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In this Issue

I thank u for publishing this very useful article which I have recommended to a cristian freind who would hopefully become a muslim, Insha Allah. The Bible account tells us that Jesus[PBUH]was crucified to remove sin from the world but if this is so then why is sin still so prevailent in Humankind? Birth defects,war,adultery,racism,averist,sodomy,corruption,etc has not been removed by Jesus's so-called demise. This gives the Quran more credibility telling us that it was not Jesus who was crucified but someone killed in his place [but it doesnt say who]and this is one of the greatest falsehoods of this account.

Adding to this falsehood is the various versions of the Bible,some are altered to fit the doctrine of any individual Christian sect. Out of curiosity i did my research on Mithra the so called sun god Jan - sorry to hear that you found nothing in "the writings" to nurture your "conscience mind. May you receive that which you wish for others - such as peace, mercy, insight, etc. The article reads "so who else celebrated their gods birthday on December 25? It was after my conversion to Islam, while trying to gain more knowledge of the religion that I became aware for the first time in my life of Mithra.

In researching Mithra, whose story is almost identical to that of Jesus, it was then that I began to question the authenticity of Jesus having existed at all. I challenge others to do their own research with an open mind. At this time in my life I have disavowed myself from all 'religions'. I believe our Creator, whomever it is, works only through our conscience mind not through the wrtings of men. God, the almighty power and light whom we can't imagine. He hasn't taken man's form.

He just put messengers so we poor souls would get the message. Instead, unfortunately many get burned and start calling man a god. The bible is full of inconsistencies. No where does Jesus call himself God and say worship me. He was a great example for all of us. He was humble, not arrogant. He was loving to the righteous. Do we follow his example? No we spread hatred in this world. We forget what message Jesus brought to us.

We disgrace other faiths even if they are good people. We mix politics and self interest with relion. Here we have Bush who thinks he's God and calls all the shots around the world. Is that not sinful? Does God love this? Do sinful people go to heaven? Can you say righteous people won't go to heaven and sinful christians will? That sounds extremist and supremacist-like to me. Where's the logic here? Do we know enough to say if we are christians we'll automatically go to heaven?

No one has come back to tell us yet. Let's fix ourselves first and then worry about others later. I hope I did not imply one can be God's child and live an unrightous life and practice immoral values. I agree God hate's sin but He does love the sinner. I agree one should aspire to live a clean and sin free life. What I meant was when a person truly has a personal relationship with Christ they simply know to use words that may be familiar to you what is haram and what is halal.

Sorry if I misspelled. It is a view of our local imam that we should not congratulate christmass to the christians as this would mean agreeing with their religious beleives to which from hadith is apparently evindent we are not allowed to.. Christopher Ward you are right about what you say. Most Christians know Jesus was not born on December Christians may not follow strict laws that are set in the Old Testament. However, you can not say you are God's child if you do not live a rightouse life and practice moral values.

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This is because God hates unritgheousness and sin. It always confuses me that at one point Muslims think the bible has been corrupted but at another point they can use it if it jives with the Quran. As I understand it the Quran is complete and really does not need someone looking back at other scriptures to support it. I hope you are not doubting your faith so that you have to reach into the more ancient texts to provide comfort. As for your passage about Muhammed being the one liken to Moses your position is one that has good evidence but has been refuted.

If you read the above and below verses that surround the verse you quoted something that most Muslims tell others to do when they jump to conclusions that Islam is violent you will see that this person is coming from the tribe of Levi you'll have to check to be sure but I am sure it is from a tribe of Israel. Anyway, if the bible has been so corrupted I would advise you to stay away from it because it may lead you astray.

If you are searching in the bible because you have questions as to the validity of the Quran the website answering islam is quite good. I think this was a pretty good article. I think most devout Christians do know that Christ's birthday was not on 25 December and that it is done in rememberance. I have always found Muslims to be very picky about things such as this which likely stems from their belief in the perfect transmission of the Quran.

Very picky in deed. I think however that being picky and wanting things to be perfect, ie perfectionism, is kinda humanistic. What matters in Christianity is the message that Jesus was the fullfillment of Old Testament prophesies that one would be born of a virgin, he came to die for humanities sins, and to be risen again, and that the only way to go to heaven is by having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

When one truly has this relationship it is beautiful. Christ is always with you and you know the right thing to do. You do not have to pour over laws about cleaning, praying, or wether one can shake the hand of a dog owner. There are many details that can be refuted and there can be people who refute the refutations and people who refute the refutations that were refuted. I have read great evidence by Muslims that Mohammed was prophised in the Bible, that Christ did not believe himself to be God, and so on and so forth.

