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Paperback Editions

Also, that Compsognathus deserves honorable mention in any line-up of the "bird hunting" meme. Loved this book as a kid!! At the time it didn't bug me, but knowing the fossils now: I have this book, but under the title "The Collins Book Of Dinosaurs", with a note inside reading "this edition fully revised ".

Adored it as a kid, and still love it now. Some good moves towards modernity, as you say - I like the description of Allosaurus running with its tail stuck out behind, for instance, which is a nice step up from the older, lumbering beasties.

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Beautifully imagined battle between a T rex and a Triceratops too. The text is as engaging as the art. It does love its snorkelling sauropods though, I must admit! My favorite dinosaur book as a kid. I spent countless hours trying to copy that compsognathus pic. Even as a kid of the 70s though I thought the legs were way to thin for the animal's bodies.

My version as a kid even stated that pterosaurs had fur! Weird how the earlier version was more accurate. Although it features snorkeling sauropods and the like, the original book is remarkably up-to-date for its time.

Kindle Editions

I checked this one out of the library frequently. I'm sure that's why I always picture Tyrannosaurus under a moody, watercolor sky. I also adored the prehistoric mammal companion book sometimes the two "albums" were published in one volume which had a wolf-fighting Alticamelus and a Brontotherium looking back at an exploding volcano.

The orange glow of the lava is still pretty vivid in my mind's eye.

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I'm so glad I've found this blog! I LOVED dinosaurs as a kid and had a lot of fun looking through the archives, finding books from my childhood and reading the commentary: This book was one of my favorites. If anyone has a copy with which they're willing to part, please let me know.

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  • It was really just a bit of self-deprecating humour. I'm not that ashamed of loving it I second Niroot's high dudgeon, you arrogant, arrogant son of a bitch. For commenters with photographic memories, this was the Sibbick book I teased writing about last summer.

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    Marc beat me to it I completely forgot about that. Further to my previous comment, not only was it mostly just a dab of the usual self-deprecation, the book can accurately be described as a 'children's book' - as in, a book aimed at children. It just happens to be a superb children's book that everyone can enjoy provided they're into dinosaurs, obviously. Marc, such self-deprecation is especially misplaced in light of the present company; particularly as it reflects them directly.

    You should not be apologising for your enthusiasm. You get enough criticism from certain folks for not liking something. One would hope that, in seeing themselves being reflected, the 'present company' would be prepared to share a bit of a laugh. I only hope some valiant soul will step up to defend the honourable Mr.

    Sibbick against some of Mr. Sibbick with praise this faint. If playing with giant pop-up books is wrong, then I don't want to be right. Man, I had all of them when i was a child, But thats another era in time when prodigy, aol, Immagination Network were the only major internet companies. Thanks for proving me wrong! Let them learn to dispense with the diaeresis in high school.

    Love in the Time of Dinosaurs by Kirsten Alene

    I loved this book! Friday, May 12, Vintage Dinosaur Art: Dinosaurs Books for Young Explorers. Once again, Charles Leon has sent me a real peach. Matternes was an accomplished palaeoartist, but given that his speciality and main area of interest was apparently fossil primates particularly hominids , his name will be unfamiliar to many dinosaur enthusiasts it certainly was to me. In spite of this, his work here is beautifully painted and easily a match for near enough anything else around at the time.

    Posted by Marc Vincent at 2: Ryan Dempsey May 12, at 7: Gary Campbell May 13, at 2: Scott Hartman May 13, at 4: Pete Ross May 13, at Jayson May 13, at 3: A Stranger May 14, at Mike Keesey May 15, at 4: David Orr May 15, at 4: Lew May 20, at 9: Kaveh Maguire May 17, at 7: CaptainSumo May 23, at 8: Marc Vincent June 1, at