harmful because when you are doing it, you are escaping reality. If your life is very difficult, you escape from your actual life and its problems by conjuring up pictures of how you would like it to be. This means that you cannot solve your real problems since you are not willing to look at them and go to their roots. As you know, there is no thought without substance and form. Daydreams create their forms, too, and these thought forms stand in the way of any fulfillment you might be able to bring about. It is very tempting to escape in this seemingly harmless way, but my advice is not to let yourselves be tempted, because these thought forms prevent your true fulfillment.

In addition, you waste time. All the time you invest in this pastime could and should be utilized for true meditation, self-recognition, and development. Daydreaming can be compared, in a way, to taking drugs. Taking a drug once will not harm your body or spirit. But once you start, there is a danger that you will become addicted. In this way, they withdraw from the reality of life and from the reality they could create if they would not indulge in these particular thought forms.

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This does not exactly fit into the subject of day-dreaming; however, what you mean is also harmful, but in a different way. Here again, all depends on the individual. If an individual takes what he learns from advertising as reality, then what might happen is that this may encourage his mask-self, which is not quite the same thing.

The world of daydreaming I was speaking about, although it can also be influenced by advertising, is something that existed long before advertising. In other words, advertising is not actually the cause of it, but it may encourage it. This is a very good question. I would put it this way: When the artist puts daydreams into actual creations then they cease to be daydreams. When the artist plays with these thoughts of fantasy for the purpose of creating, of fulfilling, of giving something to other people and not in order to drug himself so as not to face an unpleasant reality, then he or she is on the right path and is not going over the borderline.

And again, like in all these things, only each individual alone can determine where the borderline lies. Only by very severe self-testing can this be accomplished. You said that it was difficult for spirits to focus their sight on physical bodies unless there was good reason for it. I wonder how it is possible for you or others to read? It is possible because the thought contained in the written word is a form. Every thought is form, whether it is written, spoken, designed, or played in music; it does not make any difference.

We see the thought forms. In other words, you do not see the writing but you see the meaning behind the writing? Yes, that is right. We can see the writing too, as we can see the human body. But again, only if there is a particular purpose; otherwise we see the form. In the writing, do you see the color, the emanation of the thought-form, regardless of the type of person?

No, not regardless, because the color, the vibration, the frequency—everything I mentioned previously—is determined also by the characteristics of that person, his or her mood and general attitude. All that is taken into consideration and makes up a whole.

Balancing the spiritual world with the material world is challenging for most if not all people.

So something written by one person is very different from the same thing written by another person? May I ask in this connection: Is this in any way similar to certain psychometric readings by people who believe that they can determine the aura from a piece of art or some object? Speaking of daydreams and fantasies, I wrote a play about a former incarnation in Egypt and I wonder if I myself was in Egypt in a former incarnation? At this opportunity, may I give a short explanation to all my new friends here? Spirits belonging to the order of the divine plan cannot and will not give this kind of information unless it serves a very good purpose, unless it is important for self-development.

If and when this information should become necessary for you, you will receive knowledge of it, either through me or through another spirit, or through enlightenment that will come directly to you. But as long as this is merely an interesting speculation, we do not give such information, because if we were to handle this so lightly, there would be no purpose for the memory to be taken away from one life to the next.

I know, there are many spirits coming through mediums who are very liberal with this kind of information. But they are not spirits of ours. It is easy to say, it satisfies human curiosity, and it can never be proven. You would be satisfied. But we do not do it that way. When such knowledge comes, it must have real meaning. It must be a key to your present life. Sometimes enlightenment is given on the subject of past lives.

The country is rarely important, but other circumstances are important. Whenever truth pervades you about a previous incarnation—and this goes for all of you—you must have a feeling of victory, or liberation. It is as if a key were put into a keyhole and a door were opened, and all of a sudden you understand many, many things in your present life, such as difficulties, hardships, and tests. If that feeling does not accompany such information, do not trust it. Well, since I am repeatedly asked this question, I will try to answer it briefly; however, before I do that, I want to say this: The danger with human beings is that they use very glibly and quickly certain key words and labels.

It would sometimes be better if you did not even know about these words. From our viewpoint, initiation takes place when a person has really, wholeheartedly, not only in thought and theory but in practice, given his or her life to God; when no other considerations matter at all; when God is always put first.