But the truth is, much as Jesus said, ye have little faith. One must believe, or not believe Jesus is the Son of God. There is no inbetween. Muslims often wonder why Christians find them offensive. I find them offensive because I believe they are sending more than a billion to their eternal deaths in hell and because they defy the divinity of Jesus.

But I still love them because one can see by the rigors of their religion they really yearn to love God. This yearning is noble and good. Why should not the Bible be interrogated by Muslims? We should not be afraid that by the same token, the Quran will be interrogated by Christians. Let us use the word studied and not interrogated. When done with an open heart God both in the Bible and in the Quran welcomes man's and woman's heart to heart questioning.

That is precisely the way of God: Otherwise what is the use of this inquisitive mind that HE has given us. QWe are not robots but exalted human being "made in the image" of God. We have the free will and through our devotion we can be nearer to God than His angels. This devotion is then acquired through fighting with inner self and logically arriving at the result that "There is no god but The One God", and that can only be arrived at by studying His scriptures with an open heart, be it the Bible, the Torah or the Quran.

This religion was sent to the "alameen". That is the whole world. It is not confined to the Arabs. An excellent teaching article. As a new muslim, only 2 years, I am astounded at how much is not understood about Christians. Many muslims I have met only know of Catholisim, not knowing that there are several sects, scisms and schools of thought amongst them. Thank you to the author of this article for ackowleging this very important fact. Our bretheren have been misled. Do you not understand? They have been told since birth that Jesus and Allah are one and the same, that Allah took a human form in Jesus, that being the son of Allah was a way to forge a link between himself and human kind.

Now we know that this is not true, and we have had the benefit of the Qur'an to guide us, but they have not. Remember this before you condemn them. The evil that perverted the message of Jesus, pbuh, happened long ago. The present generation simply parrots the sins of those before them. We are the lucky ones, and our mission is to spread this word, to reach out to them, not in arogance and rudeness, but in love and understanding. It is no accident that Qur'an is revealed at the beginning of the twisting of christianity, that our message, la illaha illallah, comes at the same time as the feast of christmas supplants the pagan holidays, that the divinity of Jesus, pbuh, is gaining popularity at the very time of the Last Revelation.

This is no accident, brothers and sisters. Let us be understanding, and informative to our neighbors. Then you might as well call christainity a violent religion. First you have the crusaders who after the captured Jeruslem they butchered its citizens it didnt matter if they where christians, muslims or jews. I am not here to teach you history, i just want to tell you dont call a religion violent just because you saw someone who believes in the religion do something violent.

The author mentions about the significance of 25th of December for Indians and as far as I know there is absolutely nothing of that sort. In India too 25th is celebrated as Christmas and nothing else. It is a distant possibility that it may be important for a small group of people but it certainly is not any important Indian date.

If the author knows more kindly post it on the web. Unsubstantiated coments like this cast shadow on the authenticity of the whole article. I would love to be corrected. My comment is on those Christian extremists who say that Muslims and Christians worship different Gods. Lets just say you and I worship 2 different Gods.

There will be at least 2 Gods in the entire universe. God of Christians and God of Muslims. Is that what you are saying? Then, these 2 Gods would have at some points in time some kind of War among them to govern bigger slice of the universe, would'nt They? However, have you ever heard of any reports by NASA of any signs of terrible war happening in the universe that would be caused by the War of Gods? The truth it, there is only one God. All mankind worship this same God. However, each religion interpret and explain this same God in their own way and styles. And only one explanation is the truth.

Muslims definitely believe Islam's view of God is the truth. While Christians believe their view is the truth. So do other worshippers, such as Jewish, Buddhism, and Hinduism. At the end of the day, only one view is the truth. This truth can be examined using the intellects God has given to mankind.

All these historical facts, so confusing!!

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I do agree that "Christmas" origin is not so pure and whoever inventented this celebration, Allah only knows his intention. I believe Allah likes us to remember and celebrate the birthdays of holy people like Jesus AS. Even in the Quran, Allah mentions the birth of John The Baptist in Surah Maryam, I believe to tell us that the birth of these holy people should be remembered. Even though, the origin of Christmas may be impure, but I can't deny that christians do celebrate the birth of Jesus on thaat day. I think Christmas and the days before it are full of love to eachother and full of good human intentions.

