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But in order to help you, let me unveil to you 5 ways that I believe will assist you to tap into your personal greatness — whether you have children or not. But in order to clearly understand these we must first dig deep to discover them.

Dr. Myles Munroe - How To Identify Your Gift

Once discovered we can use them in a way that brings joy to us and others. The world is best served if we live our days doing what we were born to do and being what we were born to be.

Three Exercises to Tap Into Your Power

Every one of us is born with it. And it is only through being exposed to the heat of every day experience, along with repeated practice, that the raw talent we have been endowed with can begin to reflect something of impeccable taste. Many of us have had to pass through the refining fires of challenge, rejection, disappointments, mistakes, trial and error, and misdirection — but remember that steel gains its greatest strength in fire, and the finest gold is sourced after it has passed through the flame.

If you cannot keep the inside of your car clean or shiny shoes, then how can you ever expect to take charge of spheres where you command greater influence?

  1. This Urban Teachers Journal: A Success Story For All Teachers Who Work In Inner City Schools.
  2. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court, Part 7.;
  3. How To Tap Into Your Personal Greatness.
  4. 1. Set your intention.?

If you fail in the area of keeping a personal budget, then how can you be expected to command control of a major balance sheet? If you empty the bin or vacuum the floor and fail to complete the task with a spirit of excellence then how will you ever be placed in a leadership position of significance? For some the knowing is a tiny spark that over time becomes a flame, and for others it comes like a thunderbolt from the heavens.

Still others have a mentor — on earth or in the Spirit Realm — who shows them the way.

Rediscover childhood passions to take you in a new direction.

When I think of spiritual mentors, this experience comes to mind. Years ago, I did a reading for a man named Bill who had lost his son to cancer.

Five ways to leverage strengths to improve well-being.

A few months later, Bill called me and told me that shortly after our reading, his right hand had started to tingle and feel hot. Fearing a heart attack, high blood pressure, or some other illness, he went to the doctor — to his surprise, nothing was medically wrong with him. Then he began to get a strong sense that he could heal others, and began to read about hands-on healing. You don't find them, you choose them.

And when you do, you're on the path to fulfillment. Verified by Psychology Today. The Plan B Life. It's fun to reminisce about silly childhood games, but that playtime could hold the key to rekindling your passion and figuring out your Plan B Life. In her classic motivational book, Live the Life you Love , Barbara Sher suggests tapping into your childhood memories to uncover your gifts.

Sher maintains that skills -the talents we usually turn to when planning a change of direction-are often learned out of necessity.

The No. 1 Way to Discover Your Gifts

Gifts , on the other hand, are things we are naturally good at or passionate about. It's these gifts that show us who we really are and who we could be in the future.

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  • Childhood Play: The Key to Finding Your Natural Gifts | Psychology Today?
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  • Is your music still in you? How do you uncover your natural gifts, especially when they may have been dormant for a long time? Make a list and then examine the feelings you experienced from doing those things. Do you see any patterns in the outcomes that motivated you?