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I would caution people from falling prey to unintentional legalism with a book like this. Josh gives some good practical guidelines, but also makes it very clear that they should be taken with a grain of salt and that each situation is unique. The only issue I had with this book, was that he pointed out some lines of thinking I didn't even realize I've had in the past and it was uncomfortable to face.

But that's my issue, not his or even an issue of the book itself. I am 68 years old and I recommend that every Christian alive on this earth read this book. Putting God and His will first in our lives. In every aspect of our lives. Considering others needs before out own. I wish I could have read this when I was 13 and new in the faith. I did pray that God would bring me the boyfirend of His choice. But I could have used a bit of wisdom on dealing with the emotions back then. I highly recommend this book to teenagers, adults, parents, grandparents, ministers, would be mentors, in short everyone who wants a closer relationship with God and with each other.

Great account of the author's personal experience through the process of courtship as well as others. It has lots of useful information in getting to know the other person while being guarded and uncompromised. The questions and ideas on getting to know one another in groups is also helpful.

There are some things that could have been left out of the book. The flip side is that it is good to have an example so young people will have an idea of what courtship looks like. I read this book without having read Joshua Harris' famous "I kissed dating goodbye". I was just 15 at the time, and everything he said confirmed what I felt God had been putting in my own heart about relationships--specifically forming "the relationship" with the man God had for me to marry. It was twelve years before I would even meet that man, and another year before he proposed, but we went all the way to the altar following our own convictions and shared our first kiss there despite some criticism from some who thought we were being prudes.

Neither of us would change that for anything now. I think this book is so valuable, not because it says "this is the way", but because Joshua shares his own experiences and says "don't be afraid to let God lead you down your own path of purity. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations. View or edit your browsing history. Get to Know Us. Delivery and Returns see our delivery rates and policies thinking of returning an item? Captivating Revised and Updated John Eldredge. Seeing with New Eyes David Powlison. Nine Perfect Strangers Liane Moriarty.

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All About Love Bell Hooks. Enlightened Sex Manual David Deida. How to Choose a Partner Susan Quilliam. Get the Guy Matthew Hussey. Open Wide Melissa Ambrosini. I found parts of this book unrealistic, with a number of romantic stories of successful courtship which are almost fairytale in nature. I feel like the author fails to recognize that most true fairy-tales are often filled with heart break, struggles, and pain.

I agree with th While popular culture's take on dating needs a good Christian criteria and a strong alternative, Ithis book's model is sufficiently nuanced and fails to understand that more is accomplished in dating than finding a partner. I agree with the authors assessment that we need to be more purposeful in dating relationships, but believe this book is provide just one model, where there are a number which honor God.

I would suggest that his focus on courtship, dating as a way to discover if this relationship will grow into a marriage can lead to a selfish orientation and removes opportunities someone could have to grow and learn. Besides discovering if the person you are dating will become the person you marry, dating provides a context to learn to love people better which prepares you to be a good marriage partner and lets you get to know someone which is inherently good.

I have seen many examples of people who benefited from dating, even when they were not yet at a point where they were prepared to get married. There is some very good content in the section on "the season of courtship", though I think the authors understanding of gender based roles is inadequate, having been influenced too much by s popular culture.

A quick read of Proverbs 31 would suggest a much more active and engaged role for women. I found this book very uneven. The appendix has some good suggestions for dates that help you learn about each other's lives. Some parts I thought deserved stars, others 4 maybe 5 stars. Dec 09, Alyssa rated it it was amazing Shelves: This was the first book I read by Joshua Harris, and I am definitely looking forward to reading more! I do kind of feel like I will be reading his books backwards, and I might recommend reading I Kissed Dating Goodbye before this book. I appreciated how this book not only focused on how a couple should interact as they enter this phase of their relationship, but also emphasized the importa This was the first book I read by Joshua Harris, and I am definitely looking forward to reading more!