Rasoolol Allah S said " Hadoo, ta7aabo", means "give each other gifts and love one another". I don't even remember when was the last time I gave a muslim brother any gift!! May be the origin of Christmas was so bad and came from people that worshipped many gods, but I also believe that when islam came, there were some good things that the arabs in Jahiliya used to do that Islam kept, but changed its intention towards only Allah.

One example is the "Khums" i. I don't think celebrating Christmas is evil, because the intention is to celebrate the birth of Jesus AS. I know they think that Jesus is Son of God or part of God, but they say so because they are mistaken and they don't know the truth. Very very very different from knowing the truth and not wanting to admit it because of pride or afraid to lose power or position in life or even weak to admit the truth. I believe those are the ones that Quran speaks about as " allazeena Kafaro min Ahlulkitab". As for those who are mistaken and really don't understand the truth, it takes much much more than giving them a Quran or telling them a few verses and asking them " Now you have to believe because you heard it, now u have no excuse".

I wish that only this would be considered as Dawa. It would be one of the easiest and simple responsibilities, but it is. GT, re your post of ; I have only one comment to make to counter your incorrect perception: And by the way, with what logic can you say 2 people of the book can't make offspring of the book? Tank you for an excellent overview. It couldn't be told often enough how much we have in common in Christianity and Islam.

However, I think that your reference to Jeremiah Old Norse jol, Gothic jiuleis, as in "fruma Jiuleis" i. The rather new tradition of jule-trees in the In Deuteronomy 18, Moses states that God has told him: If anyone does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name, I myself will call him to account. Now, we must note that Moses pbuh and Jesus pbuh , are not as similar as Moses pbuh and Muhammad saws are. This is because Jesus pbuh did not have a natural birth, a family life and a death, unlike Prophets Moses pbuh and Muhammad saws.

Also, Muhammad saws is a descendant of Ismael, he is of the Ismaelites, which are the brother-tribe of the Israelites, and this too was promised in the Original Holy Bible. Lastly, the Jews were waiting for the fulfillment of three distinct prophecies, according to the Gospel of John: The coming of Christ, 2. When Jesus pbuh was asked whether or not he was these things, he said "NO" to all of them.

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Earlier, in Deuteronomy, we see that God promises to hold to account anyone who does not listen to the words spoken by the Prophet, i. Thus, anyone who believes in the Bible, must, by simple logical deduction alone, believe in Muhammad saws , and they must also believe that Jesus pbuh was not "the son of God", he was a messenger of God.

Again, why would God need a "son" Nauzubillah to carry out his mission, if he had so many prophets to do this? God has no relatives, nor family God does not need us, rather, it is US that needs Him. Additionally, Allah is above that which they associate him with. Most Christians are those whom Allah calls the hyprocrites, the munafiqeen.

Allah says the unbelievers are worst than animals surah 8. Muslims should not condone anti Islamic holidays in any way, shape or form. Allah is an nafi. His religion, al-Islam is enough for the people. Our religion demands that we speak out against the wrongdoers unless we be destroyed due to their wrong doing. The reason Muslim women aren't allowed to marry the people men of the book is because, men are generally much stronger than women physically, and a non-Muslim husband can forbid a Muslima from practicing her faith. Whereas, a Muslim man is required protect a woman of the book's right to practice her faith.

With regards to your comment about Islam having come years after Christianity, well, Allah has sent messengers to people of different times with guidance to the Righteous path. And that Guidance has been the same irrespective of time and that is, 'Worshipping One God and not associating any partners with Him'. So, the essence of the message is the same where as the name is different. While all the messengers before Prophet Muhammed Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him were sent to their own people, Muhammed Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him was sent as a Guidance and Mercy for all mankind.

He is the seal of the Prophets and no prophet is going to come after him to warn the people as he's the last prophet before the Judgement day. Islam is 'Total Submission' to Allah, and Belief in all the Messengers sent by Allah to people of all times and belief in all the books revealed to all the Prophets. Please look at Muslims and Islam with a Fairmindedness and you should be able to see that it is only Muslims who acknowledge the Original Christianity and the Original Judaism where as the Christians and the Jews openly deny Islam.

