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The treaties of the War of the Spanish Succession : an historical and critical dictionary

Leaving Philipp von Daun in command of the garrison, Victor Amadeus left the city on 17 June with 6, cavalry, seeking to disrupt French supply lines and buy time for Prince Eugene's relief force to reach him. La Feuillade spent most of the next month chasing him around Southern Piedmont but by the end of July, it was clear the siege was moving too slowly.

As Vauban predicted, the bombardment inflicted considerable damage but the Citadel walls remained intact and on 15 August Prince Eugene began his advance on Turin. Often overlooked, this was perhaps the most remarkable achievement of this campaign and shows why the Austrian was so well regarded. Having taken over a battered and defeated army, he first reorganised it then On 5 September, the Allied forces took up position close to Collegno , which lay between the Dora Riparia and the Stura di Lanzo rivers near a weak spot in the French lines.

They launched their attack around Although the French still had substantial numbers of men in both Pinerolo and Susa , Victor Amadeus correctly calculated they would not conduct offensive operations. His Duchy was enlarged by the new territory of Montferrat but Nice and the County of Savoy were not returned until while Savoyard ambitions to gain Milan remained unfulfilled for another years.

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The French withdrew their remaining garrisons, ceding control of Milan and Mantua to Austria but given free passage to France, allowing them to be redeployed elsewhere. The Siege of Turin and the death of the Piedmontese hero Pietro Micca became significant parts of the history first of the Savoyard and then the Italian state.

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This was portrayed in the Italian film Pietro Micca. The Treaties of the War of the Spanish Succession: Wyatt, The Industrial Revolution , Johannes Postma, Slave Revolts , Love, The Enlightenment , Mehrdad Kia, The Ottoman Empire , Joanne Schneider, The Age of Romanticism , Linder, The Reformation Era, Francis, Charles Darwin and the Origin of Species , Love, Maritime Exploration in the Age of Discovery, , Ferrell, The Abolitionist Movement , Frey, The French Revolution , Fritz, The Lewis and Clark Expedition , Kingseed, The American Civil War , Conner, The Age of Napoleon , Cave, The French and Indian War , Veenendaal, American Railroads in the Nineteenth Century, Morton, The American Revolution , Heidler, Manifest Destiny , Ferrell, Reconstruction , British abandonment of the Catalans left them vulnerable to Philip V's revenge for their support of the Grand Alliance.

Newfoundland fishing concessions incensed opposition critics in Britain, and created international tensions that continue to the present.


A fortified barrier in the southern Netherlands failed to hold back French forces in , and festering boundary disputes in the colonies fueled the conflicts leading to the Seven Years' War. All contributed to the contested legacy of the Peace of Utrecht. Frey, Linda, and Marsha Frey, eds. The Treaties of the War of the Spanish Succession: An Historical and Critical Dictionary.

Catalog Record: The treaties of the War of the Spanish | Hathi Trust Digital Library

England in the War of the Spanish Succession: New York and London, The War of Succession in Spain — Cite this article Pick a style below, and copy the text for your bibliography. Encyclopedia of the Early Modern World. Retrieved September 18, from Encyclopedia. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia. Peace of Utrecht , series of treaties that concluded the War of the Spanish Succession.

It put an end to French expansion and signaled the rise of the British Empire. By the treaty between England and France Apr.

The Peace of Utrecht and the Balance of Power

The French fortifications of Dunkirk were to be razed and the harbor filled up, and the Hudson Bay territory, Acadia, St. Kitts, and Newfoundland were ceded to England. By a commercial treaty England and France granted each other most-favored-nation treatment. By a treaty with the Netherlands Apr. A commercial treaty between France and the Netherlands was also signed. France also signed a treaty with Portugal and one with Prussia confirming the kingship of the Prussian rulers.

The Anglo-Spanish treaty July 13, confirmed the clauses of the Anglo-French treaties relating to the English and French successions.