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60 seconds with Maria Osman

Combining this with a wipe should take you no longer than one minute. A man and his dog- During scavenge, bring only Ted and then get Pancake. However Mary Jane has to become the mutant. Only Child - Leaving Mary Jane is an excellent strategy because she goes insane very easily and is often proved worthless when scavenging for supplies. The only problems is that the player won't be able to get Mutant Mary Jane and there's a chance that the refrigerator event appears in which the player obtains Mary Jane.

Father Son - This strategy is to only take Timmy into the shelter. This is a good strategy because with only taking one person, the player has more time to get supplies, and Timmy is the best person to scavenge in the survival part of the game. A person can survive 4 days without water, and usually 9 days without food. So on day 1 do nothing, then on day 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 etc.. Post Knocking - Answer yes to any knocks that occur past day 30 of living in your shelter. Family Business trip relaxed. Only options involving items that the girls have but you don't have can happen.

There's never a good time to go out into the radioactive wasteland, but it seems this will become a necessity in this new world of ours. We thought it would be a good idea to make this happen sooner, rather than later, and planned a trip outside. Before we could make the third step beyond the shelter doors, an unknown creature started growling at us in the darkness.

We had only moments to decide what to do. There is a gang of firefighters outside! Or at least, they're dressed like ones. They've been banging on the door, ordering us to surrender all of our supplies. They claim they will drive us out with fire if we don't comply!

Guess the definition of a firefighter has somewhat changed recently. How do we oppose them? OR We were about to go to sleep when we heard scratching coming from the door. At first, it sounded like an angry rat trying to eat the damn thing. We soon discovered it was something much worse. Someone is on the other side of the door trying to pry it open! We need to act! OR When someone knocked on the door, we were suspicious and cautious, but after a few minutes of talking it turned out it was just a group of old ladies who were at a tea-party not far from here when the bombs dropped.

We thought it would only be good manners to talk to them face to face. When we opened the door those bats attacked us with their umbrellas, canes and something that looked like a spiked table leg! OR A band of raiders are at our doorstep! They demand we let them in!

Events (60 Seconds!) | 60 Seconds! Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

This is no game. We either yield, or we fight back. There's no middle ground here. All hands on deck! There are people on the other side of the door, and they don't seem too friendly. In fact, they've promised us a painful death at least 17 times already, and it's only been five minutes since they arrived! We'd better prepare, they'll be forcing that door down any minute now!

  1. ?
  2. Strategies and Challenges | 60 Seconds! Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia!
  3. 60 seconds with Maria Osman – MCWH.

It's been a while since we showered. The smell in this tiny shelter is as far from roses as it can get.

We had thought of washing ourselves OR After all the days we spent down here, we're not exactly clean. It didn't bother us until we noticed it, and now we're about to get sick. So why not take a shower? Why don't have soap, but there are other alternatives to consider. OR The problem is simple. If we don't wash ourselves, we'll get sick. It smells really bad down here and it doesn't seem like it'll get any better over the next couple of days. How about we do something to fix it? A few more hours of coughing and we'll get used to it! Our ventilation fans have halted, and no fresh air seems to be circulating through the shelter.

We have to fix it before we suffocate like rats trapped by a professional and very cruel rat catcher. OR We can barely breathe in this damn shelter. For the last couple of hours the situation has been getting noticeably worse. There might be something wrong with the ventilation system. If that's the case, we need to look into fixing it right away! OR It has become more and more difficult to breathe in the shelter over the last couple of hours.

Russian Hitman 60 Seconds Prank!

We suspect there is something wrong with the ventilation. Maybe it got stuck somehow? We need to investigate or we might suffocate. Every new smell attacks our noses in this little shelter instantly. There isn't much we can miss. So, when a single brick fell out from the wall revealing a tight opening, our senses were immediately invaded by a terrible stench.

We should probably check that hole out and see what the source of that smell is. When one of the wall bricks got loose today and revealed a hole, we felt pretty sick. It's the smell coming from the hole. Should we investigate and remove the source of this stench? There is nothing more surprising than a knock on a fallout shelter door. Who could it be?! Should we investigate and risk our very lives? That sounds like a good idea! We were about to go to sleep when we heard someone knocking on the door.

Who could it be at this hour? Who could it be in this part of the wasteland? How in the hell did they survive the nuke?! Should we open up? Someone is at the door. We're a bit scared but maybe its a friendly face or an american soldier. We always steered away from casinos, gambling dens and the like. So when a man came to our door and told us he used to be a gambler, we were suspicious. He invited us to play a game. He proposed a two water-bottle bet in a card game of our choice. OR Our hideout was approached by a man we didn't know.

He claimed he used to be an accountant, but now he survives as a trader and He offered us a card game for a bet of two water bottles. A knock on the door is not something we take lightly, these days. So when a man came to our doorstep today, offering us a highly profitable game of cards, we weren't convinced. Is a bet of two soup-cans in a card game a reasonable choice in our situation?

The last thing we expected to hear while sitting in a fallout shelter was a trumpet. It was played by someone who was clearly not a trumpet player, and who had probably never heard a trumpet player in his entire life. He came with a friend who knocked on the door and demanded that we 'let the Merrymen enter', so they could take from the rich and give to the poor.

Should we let them in? A group of people dressed in green pyjamas knocking on our hatch is not something that we anticipated.