Tell me by God, If you say that God sent down His son to be crucified to atone for the sins of the people alive at his time and afterwards, what about those who had come before and died as sinners before the time of Christ, and had no opportunity to know about him and believe in the Crucifixion so that their sins might be forgiven?

Your comment about Islam being a Violent religion is unjustified. Those are the ignorant lot who just take direct verses from the Quran about violence, ignoring the context they were revealed in and the preceding and succeeding verses. Islam does not advocate Violence at any cost. Muslims are encouraged in Islam to fight those who attack them or their religion unjustly. Muslims are exhorted to fight the oppression. Neither the Quran nor any other Divine book tells how to make a bomb. Don't be ignorant and get your facts first before spitting your venom against Islam and Muslims.

Don't you see that it is Islam that approves the Original Torah and the Original Bible while it is people like you who continue to deny the Quran and the Prophet Muhammed Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him. Please remove the blanket of Hatred against Islam from your eyes and you should see the true light of Guidance. May Allah guide you to the right path! We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to Allah in Islam. Does God Allah need a son to carry out his mission? Adam, and Abraham and Moses may peace be upon them , before him were not sons.

Yet, they had the same message as Jesus and Mohammad may peace be upon them. None of them said I am God, but they all said God's good words. No lying, no stealing, no adultery, no fornication.

Jesus in Islam and Christmas - IslamiCity

Only caring for orphans, the weak, the poor etc. And lead the nations of their times with examples. All monotheistic religions truly praise GOD who doesn't need mans form. They all preach peace. Man has his self-serving motives to change interpretations, cause differences and hence rifts. How could Jesus, may peace be upon him, create the heaven, earth, and all creation? Who will determine salvation Allah, the almighty, or Jesus, may peace be upon him? Who is Jesus,may peace be upon him, answerable to?

Why does he have to die for others' sins, if you give him credit of being a god, which he never professed to? Why would God have to "forsake" him for a bunch of ordinary people like us. The fact is we all stand together. Accountable for our own souls and deeds. Allah almighty is the greatest judge of all and doesn't need sons for anything. Not to create the earth, not to forgive the errors commited by those whom He created. He just did us a favor by sending us messengers to warn us of our own ill capabilities and to shape up by living a truly righteous and humble life. By caring and loving one another, rather than dividing and fighting, which the devil sits back and enjoys seeing.

Ask Allah to forgive us all. Truth is no one knows whom Allah will forgive and whom He will punish. So we need to submit to HIM. The Qur'an admonishes Muslims to be equitable and charitable to non-Muslims, especially the covenanted people of the Book; Jews and Christians. The Qur'an says; "Allah forbids you not, to be kind and just to those who do not fight you for your Religion nor drive you out of your homes. Allah Love those who are just. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said: Whoever hurts a dhimi a Jew or a Christian he hurts me and who hurts me he hurts Allah.

Islam allows Muslim men to marry Jewish and Christian women. They confide in them, trust them and have their children from them. It was narrated that Safiah the wife of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and daughter of a Jewish chief came to the Prophet complaining that the Muslim women tease her that she is a Jew.

The Prophet said to her; if they tease you next time tell them, that your father is Moses, your uncle is Aaron and your husband is Muhammad. Allah swt told Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in the Qur'an, to exonerate a Jew who was falsely accused by some Muslims of stealing. Islam allows Muslims to eat the not forbidden food of Jews and Christians, visit their sick people and attend their funerals and meetings. Islam protects the houses of worship of Jews and Christians.

When it became time to pray, Umer refused to pray in the Church for fear that Muslims might take it over and convert it into a Mosque, thus depriving the Christians from the use of their house of worship. Umer prayed outside the Church and on that site a mosque, named Umer Mosque was built opposite to the Church. Thus, demonstrating respect and tolerance of Islam toward other religions.

The Pagan custom of the yule tree was, curiously enough, adopted by German Protestants - reportedly out of their aversion to displaying as part of any religious observance the sort of small statues that are typically found, for example, in nativity scenes.

Please don't simply take my word for it, about the yule tree being Pagan in origin. Google '"yule tree" pagan' omitting the single-quote marks and see for yourself what you might imagine to be the origins of the custom. The New York-based HRW said in a report released on December 12, that more than 1, Iraqi civilians were killed or wounded by the coalition's use of only one type of weapon, 13, cluster munitions, containing nearly two million sub-munitions".

