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House E, Pansky B. Functional Approach to Neuroanatomy. Principles of Neural Science. Because of the range of structures supplied, the posterior circulation pathologic processes are much more likely to res symptomatology.

They are also more likely to affect consciousness, equilibrium, balance, and the coordination of mu The blood supply to the spinal cord17,18 is predominantly through the several feeding vessels arising from the vertebra costocervical trunk arterial branches of the subclavian arteries in the cervical region; from the intercostal arterial bran thoracic region; and from the lumbosacral arterial branches of the aorta and sometimes the iliac system in the lumbo level of the blood vessels, which ultimately supply the spinal cord, is variable in each portion of the spine and varies f These vessels are not symmetric and are not found at every spinal level.

The second section reviews respective imaging approaches to s more common clinical presentations of acute neurologic symptoms. Imaging Modalities Plain Radiographs Plain radiographs also called "X-rays" are obtained by passing an X-ray beam through a patient with the photons tha patient striking a film or detector and generating an image.

Skip to content Home. Posted on February 14, by admin. Second is lack of long term follow-up to. This study can be carried out on large sample size. Future research can be done with long term follow. This sutdy concluded that after 6 week intervention. Group B static stretching with.

With extreme gratitude and indebtness, I wish to. They immensely helped and rendered their valuable. Last but not least,. I thank God for bestowing me with knowledge and. The study is approved by. Treatment of plantar fasciitis. Kent Stuber, Kevyn Kristmanson. Mechanical treatment of plantar. J Am Pod Med Assoc. N Engl J Med ;. J Bone Joint Surg ;. Foot mobility and plantar fascia elasticity. Traumatol Turc ;44 5: Sweeting D, Parish B. The effectiveness of manual. Journal of foot and ankle research. Plantar Fascia-Specific Stretching Exercise.

Improves Outcomes in Patients with Chronic. Gross range of motion in. JAOA March; 3: Int J Osteopath Med. Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. Principles of Manual Medicine. Calicut medical Journal ;7: J Bone Joint Surg Am. A Study into the comparison. British School of Osteopathy. Effects of Muscle Energy Technique on Cervical. Journal of Manual and. The immediate effects of muscle energy. Bergold MS, Franke H. Academy for osteopathy, Deutschland Baggett BD, Young G. Evaluation of the validity of the Foot Function. Index in measuring outcomes in patients with. Foot ankle int, Konor MM, Mortom S.

A guide to goniometry. Davis Company ; Functional outcome before and after total hip arthroplasty. In osteoarthritis of the hip joint, there is a softening and fibrillation of the articular. Cyst formation and sclerosis occurs in the underlying bone. Joint stiffness may be a result. Arthroplasty is an operation to restore pain free motion. WOMAC score pre op. We conclude that there was severe pain, stiffness and. There were significant improvements in physical function, Pain and stiffness after the. There are many types of arthritis, but.

Treatment strategies for hip pain have usually. The most common preoperative complaints by. It therefore follows that the most. Outcome studies of pain. This muscular dysfunction is likely. OA patients, as loss of lower-limb muscle strength has. There have been considerable technical. As technology and surgical techniques for.

However, due to the introduction of initiatives such. Mean length of stay after THR. Rehabilitation is therefore increasingly. When making a decision. In contrast, there is. However, outcome after THR depends not merely. Mortality for patients with. The conclusion of this study. No group differences were. This finding is important because it shows that. To assess functional outcome after total hip. To find the effectiveness of total hip. There is no functional outcome and.

There is improvement and. After surgery when patient is able to stand. Follow up was done per week for every 4 weeks. The items were scored where 0 represents no pain,. Data collection sheet on the assessment of. After every 1week for 4.

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We conclude that there was. Post op week 1: Thus illustrating that there was mild decrease. Post op week 2: Thus illustrating that there was moderate. Post op week 3: Thus illustrating that there was significant. Post op week 4: Thus illustrating that there was no pain ,. According to Mette Krintel Petersen Total.

THR depends not merely on a successful surgical.

