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Etiquette Now Yes, the ushers are considered groomsmen and are typically dressed as groomsmen. Females are now …. As a bridesmaid, what is appropriate for me to wear to the rehearsal dinner? The bride specifically said that it is a semi-formal dinner at a nice restaurant ….

A Handfasting (wedding) So Beautiful You Will Cry

The money has already been given to the bride and groom but I have spent a lot of money …. Does your wedding gown truly have to match your wedding colors? I am renewing my vows after 10 years, and I am going all out. My wedding colors after about …. We have decided on wedding with about family and friends.

We currently have a 2. I was trying to think of ways to incorporate her into the ceremony, more then just as the flower girl. She was present during the …. My niece, who has an infant not yet 2 months old, is flying in from miles away the day before the wedding. Her husband is not coming at all but is staying home with their toddlers. I, as well as …. I am in a wedding in a few months. I have never heard of a Lingerie Shower before, and a ….

(Closed) Handfasting for a Christian wedding??? What traditions did you incorporate?

Hi, I need help. I have a picture of the bride as a little girl dressed as a bride. I want to put the photo on the shower cake with a cute or sweet inscription. Can you give suggestions for what to write on this bridal shower cake? I am not sure if it is a surprise, but my suspicion is that it is. I have a lot of issues with the concept of a bridal shower in the first place. From its history as a means to provide a dowry unflattering and non-applicable , to …. It is real silk so it is not stark white but it is white,not off white or cream.

The outfit I want is a creamish color slight hint of peachish but cream. It is a floor length skirt with a shawl type jacket. The jacket thing has taupe piping. I know that my friends did it in their wedding as their ceremony. You can used it to be any way that you want. I have family from county Cork Ireland. I am trying to find my family tartan or we will use cords… still looking out for it…. It was incredibly beautiful if I do say so myself.

Here is the reading we used for the fasting if you want to see this part of our ceremony script to see the intro, etc. These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love.

Re: Is a Handfasting unity ceremony appropriate for Christians getting married?

These are the hands that you hold on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other from this day forward, and these will be the hands that you hold tomorrow, and the next day, and into the next decade. These are the hands that will hold you through grief, fear, and hardship. These are the hands that will wipe tears of joy and sorrow from your eyes, and the hands that will tenderly hold your children.

These are the hands that will hold your family together, and that will give you strength when you need it. These are the hands, that when wrinkled and spotted with age, will still be reaching for yours. I think I heard that handfasting is a pagan tradition, but seriously who cares? Painting easter eggs and having a Christmas tree are likely based on pagan traditions too. Your wording is absolutely beautiful!

Handfasting in a Christian wedding ceremony

Is this wording your own or did you find it somewhere? Would you mind if maybe we adapted it for us?? We were raised in different faiths, but neither of us are particularly religious, so we wanted something that was more spiritual. Since none of our guests are pagan, I am sure they will not be offended or misled.

I understand that many widespread Christian traditions do stem from pagan rituals. Adopting nothing from the ceremony except the tying of hands and writing the ceremony from scratch, I think it could be easily be a beautiful expression of God's covenant. Before we go through with it, I am just curious to see if any Christians more familiar with the practice have any different opinions than our pastors, friends, and us. Here in Small Town, USA, we're a little isolated from the views of the rest of the world, and I want to make sure we are not missing anything in scripture specifically against borrowing a ritual from another culture and using it to glorify God.

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Apr 16, 2. We're doing a handfasting ceremony, but that is part of my culture. I also have some Anglican friends who had it done. I don't think its any more pagan than a unity fishtank. Apr 16, 3. I've heard of handfasting before; we came across it when planning our wedding last year.

We chose not to do any of the unity things for the same reasons you named; it seemed like every wedding we went to the couple was trying to outdo the next with some weird "unique" unity thing. It really bothered me so we left it out of our ceremony completely I came across a discussion last year on "the knot" where people were either pro handfasting or con It's what you make it.

Apr 16, 4. I think the unity candle comes from Hinduism anyway.