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Last spring quarter, I decided to challenge myself and enroll in Dr. She immediately recognized the lyrics and then chimed in with a tune I did not know the poem possessed. From then on, I often studied for class with my grandmother, who always had a sentimental story attached to the text at hand. As Judeo-Persian is a rather rare field of study, I was interested to know just what motivated Dr.

Letters to the Next Generation 2 – Reflections on Jewish Life

Pirnazar to pursue a doctorate degree in this subject. Pirnazar explains that she did not initially intend to study Judeo-Persian. Pirnazar soon came to believe otherwise.

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I felt that it was my duty to bring some parts of this buried culture [Judeo-Persian] back to life, like an archeologist. I would cherish these flowers [poems], remove the dust from them and then publicize them for others to read and hear. Pirnazar has credited her three doctorate program advisors — Professor Hossein Ziai, Professor William Schniedewind and Professor Amnon Netzer — as individuals integral to her ability to grasp the language and to stay motivated amongst obstacles she came across in interpreting and translating texts.

Pirnazar has also credited her students, themselves, as playing major roles in her decision to continue working on Judeo-Persian texts. There is definitely a lot of bonding among students, parents and grandparents. One father of a student started to cry when he heard a poem because it was the same song that was sung at his wedding. That [the ability for classwork to connect the generations] is what gives professors [like me] the energy to keep on [working].

Her studies in Judeo-Persian have certainly allowed Dr. But for those who were personally affected, those horrors have never left.

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Letters to the Next Generation 2 - Reflections on Jewish Life - Rabbi Sacks

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