Events (60 Seconds!)

Yet this is exactly what happened. Furthermore, they insisted they are 'Merrymen' and wish to take from the rich and give to the poor. We're pretty poor, so maybe we could make some new friends? As we were about to start our book club discussion on the only book we've all read, the phone book, we were interrupted by rapid knocking at the door. We found out it was a group of refugees who survived the blast just like we did. They were doing much worse than us, and begged us to provide them with any water, food, or medical supplies we could spare. We were discussing plans for our first meal that didn't feature tomato soup when we heard yells outside.

We discovered they came from a small group of ragged survivors.

  • In Reverse Time.
  • In the Blood.
  • .
  • ?
  • List of Events | 60 Seconds! Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia.
  • They were a sorry sight and we weren't surprised when they requested aid. They asked us to provide anything we could - water, food, or medical supplies You would expect the post-apocalypse to be a time of peace and quiet, since Yet, here we have someone at the door! When we opened it up, we encountered a strange looking man in a blue jumpsuit who asked us to trade him a 'water chip'. What in the hell is that? Almost only occurs when you have no gas mask [This is a referance to "Fallout" When the Protagonist is sent out to get a 'water chip'. We had the most curious visitors today.

    One of them was making the sound of a galloping horse using a pair of rocks and hitting them against each other, while his companion was pretending to ride said 'horse'. They claimed to be on a very important quest to seek some magical cup, only they lost their way in the wasteland. They asked permission to have a quick look at our map to determine their whereabouts.

    OR What's that sound? We rushed to the door and were greeted by two men, dressed like they'd come from a medieval fair. We identified the source of the sound - one of them was holding two rocks and hitting them against each other constantly, while the other was skipping and pretending to be a rider. They said they're looking for some antique cup, but they'd got lost and they would most grateful if we would let them check our map, provided we have one. There's an armed and dangerous woman outside! Fortunately she's out of ammo. She tells us she hunts the wild beasts of the wastes, and right now she's on a trail of a giant, mutated spider.

    We're pretty sure she's lost her mind - what are you gonna do with that spider, lady - put it on a leash? She promises that if we help her, she will return the favor another day. Today we've met a bunch of people dressed in what looked like Halloween doctor outfits. They claimed to be a field hospital, moving from place to place and attempting to help those hurt by the hazards of the wasteland.

    Their problem is, some of their supplies got eaten by something that looked like a sasquatch. They're asking us if we have any spare hydrogen peroxide. Open in the name of freedom! We weren't sure who claimed to be representing freedom, but we could hear it was a group of people, probably armed. Anyone who introduces themselves like that is probably planning to kill someone in the name of 'freedom. We had a chance to meet the strangest person today. He looked just like a human, except with triple the amound of hand necessary. Scratching on the door could only mean one thing - our dog friend is back!

    We raced to open the door, not considering it might have been a mutated beast, but luck smiled upon us. The furry fellow seemed really tired and hungry. Should we feed him? OR We were about to take a cautious peek outside when a furry beast jumped on us! Good thing our hearts were not battered by a fat-heavy hamburger diet, because it was our dog friend, and not a mutant lurking to chew our bones! He seems to be hungry, shall we give him something to eat?

    OR Barking at our doorstep could only mean one thing - our dog friend is back! Not caring for hazards of the wasteland, we rushed to open it and there he was. The poor thing seems tired and starving, should we share some of our food with him? Only occurs when flashlight is used on Beast in the Dark event. Pancake came back today very agitated about something. He really wanted us to get out and follow him somewhere in the neighborhood. This seems a bit risky, but maybe Pancake's on the trail of something big?

    What gear should we take? Only occurs when Soup is used on the second dog event. Pancake came back, but he's badly wounded! We need to act fast and save him. Get the first aid kit! Only occurs when you did not use the rifle the third dog event. We were pretty sure Mary Jane had her birthday two weeks ago, but it turns out - it's today. Shall we get her something a young lady trapped in a tiny shelter would enjoy? Mary Jane has been awfully silent today. That's very much unlike her, should we talk to her?

    Since Mary Jane turned into Only occurs when Mary Jane is mutated. We risked poking Mary Jane, but there was barely any reaction. Maybe a good old-fashioned chat will work. After all, it's not like she's a weird mutant now. Oh wait, she is. The idea still stands, should we chat with her? Mary Jane was injured on her last expedition, she didn't mention it to us, and we didn't notice.

    It wasn't a problem until just now. It seems her injury got infected and she's in bad shape. We must help her. Only occurs when Mary Jane was sent out of the shelter and came back and is not mutated OR Remember that time Mary Jane went out to scavenge supplies? When she got back, she had a wound on her forearm. Nothing serious, she claimed, but it looked like something had bitten her. Now that injury is looking much worse.

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    We fear it may be infected. We have to clean it up. We should get him something every boy wants for his During breakfast we realized that some of our rations were missing. Our first instinct was to blame the communist, but we soon realized that the real culprit was in fact Timmy! Apparently, he's become completely paranoid - he keeps muttering about how we're starving him on purpose, and he's really giving us really hostile looks.

    Dolores has not been very talkative lately. Should we chat with her to find out what's wrong? Everything would be fine if it wasn't for Dolores. She doesn't seem well.