I appreciated how this book not only focused on how a couple should interact as they enter this phase of their relationship, but also emphasized the importance of and practical applications for making the relationship Christ-centered. The back of this book offers ideas for "eight great dates" and courtship conversations. Harris included many examples of real-life people who walked through courtships. Not only were these stories inspiring and many of them beautifully romantic, but it was also encouraging to hear of others who went through this important season and how they succeeded or grew from the experience.

As I read through this book, I recognized areas that I need to grow in. I know I'm not ready yet for this kind of relationship, but I was encouraged to be continually preparing my heart for my future husband, whomever he might be.

Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship : Joshua Harris :

I was also inspired to continue to value a relationship with my King, Prince, and Savior even more than earthly relationships, no matter how much I may desire that. Aug 24, Karen Wong rated it liked it. While I kissed Dating Goodbye gives us a radical idea of abstaining from any dating relationship, Boy Meets Girl answers the question of what to do when you have met the right person to marry: Harris gives in this book an honest look to relationship and its purpose.

He gives his story on how he met his wife Shannon, courted, engaged, and married-- all to the glory of God. He also gives insights through other romantic accounts from other couples who have committed to put God first in their relationship. The book is balanced with biblical principles, practical tips, applicable wisdom, challenging truths, and heartbreaking examples which give guidelines to those who want or will court a person before getting married.

The message that Harris gives to us readers is to rethink romance in order to glorify God and not our own selves. He proposes courtship which he defines like this: I use it to describe not a set of rules, but that special season in a romance where a man and a woman are seriously weighing the possibility of marriage. Harris encourages us to have a God-centered relationship with that potential mate where the main purpose is to love God and honor Him no matter the cost involved and that is the central theme of this book.

Nov 08, Sheero rated it really liked it. This book is well-written with realistic stories and real-life examples. Joshua uses scripture extensively in this book, giving the sense that this is not just stuff he thought up but that it has been revealed to him in God's word. He also encourages readers not to take everything as set-in-stone truths and steps to follow to have the perfect courtship. He states that every couple's story is different; he is not saying that everything must be done the way he and his wife did it.

I don't agree with This book is well-written with realistic stories and real-life examples. Mar 18, Kendra Beth rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: This has been an open topic in our family since I was about eleven. The book itself is very good! I definitaly don't argue with that. I would recomend it to any teenager, especailly those who value healthy boy-girl friendships: May 23, Holly rated it did not like it. So he kissed dating goodbye only to court this shannon woman some years later Jan 17, Shannon rated it it was amazing Shelves: I enjoyed reading this book because even though most aspects of this book didn't really apply to me, it made me think about how I want to act in my life.

I know that God knows who my future spouse is and all that I need to do is trust in him and be patient. This book made me want to follow God whole-heartedly and live my life purely and to the limit! D I have decided not to date because, as Joshua Harris states in this book, you're giving part of your heart away to someone who you barely even know I enjoyed reading this book because even though most aspects of this book didn't really apply to me, it made me think about how I want to act in my life.

D I have decided not to date because, as Joshua Harris states in this book, you're giving part of your heart away to someone who you barely even know. I am willing to wait for the right one to come along, I know that I am probably too young to be thinking about things like this but I am naturally a romantic: D Like many other girls my age, I dream about finding my "prince in shining armour": D I know that it may become difficult in the years to come to be single and not date but God will be there with me every step of the way: I know that, in the end, I'll be happier because I would have followed God and lived as a Godly woman: Sep 05, Mimi Watson rated it really liked it.

Because of "I kissed dating goodbye" that my friend lent to me I purchased this book after. Yes, it worth the price. After reading this book- I evaluate myself what I want to the person I am going to marry.

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It also, strengthen my faith to believe that He has someone prepared for me. But that time, I started doing my part. Aside from praying daily. I also, started writing letters to him almost every week as like we've known each other and saying praying to Because of "I kissed dating goodbye" that my friend lent to me I purchased this book after. I also, started writing letters to him almost every week as like we've known each other and saying praying to him on my letters. I kept those letter until I finally got married to my wonderful husband and handed to him all those letters.

Like how Joshua Harris and his wife met We didn't go ahead but we just let Him move on our behalf. I want to read this book again Jul 28, Zack added it.