This does not mean that you should become fanatics or go into a cloister. On the contrary, God does not like fanaticism. The medium wanted to ask a question: Apart from biological reasons and the civil law, what are the spiritual laws in connection with marriage between brothers and sisters? When people are incarnated in the same family or in the same environment, there are always karmic reasons; reasons connected to fulfilling a task. Now, brothers and sisters are often incarnated because love should be learned between these souls, but love in a certain way only.

In other cases people should find themselves as husbands and wives, because when passion or sex plays a role, it becomes possible to learn to love where hatred existed before. It is easier this way. Between brothers and sisters this element is removed, because at this stage of their karmic relationship, it may be that love should be learned without the help of eros. Exactly this may just be their task. This is why, from the spiritual point of view, marriage is prohibited between souls who are incarnated as brothers and sisters. There is no problem here, my dear.

I will be open to receive Thy answer. That is the only right thing to do. Where is the problem? But your claim should not be what is against the will of God. And I teach you first of all to learn at all times and in all things how to be open to the will of God. You can only learn to put your own will aside. If you put the will of God first, if you do not love yourself more than you love God, when you have learned that, you will always be able to receive the answer.

And when you have received it, then you can, as you say, stake your claim. Because the higher self or the divine spark is in everyone, and it urges you in exactly this one direction. The lower the development, the more layers of the lower self cover the higher self, the more this urge is covered up and eventually becomes nonexistent. But when a certain development is reached, the wish of the higher self pushes you. And again some voices of your lower self try to keep you away from it. That is the fight you have to wage within yourselves, each one of you.

The higher your development, the unhappier you must become if you do not follow the voice of your higher self, or, for that matter, the voices of divine spirits inspiring you. These higher spirits can only be around you because your higher self has freed itself sufficiently, at least to some degree. If you do not heed these voices, if you let other considerations, whatever they may be, stand in your way, you must become unhappy.

You will feel frustrated, you will have no peace of mind. If you choose to follow this voice, if you have decided to take this path and remain on it no matter what, happiness must be yours. But it is always the divine spark, the higher self that urges you on, and you will not find peace before you have found what you set out to find. He who knocks will enter; he who searches will find. In trying to separate the higher self from the lower self in order to really know ourselves, it sometimes happens that part of the higher self becomes mixed up with the lower self and vice versa.

Is there any clue that might help us to understand this, to draw a distinction between the two? Yes, there is, but I will not have the time to answer this now. As a matter of fact, I will give a whole lecture on this subject, which will complement previous ones about the psychological makeup of the human soul. It would also be very important for your psychologists, analysts, and psychiatrists to understand this. In my last lecture I spoke about the higher self, the lower self, and the mask self; and perhaps in the next lecture I will discuss how the currents of the higher self come forth, penetrate the lower self and in some spots come through clean and undiluted, and in other spots may be altered and put into wrong channels by the lower self through certain faults that you have.

There might be in a certain sense. Daydreams may also shed light on certain psychological factors present within the individual. This question gives me a good opportunity to suggest to all of you working with me personally to write down your daydreams in your notebooks. Bring them to your personal sessions, or write about them in your monthly reports, if you are away. Because, as you very rightly said, there is a connection. The dreams show your subconscious desires in a slightly different way, but shed light also on other aspects of your inner makeup.

Thus it can be very useful for your progress to consider the character of your daydreams.

If we could see into the Spiritual World, what would we see?

Please, all of you, add this to the various tasks of homework I have given you. I have a question about distances and geographical measurements. Is the spirit world in which you are and live also extending into the very distant stars, like the Milky Way? The distance is there only from the human point of view. I know this is impossible for you to imagine. Along the same line, if I am here now, but want to be in Switzerland, I am there in the same minute.

And in the next minute, or half-minute, or fraction of a minute—although we do not have these measurements—I would be back. For me, if there is no spiritual distance, there is no distance.

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And yet, to go from here to the door may be an unsurpassable distance for a spirit. In other words, for you to be on Ras Algeth or any of the great stars is the same as traveling from here to a place which to us is a short distance? It makes no difference. There is no time and space measurement in the spirit world compared to what you have here. The measurement we have is purely individual, spiritual, and psychological.

