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Their stories referred to a common thread of struggle, persecution, exile and death. Many testified via videoconference from their countries of origin. In addition to these testimonies, there were thousands of documents and archival materials that made it possible to explain the scope of the operation: One of the texts of huge evidentiary significance was the founding document of Operation Condor, discovered in in Paraguay and incorporated into this trial.

Signed in Santiago, Chile, in November by representatives of Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay and Bolivia, it outlined the terms of the criminal plan. The founding document of Operation Condor structured the lawsuit that led to the trial. Bilateral and multilateral contacts for exchanging information were established at that first inter-American meeting of National Intelligence in Within this bureaucracy of terror, there was a recommendation that quick contact be made to alert intelligence agencies when an individual was to be expelled from a country or when a "suspect" was found to be traveling.

They also agreed to allow the presence of intelligence personnel at the embassies of their countries. The repressive coordination was planned in three phases. The first involved the creation of a centralized database of information about guerrilla movements, leftist political parties and groups, trade unionists, clergy and liberal politicians — in other words, everyone who the authoritarian governments identified as enemies. The second phase consisted of taking action. Once the targets were identified, the attacks occurred.

The third and final phase, which was the most problematic, implied operations outside the region to find and eliminate dissidents who were in other countries in the Americas and Europe. The United States government knew of the coordinated repression from early on, something that was also proven at the trial. The cable also suggested that the murder of Orlando Letelier in the embassy district of Washington, DC, likely formed part of the third phase of Operation Condor.

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Operación Cóndor: Una asociación criminal trasnacional, al descubierto

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However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study. The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied. We won't cause you unnecessary difficulties. If you can finish before Congress gets back, the better. Whatever freedoms you could restore would help. Ultimately, the demarche was never delivered.

Protestar es un Derecho

Kornbluh and Dinges suggest that the decision not to send Kissinger's order was due to Assistant Secretary Harry Shlaudeman's sending a cable to his deputy in D. C which states "you can simply instruct the Ambassadors to take no further action, noting that there have been no reports in some weeks indicating an intention to activate the Condor scheme. Patrice McSherry adds, "According to [U. Ambassador to Paraguay Robert] White, instructions from a secretary of state cannot be ignored unless there is a countermanding order received via a secret CIA backchannel.

Derian , the Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs from to , said of Kissinger's role in giving the green light to the junta's repression: In June , by order of President Bill Clinton , the State Department released thousands of declassified documents [] revealing for the first time that the CIA and the State and Defense Departments were intimately aware of Condor.

The same report described Condor's "joint counterinsurgency operations" that aimed to "eliminate Marxist terrorist activities"; Argentina, it noted, created a special Condor team "structured much like a U. The declassified record shows that Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was briefed on Condor and its "murder operations" on August 5, , in a page report from [Harry] Shlaudeman [Assistant Secretary of State].

It cannot do us any good. Over the course of three weeks, they drafted a cautiously worded demarche , approved by Kissinger, in which he instructed the U. He instructed them to express "our deep concern" about "rumors" of "plans for the assassination of subversives, politicians and prominent figures both within the national borders of certain Southern Cone countries and abroad. Kornbluh and Dinges conclude that "The paper trail is clear: Those steps were initiated but never implemented.

Whether if we had gone in, we might have prevented this, I don't know", he stated in reference to the Letelier-Moffitt bombing. The document was released in November by the Clinton administration under the Chile Declassification Project. White reported a conversation with General Alejandro Fretes Davalos , chief of staff of Paraguay's armed forces, who informed him that the South American intelligence chiefs involved in Condor "[kept] in touch with one another through a U. Davalos reportedly said that the installation was "employed to co-ordinate intelligence information among the southern cone countries".

White feared that the US connection to Condor might be publicly revealed at a time when the assassination in the U. White cabled Vance that "it would seem advisable to review this arrangement to insure that its continuation is in US interest. Patrice McSherry describes such cables as "another piece of increasingly weighty evidence suggesting that U. Embassy contact that the CIA was privy to Condor and had played a key role in setting up computerized links among the intelligence and operations units of the six Condor states. Henry Kissinger , Secretary of State in the Nixon and Ford administrations, was closely involved diplomatically with the Southern Cone governments at the time and well aware of the Condor plan.

Le Loire wanted to question the statesman as a witness regarding alleged U. Kissinger left Paris that evening, and Loire's inquiries were directed to the U. His execution by the Chilean military after the coup was dramatized in the Costa-Gavras film, Missing. The judge's questions were relayed to Kissinger via diplomatic routes but were not answered.