Please make comments which make some sence. How about lie to justify war? Truthfully I really enjoyed reading your article. But it is nice to see an article like this, specially the ending where you state "We should never ridicule the religous beliefs of others Before I was Christian and I always thought it was nice when people of other beliefs told me to enjoy my holiday, even though they didn't celebrate it.

It's clear to me now as to many muslims who read this article that you are misinterpreting the meaning of what what allah is trying to tell us about christians and jews or other. Your answer to my first posting was for me to check "A Forgotten Covenant" as a proof that prophet Mohammad respected or was in love with christians and jews.. So what you showed in your articles "A Forgotten Covenant" was true but you didn't show that they had to pay for them to stay secure in muslim countries. It also means that by living among muslims they were given the ultimate freedom to do whatever they wished and that he will provide them protection if they wanted to keep their faith and not adopt islam.

Alhamdulillahi,iam happy to havethis opportunity. I am only been particular about the attitude of our people who did not appreciate the fcat that our existence withthe nonmuslims should be used to thank Allah for making us abeleiver. Jesus christ in the xtian gospel has been misunderstood tha is the major reason why the argument aginst 25th dec is always geniue to the muslims.

I am of the opinion that after knowing what sorround the so callled xmas, there is need for enlightement as to what to do and what not to do for a muslim durring this period. This will allow us in a mixed society guide against anything that can easily put us in conflictwith our believe. And if not why not? The article is fine, but muslims dont' fight christian about christmass. Let him show me where it is wriien or chapter of the Holy Bible that teaches the American and British how to make Bombs.

Don't bring politics into this article. The authour of this article is talking about celebrating christmass and not how to make bomb. I would like to mention that by reading your article i was a bit surprised on how easy it was for you to say that Prophet Mohammad respected the christians in his time? Apparently Muslims in this world have become too scared to say the truth about this religion that contains the true judaism of the prophet Abraham, moises and the true Christianism of the prophet Issa "jesus" Peace be upon them all.

It's not a matter of racism as they describe it these days or fanatism or anti semetism, it's about the true religion of allah. Our great prophet Mohammad would never allow anybody who says "Jesus the son of god" to pray in his mosque or in his presence. Allah said in the holy Qu'ran " you were the best nation to be sent to people, you order goodness and you prevent evil". We as muslims should not be afraid of confronting other religions and explaining to them the true meaning of islam which in the first place means the religion of peace.

We are very Unfortunate to have fanatics in islam as do all religions but the circumstances that surround us muslims these days defines us as "terrorists" whenever we say the truth. We will only succeed in convincing others about the goodness of islam by being good educated muslims with a solid background about our religion. It's always good to compromise and let others know that we do not beleive in their religion but we are trying to communicate with them on a peacefull level.

Pls be carefull about your article next time and be aware that if you want to show good intentions toward other religions you should do it with the limit of the holy Qu'ran and the haddith. I do agree, that this type of article is good for the dialouge between Christians and Muslims. I understand because of evolving culture, the people of Western Christianity not only equate the celebratory status of Christmas but also equate this joyus event with "Santa Claus" with gift giving.

I believe that Christians must understand that through in depth studying it is impossible to know the birth of Christ if you are going on a Biblical standpoint, because the Bible doesn't give references to date. Rather, Christians I'm sure go off from the message of Jesus. But I think predominantly Christians should go off of the belief that links all believers in the Creator together which is, "la ilaha illAllah" "There is no god except GOD. You point out nothing new. It is common knowledge that 25 December is symbolic. Just as Christmas and snow. Christmas is a celebration of many cultures.

The manger comes from Italy and most of the other things trees, etc are from Germany. Santa Claus is from St. I would point out that Islam is just an extension of other religions. The only exception is the violance and hatred of Islam. What chapter in the book explains bomb making? How about crashing airplanes into innocent people. Does Allah kill in Islam or is he all forgiving as was Jesus.

In conclusion, I must remind you that your religion came about years after Jesus. Can you imagine years? In the Name of Allah Articles like these are desparately needed to help diffuse tension in this dark and dangerous time. In order to win Christians we need to use the right bait. Sure, you may like strawberry shortcake, but when you go fishing, you use a worm--the food a fish will like to eat.

