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Message of Song of Songs I: Formal mechanics is dead, classical 'science' is dead, institutional hegemony is dead, absolute truth is dead, materialism is dead, humanism is dead, legalism is dead, authority of few over many is dead Brussels and EU "go to hell" , classical logic is dead, classical maths are dead , state is dead, status quo is dead, dogma is dead, orthodoxy is dead, and so on In quantonese 1 , using Doug's scripts we may choose to write Classical theorists who view reality as dead, mechanical, objective, formal, etc.

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Pirsig via his opus has taught Doug, "Which is better? When Doug first experienced this meme, it was very subtle. Doug oversimplified it, "Peace is uncertainty. Doug writing "Peace is uncertainty," is a major mistake similar Einstein writing "Gravity is acceleration. Einstein, classically and like so many others, was a victim of classical science's mechanical disciplinary-matrix pseudo-authority. We can use that Einstein exemplar to make two fairly clear comments: Peace is a symptom of uncertainty, and War is a symptom of certainty.

If you thingk dichon War, Peace with War and Peace as mechanical 'opposites,' you have, by canon c law c , to choose c either war or peace.

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Compare, "Chaos issi i h n Equilibria, and Equilibria are i h n Chaos. However classicists using strict determinism and one-to-one strict cause-effect 'logic c ,' view c chaos c as Newtonian analytic c linear c motional change , and they view equilibrium as state ideal c stoppability. This leads us to a core belief of classical mechanics: Note a correlation that apple on tree and on ground is 'peace. Similarly a correlation that apple's fall[ing] is 'war. Please refer Henri Louis Bergson's " Spontaneity is simple, inertia is complex. Another blatant exemplar is Keynesian stability as peace, and Keynesian instability as war.

Minsky's text, Stabilizing an Unstable Economy. Those statements are so direct, so normative, so putative It's like Einstein saying "Time is space. Just to give DeMille enjoyment credit as a somewhat qualitative writer, Doug reads DeMille's putatives quantumly: Keynesians make a dialectical-oppositional choice c to eliminate instability as a serious threat to long term viability of the revered classical 'state: Keynesians are like Einstein: They simply cannot fathom quanton instability,stability. To them it is classically obvious dichon instability, stability. Isn't this exactly what Keynesians are doing, killing USA's spirit?

All in name c of ideal c stability c? I loved that since it correlates Doug's "uncertainty is stochastic and not just subatomic.

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Suares has written repeatedly "embrace indetermination," and similar words throughout his opus. Big kicker for Doug happened just recently when he was re reading Suares' Song of Songs. Suares writes, "The Song teaches us that the two are in us, their dialogue a soliloquy of the mind eternally evading certainty. Suares' reference, 'the two are in us,' has many semiosy, especially in Qabala, also, though, in Gnosis.

Over simply, 'the two of us' is quanton female,male , which we can also shorthand in Gematria show as both quanton 2,1 and quanton 1,2. In Autiot we may script quanton Autiot,Yassod which corresponds quanton female,male. In Tao we can symbolically script quanton 9,6: In that Tao symbol, 6 white, male and 9 dark, female are mirror-reversed. So, again, we see Genesis I's first revelation given remarkably clearly in Tao. In genetics it reverses, almost unbelievably: Similarly, in genetics, and again almost unbelievably, female is quanton X,X a haploidal 1 i h n 2!

Generically, then, Qabala, Tao, and human genetics all agree: Phenomically, both male issi i h n female and female issi i h n male!!! It is also the moment of waking up. Death is inevitable no matter how repressed we make it in our culture. We will all die. How do we prepare now and discover the freedom from the fear of death to live more expanded lives? I am a person who studied the dying process in preparation for my own death. In our culture we deny our death. But in our culture we prepare for a job, having babies, and a vacation.

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As I wrote this new book I understood the dying process and have put my affairs in order for my husband and children. I am currently preparing my mind for the moment of death. The preparation practice is to awaken the mind before we die. In doing so I am living now every moment, free from fear or denial of my death. There is a direct bridge between my last book and my new book. Meditation is an expansive and stabilizing process for healing our minds, rewiring our brains and opening to life.

Patt has also created a series of 16 meditations to enhance your engagement with the book. These meditations are available as bonus videos to be downloadable from http: In conjunction with the release of Embracing the End Of Life , a number of additional bonuses were offered. If you have purchased the book, you are welcome to Claim Your Bonuses Now! Amazon Hot New Releases: Learn more at Meditations for the End of Life. This innovative and comprehensive book has the power to change the perception of death for the individual reader and for society as a whole as we confront the most fundamental question of our humanity: Why not prepare for death?

Death is inevitable for everyone. Learning how to prepare to die is learning how to live fully now! And this new insight contributes to an even better life right now. The Science of the Near Death Experience. It provides a map of the emotional, spiritual and pragmatic issues that can help us normalize this most important passage so that we can live our lives with more emotional intelligence, kindness, awareness and love. Those who are fortunate enough to have gravitated to this book will find it to be a wise handbook for living.

Beckwith was one of the featured teachers in The Secret Her work largely led to the use of hospice.

Death is a sacred act. It is the most important moment in our life. It is also the moment of waking up. Death is inevitable no matter how repressed we make it in our culture. We will all die.

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How do we prepare now and discover the freedom from the fear of death to live more expanded lives? I am a person who studied the dying process in preparation for my own death. In our culture we deny our death. But in our culture we prepare for a job, having babies, and a vacation. As I wrote this new book I understood the dying process and have put my affairs in order for my husband and children. I am currently preparing my mind for the moment of death.

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The preparation practice is to awaken the mind before we die. In doing so I am living now every moment, free from fear or denial of my death. There is a direct bridge between my last book and my new book. Meditation is an expansive and stabilizing process for healing our minds, rewiring our brains and opening to life. Patt has also created a series of 16 meditations to enhance your engagement with the book. These meditations are available as bonus videos to be downloadable from http: In conjunction with the release of Embracing the End Of Life , a number of additional bonuses were offered.

If you have purchased the book, you are welcome to Claim Your Bonuses Now!

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Amazon Hot New Releases: Learn more at Meditations for the End of Life. This innovative and comprehensive book has the power to change the perception of death for the individual reader and for society as a whole as we confront the most fundamental question of our humanity: Why not prepare for death? Death is inevitable for everyone. Learning how to prepare to die is learning how to live fully now!

And this new insight contributes to an even better life right now. The Science of the Near Death Experience. It provides a map of the emotional, spiritual and pragmatic issues that can help us normalize this most important passage so that we can live our lives with more emotional intelligence, kindness, awareness and love. Those who are fortunate enough to have gravitated to this book will find it to be a wise handbook for living.