Courtship Shmourtship - Joshua Harris (Audio Sermon)

This book was recommended to me by my youth pastor. I'm so glad he did! It has given me a lot of guidance and practical steps to take when considering courtship. I love how his focus is on glorifying God. Will this relationship bring Him glory?

Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship : 8 Great Courtship Conversations

That's the most important thing. The chapter on the Cross impacted me greatly as well. He has an accurate view of its justifying power. I like how This book was recommended to me by my youth pastor. I like how he stated that conflict in relationships is not a bad thing; it shows that you are actually getting to know the other person. Don't run from conflict. Ask God to help you resolve it humbly and lovingly. I am seeing that what makes a healthy relationship is not the absence of conflict, but the willingness to persevere and work through it with God's help.

I am so looking forward to the day when I marry my wife, knowing that I did it God's way with His blessing!

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Jun 13, Natalia Sonata added it. Bukunya sangat bagus tentang bagaimana kita seharusnya memulai, menjaga dan membina hubungan yg benar sesuai alkitab. Walaupun sebenarnya buku ini diceritakan dari persfektif pria, tetapi para wanita juga sangat baik membaca buku ini. Saya suka buku ini karena buku ini tidak menceritakan teknis-teknis bagaimana kita mendapatkan seorang pendamping.. Sangat Bukunya sangat bagus tentang bagaimana kita seharusnya memulai, menjaga dan membina hubungan yg benar sesuai alkitab. Sangat menarik karena buku ini pun menolak cara "pacaran dunia".

Dan org pasti akan mengganggap kita "Kolot" ketika kita coba mengembangkan gaya "pacaran" yg benar sesyai alkitab.. Aug 30, Katlin rated it liked it. In typical Harris style Josh uses the power of the pen to reveal the power of The Word in a way that will delight and convict his readers.

The beauty of the vision for courtship that Josh puts forth is that it can look different for every couple because every couple is different. He includes several successful courtship stories, including his own, for his readers.

Boy Meets Girl: Say Hello to Courtship

What is a "successful courtship? I know I did. Feb 14, Kevin Jennings rated it really liked it Shelves: I really enjoyed this book. There were definitely some valuable concepts in the book. However, more value was derived from my experience because I read it with my then girlfriend who is now my wife. The material in the book gave us a level, unemotional playing field on which to discuss the topics and tips presented in the book.

While I don't agree with everything Harris wrote and, like other reviews mentioned, there were occasionally very loose connections to scripture, I believe he does an ef I really enjoyed this book. While I don't agree with everything Harris wrote and, like other reviews mentioned, there were occasionally very loose connections to scripture, I believe he does an effective job of presenting an alternative to dating and conveying his message.

I feel confident recommending this book to others. Oct 19, Ross Acheson rated it really liked it. I read this because my girlfriend was reading it I haven't read I Kissed Dating Goodbye, but I got the sense that this was a more mature, humble, and balanced take on the whole topic. The book is very God-centered, and also practical and human. The author is conservative and opinionated, but backs what he says up with scripture, logic, and several interesting stories. He recommends taking a hard line on purity, more than just 'don't have sex before you're marri I read this because my girlfriend was reading it He recommends taking a hard line on purity, more than just 'don't have sex before you're married'.

Aug 15, Natalie rated it it was amazing. I am not yet done reading this book I am still in chapter 2 but it has already inspired me. I am in awe while reading this book. I can't help but pray to GOD while reading this because I am so convicted. GOD has revealed so many things to me through this book and yet I am still in the second chapter. I am looking forward to the other chapters. I am so excited with the things that GOD will reveal to me through this: Sep 19, Steve Walker rated it did not like it Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

To view it, click here. Looking back I don't know why I read this. May be I thought it would help me find my soul mate. I don't know why there are so many 'Christian dating' books out there. There are no easy answers. Like marriage it takes work and luck and unfortunately, the two don't always come together.

Jan 12, Jessica Bang rated it it was amazing. A great source of encouragement. Yes, courting may just not be practical for some circumstances, but I believe the heart of the message is to approach dating and marriage in a God-centered way, and I think this book nailed it.