On 16 February , a request for the extradition of Kissinger was filed at the Supreme Court of Uruguay on behalf of Bernardo Arnone , a political activist who was kidnapped, tortured and disappeared by the dictatorial regime in The editors of the New York Times defended Henry Kissinger, arguing that he should be given a pass for his role in Condor and other dirty works because "the world was polarised, and fighting communism involved hard choices and messy compromises". French journalist Marie-Monique Robin found in the archives of the Quai d'Orsay , the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs , the original document proving that a agreement between Paris and Buenos Aires set up a "permanent French military mission" of officers to Argentina who had fought in the Algerian War.

During the Battle of Algiers , police forces were put under the authority of the French Army, and in particular of the paratroopers. They systematically used torture during interrogations and also began to "disappear" suspects, as part of a program of intimidation. Reynaldo Bignone , named President of the Argentinian junta in July , said, "The March order of battle is a copy of the Algerian battle.

El Plan Cóndor en Córdoba : origen, desarrollo y consecuencias : 1973-1983

The only newspaper to report this was Le Monde. The government's report in December was described by Robin as being in the utmost bad faith. It claimed that no agreement had ever been signed on this issue between France and Argentina. When French Minister of Foreign Affairs Dominique de Villepin traveled to Chile in February , he claimed that there had been no cooperation between France and the military regimes.

  • Evangelismo e Testemunho: a sua autêntica missão de apresentar Jesus às pessoas (Portuguese Edition).
  • PLAN.
  • John Dinges | The Condor Years.

Robin said that she was shocked to learn that the French intelligence agency Direction de surveillance du territoire DST communicated to the DINA the names of refugees who returned to Chile Operation Retorno , all of whom were killed. I was very shocked by the duplicity of the French diplomatic position which, at the same time received political refugees with open arms, and collaborated with the dictatorships.

Robin says that this Catholic fundamentalist current in the Argentine Army contributed to the importance and duration of Franco-Argentine cooperation.

  1. Operación Cóndor: Una asociación criminal trasnacional, al descubierto | openDemocracy?
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  7. Pius X in He was excommunicated in A French priest there said to Marie-Monique Robin: Bruno Genta and Juan Carlos Goyeneche represent this ideology. Perseval, who lives today in Thailand, denied any links with the abduction. The Trial of the Juntas convicted top officers who ran the military governments for acts of state terrorism. The amnesty laws Ley de Obediencia Debida and Ley de Punto Final of — stopped the trials until , when the Congress repealed them, and in the Argentine Supreme Court ruled they were unconstitutional. Most of the Junta's members are actually in prison for genocide and crimes against humanity.

    Iturriaga was also wanted in Argentina for the assassination of General Prats. It is sad to say that two of the pillars of the Condor Operation, Alfredo Stroessner and Augusto Pinochet, never paid for their crimes and died without ever answering charges about the "disappeared" — who continue to haunt the memory of people who had been crushed by fascist brutality. In , Bordaberry was convicted of violating the constitution, nine counts of "forced disappearance" and two counts of political homicide and sentenced to 30 years.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Operation Condor disambiguation. Full stop law Due obedience law. Human rights violations in Pinochet's Chile. Assassination of Orlando Letelier. Secretary of State, 5 October record of conversation [] []. In Esparza, Marcia; Henry R.

    State Violence and Genocide in Latin America: The Last Colonial Massacre: Latin America in the Cold War. University of Chicago Press. The Myth of American Diplomacy: National Identity and U. Archives of Terror Discovered. Retrieved August 26, State Terrorism and Neoliberalism: The North in the South. El Universal in Spanish.

    El plan condor. La estrategia del Condor. (Discovery Teather)

    Archived from the original on 28 June Retrieved 24 March Exposing the Legacy of Operation Condor. The New York Times. Latin America, the U. Journal of Third World Studies. Retrieved 24 October Associated Press on Boston. Retrieved April 1, As secretary of state, Henry Kissinger cancelled a U. Retrieved 15 December In Leffler, Melvyn P. Os anos do Condor. Companhia das Letras, , pp. For further information on the 'Arquivos do Terror', see http: Retrieved 21 December Retrieved 26 March The Crisis of Argentine Capitalism. University of North Carolina Press, Remains of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Identified".

    Retrieved August 14, Retrieved 28 May Retrieved 27 May O Sequestro dos" in Portuguese. Retrieved 6 June Also see the following issues of VEJA magazine: O sequestro dos uruguaios. A farsa desvendada" The kidnapping of Lilian and Universindo — 15 years later.

    Operation Condor: A transnational criminal conspiracy, uncovered | openDemocracy

    Uma reportagem dos tempos da ditadura. CartaCapital, 18 March Declassified Documents relating to the Military Coup, —". The National Security Archive. Retrieved 11 December Archived from the original on 4 February Posada and his accomplices, active collaborators of Pinochet's fascist police".

    Archived from the original on 12 June