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Thousands of patients died there and the ghosts of some linger. When the half-mile long building was demolished in , the site became a botanic garden. The hospital was haunted long before this, and today long-dead patients are seen and heard. A sickly, consumptive-looking ghost, and phantom nurses in old fashioned uniforms walk the gardens. Read of these and a menacing dark entity seen in trees Ghosts of Appuldurcombe at Wroxall open to the public This handsome haunted mansion, Appuldurcombe House with windows and 52 rooms is a shell of its former self.

The ghosts however, remain. They include a phantom carriage, brownclad monks, dark shapes glimpsed flitting through the grounds. Read more ghostly goings on in the dark cellars A pair of weathered stone gateposts are all that remain of the manor house of Knighton Gorges, yet it lives on, its blood-red history a testament to murder, suicide, insanity, malice, and a gallery of ghosts.

A coach and horses, poltergeist lights, phantom revels and tales of stone creatures seen upon the old gate pillars, are just a few of the spooky happenings in this strange place. Michal Morey who killed his young grandson in cold blood, was tried and hanged at Winchester, and his corpse brought back to Arreton, in It was left rotting on the Downend gibbet at the crossroads at Gallows Hill, near the Hare and Hounds, until it became "an offence to eye and nostril". Morey's restless spirit can also be seen, roaming Gallows Hill, carrying a large axe Read all about Morey's ghost and details of the murder and manhunt.

Osborne House was Queen Victoria's favourite home. From this Royal holiday home much of the world was governed. Her ghost is still here with ghosts of some Royal children. Other spirits too, linger at Osborne, A late afternoon in the autumn is a particularly good time for its ghosts Read of the murdered maid, the ghosts in the gardens, and the woman in black who stands at the window.

Read too about Victoria and Albert's seances at Osborne. This incredible Ghost Pub is open to the public - if you can find it! One dark November night two Island men set out on what became the strangest night of their lives.

15 Real Life Ghost Ships

The drab bar felt unwelcoming and cold. Hostile eyes turned towards the two strangers and all conversation ceased. That pub has never been seen again.

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Despite repeated attempts it has never been found. Have fun looking for it Watch out for this amazing haunted grave in St George's Churchyard. His headstone reads 'Death is most certain you may see, For certainly it came to me, In perfect health to me twas sent, By Accident most violent. Buy Book 4 NOW to discover how he died and where the haunted gravestone lies.

This ancient standing stone has long been associated with the supernatural, spirits and occult ceremonies. Today witchcraft and occult rituals are still performed there. Read about how white witches have performed a ceremony there to cleanse the Longstone of its evil aura, and the ghostly goings on at this powerful place.

The ghosts of Golden Hill Fort are seen, heard and smelled. A young ghostly soldier cut in half in a tragic accident at the old Sandown Fort, haunts Sandown Zoo Since his agonising death the soldier's ghost has been sighted at the old gun emplacement in the fort and near the moat. BUY BOOK 2 to read about how he was working on one of the fort's ton guns when it rolled backwards, cutting him in two. Ghost Trains at Newport: No train has run from Newport for some 40 years, except this ancient locomotive with three carriages, seen steaming towards the town of Cowes.

The last steam trains ran to Newport in the's and this was undoubtedly a ghost-train. A ghost at the haunted Sloop Inn, Wootton Bridge, likes to hit the jackpot on the pub's fruit machines. At dead of night, long after customers and staff have left, the unmistakable sound of coins being paid out is heard, when the bar is locked Some long dead members and other ghosts linger there.

Ghosts at The Priory: Learn why the girl's ghost was seen, running down corridors, calling and sobbing, "What have you done with my dog? There is also a story about 'The Dog's Revenge'. Learn how they appear there in the auditorium, and why Haunted St Catherine's Lighthouse.

In the last war a bomb tragically killed all three keepers who lie buried together in the local churchyard at Niton.

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A polished brass memorial to them is displayed in the main lighthouse tower. Read about the noisy ghost family who live in the keeper's cottage. Haunted Enchanted Manor, Niton. For over a century Wind Cliff was home to members of the wealthy Kirkpatrick family. Today it is the award-winning Funkiest B and B in England.

Several ghosts haunt the old house. She usually stays on the first and second floors where she checks everything is in its place. Ghosts at The Bat's wing, Godshill. If you want to share your meal with a ghost, don't forget to ask for a certain haunted table. This ancient thatched cottage built in , is now a popular tearoom.

