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The American Dream Is Just A Delusion:

The American dream has been stolen. Now it operates as The American Delusion. What a wake up call for America! This was an amazing documentary. It reminds me of similar stories of what Americans experienced during and after the depression. Both families reflect the continuous battle which working class Americans deal with year in and year out.

The American dream, for many families such as these two, has become the American nightmare. The promises by politicians, corporations, and the religious communities have been unfulfilled and replaced with more lies. The rich continue to get richer, while the working class bear the burden of bad business decisions, corporate greed, and the same old lies spouted by politicians.

Deborah Elston The American Dream to me includes a healthy, hard-working, supported middle class. Unfortunately, this is gone. We now live in a time of CEOs making millions while the workers lose benefits, pensions and jobs. I am a college grad who will never attain what my parents did - both of whom did not even finish high school. Never in a million years did I think I would live to see the decimation of the American middle class and yet, that day has arrived Jasper Bloodsworth To me the American Dream is the ever hopeful future. Something to keep loving and trying for.

To me it isn't changing as much as it is going through real tough times. I grew up on minimum wage and lunch tickets. Now I am a homeowner and a Navy Veteran that doesn't take anything for granted. Wesley Ratko The concept of an American dream means meritocracy, where hard work and perseverance can mean financial success without the necessity of connections or a family name. I still believe in that, but I think it's harder now than it ever has been.

  1. The X-Discipline : Financial Independence for the Web-Savvy Investor.
  2. Early Education Keeps The American Dream Alive - Child's World NEWS.
  3. Why Is The American Dream Dead?.
  4. Why Following the American Dream Will Rob You of Financial Control.
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It's under fire now from wealthy people who want to take as much as possible for themselves, without any consideration about the long term consequences of a diminished middle class. Greed is destroying the American Dream. But perhaps the most remarkable thing about the families, we have learned, is how unremarkable their stories are to so many Americans who have lived these past two decades under the same circumstances. She wrote of watching the film:. Because Frontline could have filmed our family in Detroit, over the same period of time, and much of the story would have been the same … I was three-years-old the first time I saw my grandparents come through our back door with groceries … To this day, I can see the motion they make as the door pushes open, what they are wearing, what their glasses look like, how happy they are to see me standing there waiting for them.

Why do you have groceries?!

Why Following the American Dream Will Rob You of True Happiness

I knew this in a deep sense without really having the vocabulary to describe it. The comments shared in this post about the state of the American Dream — like the stories of the Neumanns and Stanleys — speak both to the economic difficulties ordinary Americans face, and the resilience with which they face them. By submitting comments here, you are consenting to these rules:.

Readers' comments that include profanity, obscenity, personal attacks, harassment, or are defamatory, sexist, racist, violate a third party's right to privacy, or are otherwise inappropriate, will be removed.

  • Visualization and Simulation of Complex Flows in Biomedical Engineering: 12 (Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics).
  • What is the American Dream Anyway?.
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  • The American Dream Is Still AliveYou're Just Not Doing It Right.
  • Why Following the American Dream Will Rob You of Financial Control.
  • We do it in high school with our hair style and our clothes. And in adulthood, we subconsciously do it with our debt. Not on purpose of course, but we along with everyone else take out student loans, rack up car debt, and even over-extend ourselves into a house that was probably out of our reach financially. So, we get that college education, the new wheels, and the picturesque house…all with debt. Most will end up broke with nothing to show for their lifetime of earnings. Stop trying to convince yourself that your debt is smart.

    What Does the American Dream Mean to You? | Two American Families | FRONTLINE | PBS | Official Site

    Would I have ever thought this was possible based on a calculation? But did I do it? Throw your calculators away, tackle your debts head on, and knock them all out as quickly as possible. Is the American dream dead? To make it a reality, all you have to do is avoid debt like the plague, work hard at what you do, and save up and invest some money for the future.

    The dream, as presented was attainable post WW 2, but for those after not so much. The original model must be modified. Housing, and education costs have skyrocketed. Pre-schools have waiting lists now and may cost more than an AS from the local community college. It takes far longer to fix up a house than it does to demo it — the same is true of your finances.

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      Is the American dream really dead?

      I turned 25 this year and my girlfriend and I have been aggressively saving to buy our first home with the goal of renting out. My goodness is it challenging and takes discipline, but I must say you can get USED to saving and saying no just like you can be USED to spending and always saying yes. Awesome story and motivating! Glad you loved it, John. And glad you found us!