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The first letter May 31st is a request from Wallace to Dr. Clarke to ask him for the "total number of species of birds in the Philippines now known, to correct the statement at p. Clarke for any names of new Philippine species as well as mammals.

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Wallace thanks Clake for the information in the second letter dated July 21st The third letter Nov. Dr William Eagle Clarke, I. He was originally a civil engineer and surveyor, but later took up natural history as a profession. He was the first recipient of the Godman-Salvin Medal in This medal was "awarded by the British Ornithologists' Union Council to an individual as a signal honour for distinguished ornithological work.

London Macmillan and Co.

Mit 26 Abb zahlreichen teilweise hand- kolorierten Karten. Antiquariat Michael Solder Edition: Mit 26 Abb zahlreichen teilweise hand- kolorierten. Third and revised edition.

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With a frontispiece map showing distribution of jays in colours and 25 other maps, diagrams and illustrations throughout. Earlier, Darwin had received from Wallace a paper presenting essentially the same theory that Darwin had been formulating himself. As a co-formulator of the theory of biological evolution Wallace argued that plant and animal species develop throughout organic history. Anticipating our present concern with both endangered species and vanishing environments, Wallace's ecological studies helped substantiate the fact of evolution.

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This book is an excellent example of long-term research and the far-reaching insights such scientific projects hold for understanding and appreciating the evolving life on Earth. Macmillan and Co, Second and revised edition of Wallace's work on the geographic distribution of animals. Octavo, original cloth, gilt titles to the spine, frontispiece map showing the distribution of jays with tissue guard, illustrated with various maps and charts. In very good condition.

A nice example of this important contribution to evolutionary biology.

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English naturalist and biologist Alfred Russel Wallace was one of the two leading figures in the development of the theory of evolution through natural selection alongside Charles Darwin. Darwin and Wallace's theories differed slightly.

Darwin argued that competition between members of the same species led to adaptation, while Wallace asserted that environmental pressures led populations of various locations to diverge. You may purchase this title at these fine bookstores. Outside the USA, see our international sales information.

University of Chicago Press: About Contact News Giving to the Press. Life in the Soil James B.

Island Life; Or, The Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras by Wallace - Free Ebook

The Essential Naturalist Michael H. Island Life has long been considered one of his most important works. In it he extends studies on the influence of the glacial epochs on organismal distribution patterns and the characteristics of island biogeography, a topic as vibrant and actively studied today as it was in This reissue of the first edition of Island Life , with a foreword by David Quammen and an extensive commentary by Lawrence R.

Heaney, who has spent over three decades studying island biogeography in Southeast Asia, makes this essential and foundational reference available and accessible once again. Sargis, Yale University Choice.

This new version begins with a brief foreword by author David Quammen and a thorough sixty-page introduction by Lawrence Heaney, one of the foremost modern scholars on island biogeography, especially for Southeast Asia. It offers an insight into the development of logical thought and the evolution of ideas based on observable evidence. This reprint, with its insightful commentaries, is a reminder of what constitutes a publishing classis and a milestone in biological understanding. For each chapter, Wallace marshals impressive evidence from a variety of disciplines.

Wallace has much to say that is still worth reading today.