So we must use tact. If you look at some of Min. Farrakhan's hundreds of sermons in various Christian denominations, you can get some great ideas on how to help Christians become better Christians. Of course, the residual value of such an approach will help recruit quite a few new acceptances of Islam from within Christianity. Alhamduillah, Islamcity is providing a great service with this article. Very short article without enough information about Jesus, his life, teaching, conection with other prophets I found your article quite expository but I would like to have a concrete evidence that the holy prophet[SAW] allowed non muslims to enter the the mosque and pray.

I agree with the author that it is a high time of Christmas to remind all those who celebrate the birthday of Jesus that He was not born on this day. Secondly, that the way they celebrate is not spiritual but materialistic by turning the event into the whole month of consumerism. This I think is not the proper way of behaving in religious festivals. People are now intersted in shopping,led by false advertisements in the name of discounts, flocking shopping areas but not flocking in churches and other places of worships among the Christians.

Religious festivals should aim at rejoicing for the glory of Almighty God brought to us human beings through the prophetic media, by remembring Him through prayers. If not convinced let them do research because faith should be preceded by education. This is the Age of enlightiment and not of ignorance. I enjoyed reading this article. I am a Christian that has recently started studying Islam quite closely. I find that I share many of the feelings that Muslims have regarding Jesus and the Trinity although perhaps not all.

One of the things that has impressed me most of all is the profound respect that Islam, and the Prophet pbuh has of Jesus. I wish that more of my fellow Christians could come close to that level of respect. It saddens me a great deal that so many are ignorant of the truth and beauty to be found in Islam, or even worse, remain hostile to it. I am a theology graduate, and a religious studies teacher in the UK, and I have to admit that there were a few nuggets of information that were new to me here the extent of the pagan associations of 25th December. So I wish to pay thanks to the author just for that.

As to the question of religious pluralism raised in another comment, I understand very well her discomfort. However, as a Christian that considers himself in a loose sense a Muslim, insofar as I seek to submit to Allah not always well , I feel that we all need to be open to the possibility that Allah is present in places that we might not have anticipated.

That is not to say that we should agree carelessly with people - there might be much to disagree with. But insofar as a faith recognises one true God, and the place of humanity before him, we might surmise that Allah might indeed be present, if not fully understood. Maybe here we are called to draw increased attention to the fullness of God, but at the same time to be patient and willing to enter into dialogue and ultimately to work together for a world where religious strife is less prevelant, if not eliminated.

I am agree that Jesus is moslem because I read history that God send many messenger since Adam till Mohammad. Quran is revision from last God's Book that became all prophet is brought Tauheed and Mohammed came to making completly all God voice also making better our habit Innama buistu liutamima makarimal akhlak not come to againts last prophet.

Believe in God, 2. Believe in God's Angel. Believe in all God's prophet 4. Beleive in God's Book 5. Beleive in The end of day 6. I agree with alot of what is stated in the article and your research will be very useful. I do, however, feel that the article was maybe too short to grant proper justice to the reverence with which The Quran treats Jesus.

I believe that, although, The Quran talks about Jesus is a far more "exalting" light than most passages of the New Testament, many Muslims do not revere Jesus and in actual fact try to belittle his importance to us, as an example of how a muslim should live. Secondly, to the Brother who wants to split hairs on what the Prophet's real name is I enjoyed reading your article, however, I think your piece falls short by actually stating that Christians use Christmas to revere Jesus.

Christians go beyond revering Jesus and actually worship him as God. Allowing others to worship as they please is one thing, but I believe that your article takes a softer stand to pluralistic religions that is not followed in the Quran, "And to warn those who say: Allah has taken to Himself a son. They have no knowledge of it Grievous is the word that comes out of their mouths. They speak nothing but a lie. It saddens me that many of my Muslim brothers and sisters today have taken Allah's words for jest or manipulated them to suit the needs of the moment. I would like the author of this article to indicate what evidences or Hadiths the Islamic historians, refered to in his text , provided to substantiate the fact that the Prophet Muhammad SAW authorised christians to conduct a christian Mass in the Masjid?

I 'd like to understand why. In general the article is fine, but I have an objection in the existence of Jesus in various verses of Qur'an. We all know that Al Qur'an is the words of Allah. None of ayats in the Qur'an mention or name Jesus. If Jesus is insisted in Qur'an, do you find any Jesus in arabic characters, as the characters used in the Qur'an, the characters representing the words of Allah? If we Muslim believe in Qur'an as the words of Allah, why not use the name mentioned by Allah to describe the sone of Marryam? Why changing the name of Isya a. Of course we have to question who Jesus is.

