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When we step back from ourselves, truth becomes simple. There are not many paths to freedom; there is only one. In the end, no matter what particular patterns of thought we have managed to build in our minds, freedom always means transcending these personal thought patterns. So how does one go about transcending the personal self and awakening to spiritual freedom? What is needed for this journey are succinct steps that are so universal that they can echo through the halls of any religion as well as support intellectual understanding.

The following is a universal road map to Self-Realization.

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You must first come to realize that you are in there. From deep inside, you are experiencing this world. You are experiencing your physical body, your thoughts and your emotions. You are conscious and you are experiencing what it is like to be human. If you objectively look, you will see that you are never completely at peace. You will see that you are not okay in there. At any point when you look at the state of your inner being, you will see that something is bothering you. You will then notice that this causes urges, drives and impulses to do something about it.

You will find yourself constantly trying to either get something or avoid something.

Spiritual Awakening: Taking The First Step | Spiritual Awakening

All of this is done in an attempt to be okay. If you watch, you will see that your mind is always telling you what you should and should not do, what others should and should not do and how things should and should not be. You must seriously look at this process of trying to be okay. Watch very closely how you react to the things your mind has preferences about.

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You will never be okay playing this game because the world will never match the conceptual model your mind has made up. Eventually, you will come to see that struggling to be okay does not work. At some point, you will try to find a different way to be okay in there. This step is about learning to sit in as the witness, the part of you that notices the inner urges to be okay.

You must become comfortable with sitting in there and not participating in the inner energies. You learn to relax in the midst of them. You come to see that there is a habitual process in which the moment you feel inner disturbance, you are drawn into doing something about it.

You must learn to sit inside and not participate in this process. It is not difficult.

The Path to Inner Peace

If you can do this, all disturbance will cease by itself. When you reach this point, you are no longer living for yourself. You are interacting with life, but not for the purpose of being okay. Up to this point, everything you were watching inside was in front of you. You will begin to feel Spirit flow in from behind. There are many books available to help you to take the first step.

  1. 1. Declutter!.
  2. La journée terminale de Jean-Gilles Paimpont (French Edition).
  3. 6 Ways to Become Enlightened - mindbodygreen.
  4. ATOM (German Edition).

Find the one that resonates with you and implement the teachings to enhance your personal and professional life. Be aware and cognizant of the world around you. Take note of emotions you are feeling. When you practice mindful consciousness you begin to take the first step that then leads you on a path to spiritual enlightenment. When you awaken spiritually and take that first step to let things happen knowing their is a higher power you will begin to see positive changes in your personal and professional life.

Quotes are a great tool to help you take that first step of spiritual awakening that will then lead to spiritual enlightenment.


Bible verses are great ways to help you take that first step on your path toward spiritual enlightenment. Learning about crystals and other tools to help you expand your spiritual awakening is a great way to take the first step. As you take your first step of spiritual awakening remember to embrace your divinity and stay positive. Mail will not be published required.

The 12 Steps of the Spiritual Journey to Awakening--Life Path & Purpose Series

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