A tunnel leading from the Bat's Wing cellar to the church at the top of the hill was used by priests in hiding. The spirit of an elderly lady named Rose, haunts the Bat's Wing. She wears a long black dress, probably from early Victorian times, and a white apron looped at her shoulders, reaching down to the floor. She can be seen sitting in a rocking chair with a ginger cat asleep on her knee. Ghosts at the Wheatsheaf Hotel, Newport. Their pistols primed and ready, the two officers took aim and fired. Two shots rang out at Carisbrooke Castle where the duel took place.

Only one found its mark. The seconds ran to the wounded man who was bleeding heavily from the right shoulder. A servant was hastily sent for a surgeon.

Northwood House, Cowes

He could do little, for the shot had torn through lung and spinal cord. He was just 28 years old and had been married but a few days. Ghosts at Wolverton Manor, Shorwell. Steeped in history, with its thatched roof, flagstone floors, wood panelling, gleaming brasses and old-fashioned roses twining around the door, it is the epitome of a traditional English inn. For it to be haunted as well seems almost too good to be true. Over many years a white lady has been seen in part of the original building, where at a certain table, customers will often remark on the sudden chill which catches them unawares.

The Buddle Inn, which sits on the cliff top overlooking St Catherine's Lighthouse, started life as a three-room farm cottage in the sixteenth century. The inn's exact age is unknown, although it was granted its first licence in It had been operating as an unlicensed alehouse for many years prior to that and farming continued there until the First World War. The Buddle stream which rises in the back yard, always 12 degrees colder than the tap water, was once used for watercress beds and more importantly, for cooling beer. Here, on a wild and stormy winter's night, while snug in the cosy old inn with its stone-flagged floors, dark beams and massive open fireplace, tales of ghostly smugglers, wreckers and phantom fishermen don't seem so far fetched.

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Haunted Lighthouses

Legends and Lore of Lake Ontario. Down the Wild Cape Fear. A History of the American Lighthouse. Lighthouses of the Mid-Atlantic Coast. The Roar of the Sea.

The Lighthouse Companion for Maine. Shipwrecks of Lake Erie. An Illustrated History of Maritime Maine 2. Maritime Tales of Lake Ontario. The Temples of Angkor. The Little Black Book of Paris, edition. Pennsylvania Lighthouses on Lake Erie. In this gentle tale, illustrated with soft, yet vibrant watercolors, and woven with words from the Penobscot dialect, young Lily learns a valuable lesson about pride and her place in the village.

Is the Loch Ness Monster for real? As Xander struggles with heartache and uncertainty in her relationships, the four teens get caught up in a rivalry between two men obsessed with proving the existence of the Monster. Nessie sightings and hoaxes keep their heads spinning. While lost on the loch on a foggy night, they make a startling discovery of their own that could launch them to fame. Canoeing, horseback riding, castle exploring, and Monster hunting make for an action-packed story as the teens search for an answer to the mysterious riddle and find much more than they bargained for.

Plunge into the excitement with Xander, Brynn, Kevin and Donal in their latest fast-paced adventure enhanced with humor and light romance. How can one teenage girl get herself into so many predicaments? In this sequel to Celtic Thunder, the two boys she and Brynn met in Ireland are coming to Maine to visit the girls at Christmas time.

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Xander finds herself in the middle of a date quandary as the winter Sno-Ball approaches. With two dates for the big dance, she tries to hold onto them both, which leads to high jinx and heartache. Hiking, horseback riding, cave exploring, sleigh rides, a Native American celebration and a ski joring competition keep things moving along in this action-packed story. Jump on a horse and join Xander, Brynn, Kevin and Donal in their latest fast-paced adventure laced with humor and light romance. What do you get when you put an insecure, inexperienced, but spunky teen on a spirited horse?

A laugh a minute. Fifteen-year-old Xander Moloney receives an exciting invitation from her friend Brynn to go on an all-expense-paid horse riding tour in Ireland. On the sly, she takes English riding lessons with hilarious results. While in Ireland, she meets new challenges like staying on a runaway horse, riding down the side of a mountain, and overcoming her fear of heights to save a friend. In the process, she grows from an awkward, naive girl to a more confident person who discovers she can do just about anything she tackles.

He learned to ring the fog bell to greet passing boats and came to the rescue of the Matinicus mailboat one stormy winter night. When the ship wrecks in a December gale, the big dog saves the crew by pulling them to safety at Boon Island. The exciting and heart-warming story of an unwanted lighthouse who saves the day, written in coloring book format.

Story by Tim Harrison and illustrations by Angeli Perrow.