Isn't that abusing the real name of the son of Marryam? Topics menu will always be here, always within reach. If you see a green icon like this , it means you're already logged in! But if you see, a red iconlike this , it means you are NOT logged in. It's all color coded. We'd love it if your icon is always green. It makes us a community. Due to overwhelming content, each of these hubs can be considered a home page of its own.

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We feature each theme with a beautiful image. Welcome to the world's oldest and most recognized Islamic Web site. Have a blessed Ramadan! IslamiCity Dec 22, Comments. Hajj Daily Quiz 7. Hajj Daily Quiz 6. Hajj Daily Quiz 5. Hajj Daily Quiz 4. Hajj Daily Quiz 3. Hajj Daily Quiz 2. Hajj Daily Quiz 1. Why Jesus Will Return. Why do people miss the biggest lessons? The opinions expressed herein, through this post or comments, contain positions and viewpoints that are not necessarily those of IslamiCity. This is depicted in Luke 1: My soul doth magnify the Lord.

Mary's spirit, the Holy Spirit from her conception in her mother's womb, rejoiced in God, Mary's saviour when the Holy Spirit again, conceived Mary and became Jesus' mother 48 Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. It may also refer to: Yohan Yishai from Bhutan January 6th, He is spoken of as "the word of God", as "the spirit of God", as a "Sign of God", and numerous other epithets of honor spread over fifteen different chapters.

Seeing Him was Equal to Seeing God. Those honoring God were commended to honour Him as Equal with Him.

Welcome to the New IslamiCity

What is the role of Messiah in Quran. Who else is spocken as "word of god" in Quran. Is Jesus the only charecter in Quran, born of a virgin. What is God trying to tell here. What is the reason is he born from a virgin. Pls wf need the source and authencity of the quotations. Adebayo moshood from Nigeria January 1st, Allahu akbar. Aboobaker Sait from India December 27th, Please mention the verification of the authenticity of the hadeeth that you have quoted from Islamic historians Ibn e Saad and Ibn Hisham.

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Sheu ibrahim from Nigeria December 27th, Well , may Allah make them understand, before it is too late. Almana from Usa December 24th, Good article. Adegboyega Haruna from Nigeria December 22nd, It is a good post. May AllahContinue to keep us in the right path. Onisemo sulaimon from Nigeria December 22nd, Alhamudulilai,today all muslims and christians know that the birth of jesus is in miraculos way and only Allah can protect us from ignorance. Umar zulkanain mohammed from Nigeria Africa December 21st, And there is none from the poeple of book but that he surely believe in him jesus before his death, and on day of resurrection he be against them a witness.

Salt Lake City had 43 straight days of above-average temperatures. Portions of western Oregon had a record warm January. The period from Decemer to January was the warmest on record for California, surpassing the record set just last year. Click image to enlarge. So far, there are three main theories, Swain said: Another is the idea that the amplified warming across the Arctic is lessening the temperature difference between pole and equator that fuels the jet stream, causing that river of air to meander more wildly and become stuck in certain patterns.

The most favored explanation for now, though, seems to be the extremely warm waters across the Pacific Ocean, particularly just off the West Coast, which can give rise to high pressure systems — and hold them in place. The ridge that is keeping the West warm is also keeping it dry, by blocking the storms that would normally bring rain and snow in the winter months, routing them further northward instead. Two storm events, one in December and one at the beginning of February, have brought some moisture to California and parts of Oregon and Washington.

There is more snow on the ground in Boston than at Crater Lake in Oregon, Dello said during the teleconference, and pictures from Yosemite National Park reveal little more than light dustings as high up as 8, feet. The rains that fell in December and earlier this month have helped plants bloom, as seen in NASA satellite images. While all that green may look like a good thing, those plants are using the water that is in the soil. Satellite data shows the green-up of California's landscape after two major atmospheric river precipitation events this winter as compared to last winter.

There are some storms bringing more rain and snow to California this week, and there is still a chance for more precipitation during the remainder of the wet season. Dello likened the need for precipitation to being down by nine touchdowns in the 4th quarter of a football game.