A spirit who has reached a certain development has the whole universe at its disposal up to the sphere it has reached. It cannot get higher until it reaches the respective development. Any spirit has available only what is within the realm of his development, or below. There he is free. Would you say it is like reading a book that takes us back many millions of years just as the thought of the spirit who is wherever he thinks he wants to be? It is almost impossible for you to conceive it unless you sense it, you feel it in meditation.

But then you will find you cannot express your knowledge to others. With that, my friends, I will return into my world. May you be in peace. God is with you. Are you working with the lectures on your own? Do you need support for a specific issue that is troubling you? The International Pathwork Foundation is a c 3 tax exempt educational Foundation. All contributions are tax deductible. What Is Legacy Giving?

The empirical mind is first emancipated from the grip of desire and purified by a rigorous moral discipline. When it learns to stand still, it is brought to the Divine Portal which it can enter only with the divine grace. There it finds itself face to face with the Truth Eternal, i. The delineation of the Panj Khands is preceded by two introductory remarks in the two preceding stanzas.

First, there is the term pavarian, i. Guru Nanak relates this ascent to the constant remembrance of God's Name. Then occurs another insight which implies that all the endeavors that the spiritual aspirant makes and all the means that he employs during these endeavors have their ultimate source in divine grace without which he may not even feel the initial impulse towards spiritual life. The first stage is the Dharam Khand. Duty is usually performed either out of a sense of social responsibility or through moral awareness. This is the stage in which a sense of inquisitiveness is aroused in the mind of the devotee who is now no longer a casual onlooker of the world around but can perceive the divine purpose behind the creation of this planet of ours, the earth, which is set in the cosmic cradle of time and space and is sustained by the vital elements.

In His court, he will be judged according to his moral response. The next is Gian Khand.

Through the creation, he gains knowledge of the Creator from whom it emanates. Knowledge here is not merely intellectual or sensual; it is intuitive awareness, a spiritual consciousness which expands the vision of the seeker. His sense of wonder is born not merely of his awareness of the many forms of life or the ordered movement of numerous celestial spheres, but of his perception of God who is the sole force behind all.

In front of this limitless variety of cosmic life, he feels humble. This simultaneous experience of expansion of vision and of the sense of humility leads to vismaya or vismad wonder. Saram Khand is the sphere of spiritual endeavour. Here man strives against the last remnants of his ego which still afflict him in spite of his experiencing strong emotions of humility in the Gian khand. If the sense of awe and wonder is not accompanied or followed by discipline, the experience might become a mere emotion, something remembered with nostalgia but having no permanent worth.

Karam Khand the realm of grace is the sphere where reigns the Divine grace. The process of liberation with grace initiated is now brought to completion. All sense of dualism ends. The devotee is one with the Lord and with those who have attained this state of bliss. One reaches here only after achieving a heroic victory over the evils.

Yet he is not a passive devotee, but a man of awakened courage and great deeds. The final stage of spiritual ascent, i. Sach Khand the realm of the Truth , defies description. One can only experience it, but not describe it, for here words cease to have any meaning and no analogies can help in describing the Unique. Here in the Divine Court, the perfect ones rejoice in His presence. It is from here that His Will hukam goes out to the universe, and the liberated, grace-filled souls perform it joyously and effortlessly.

The devotee becomes one with Him and realizes Him as a unifying force working through all objects of His creation. This way he attains to the non-spatial sach khand and to the Dweller therein, the Nirankar, who is nowhere outside his own heart. SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia. Both mind and matter arise in mithyA , and give rise to all perspectives, viewpoints and outlooks; all of which are a result of ego or ignorance. God breathed spirit into clay to turn it into something alive. Claims about the physical world can be objectively verified.

Claims about the physical world can yield useful results. Claims about the spiritual world never have. The most basic answer would be that the physical world consists of what you can see, hear, touch, and smell while still inside your mortal body, while the spiritual world is what you can only see, hear, and feel in your head or your heart. Of course, each world consists of far more than any single one of us will ever experience. What about when someone falls in love, is born, or dies?

Some have explained it as a veil separating the two worlds that is thinner at some times and places than others. The physical world is everything outside your body and the spiritual world acts out in your brain. So the physical world has limitations, but in the spiritual world everything is possible and it is boundless. It's not something that can be described by us. Scientific instruments and methods can't detect or interact with the spiritual realm. It's inaccessible to us, but Christians like myself believe there are spiritual beings like angels and demons — and God himself, who rules over both the physical and spiritual — who do often interact with our world unseen.

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