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Regular exercises help to restore normal. It shows that THR patients can achieve significant. All outcome measures improved with the. Total hip replacement THR. The longevity of currently available. However, outcome after THR depends not. There were significant improvements in physical. The findings suggest the exercise program. Approval has been taken. We would like to thank. Department of Orthopedics and Department of. Early outcome of total hip arthroplasty. Orthopedics , 19 Randall T, Carr A, et al.

Physical and rehabilitative approaches in. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2, 34 6. Health , 77 8: Ann Intern Med , 8: Functional recovery of non cemented total hip. Clin Orthop Relat Res, Carranza N, Berg HE: Bone Joint Surg Br, 91 5: Frandin K, Pertti E. Muscle strength as a. Aging Clin Exp Res , 14 3. Clin Orthop Relat Res ,. Phys Med Rehabil , 85 7: Outcomes of total hip arthroplasty: Sports Phys Ther, 32 6: There is a lack of clinical research regarding effectiveness of various stretching techniques.

To our knowledge there are no prospective, randomized studies in the. Purpose of the study: To compare the effectiveness of Static stretching and Proprioceptive. Neuromuscular facilitation stretching for improving pectoral muscle flexibility. Readings were taken for shoulder. The results of the study revealed that Group B treatment protocol is better than group A in. There was a significantly higher reduction. The results of the study indicated that PNF stretching will be more effective than static.

Posture is the mechanical relationship of the parts. Shoulder pathology is the third most common. Poor shoulder posture and muscle imbalance are. Pectoral muscle plays an important role in. Pectoralis major is a. An intricate relationship between the. A tight pectoralis minor limits scapular. Tightness of pectoral muscles leads to poor posture. Stretching of tight pectoral muscles in. Persons who remain in slouch posture i.

As a result force imbalance develops. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and. The slow, controlled movement. PNF stretching is a popular method of. An Experimental study design was used for this. Patients were randomly allocated to 2 groups. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching. Subjects ranging in age from years were. Inclusion criteria included age group of years,. Exclusion criteria were Subject taking treatment. The subject assumed a sitting position in front of. The therapist then reached in front of the subject.

The therapist pulls in. The stretch was held for 30 seconds 9. The stretching exercises were done for five. The therapist then reaches in front of the subject arms. The therapist pulls in a. Subject is then asked to perform maximum. Posture was again measured with the help of Baylor. Shoulder external Rotation ROM was measured.

Data analysis was performed using SPSS software. The results were considered statistically. Repeated measures analysis of. Within group analysis revealed that there was a. A and group B from baseline to 3 rd week from 3 rd week. Table 1-With in group analysis-Group A. Between group analysis revealed that there was. There was a significant. There was a highly significant reduction in distance score in group A and group B from baseline to 3 rd week,. Within group analysis of Distance score Gp A.

Variables D Group A Mean t p. Within group comparison of Distance score — Gp B. Between group analysis revealed that there was no. However there was a significantly higher reduction. Comparison of distance score between Group A and Group B. Distance Group A Group B t p. The study compared the effects of static stretching. There was a significant improvement in range of. However the range of motion score of group. B showed improvement better than group A at 3 rd. The distance score distance from c7 spinous.

However there was a statistically significant.

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The basis for PNF stretching is theorized to be. The proposed neural inhibition reduces. Brent Feland, et al investigated acute. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretch, or. H, et al stated that the stretching. Improves muscle strength, produced a more erect.

Mark Kluemper, et al concluded in his study. This results of the study provided useful. PNF stretching in improving pectoral muscle flexibility.

Perspectives in Brain Research, Volume 45 (Progress in Brain

It can be successfully included in. In future studies, research can be done with a large. The merits associated with the long term. The results of the study revealed that PNF. We are grateful to all the. We certify that there is no conflict. We certify that this study has been duly approved. Tattersall R, Walshaw M. J R Soc Med, ; 96 Postural Abnormalities in the cervical, shoulder,. Wright, Subacromial impingement syndrome:. Effect of stretching and strengthening shoulder.

N Effect of submaximal. Smith C A A brief review Journal of. Kisner, C, and L. Hutton, R S Neuromuscular basis of. Komi, PV Strength and. American college of sports medicine, Immediate effects of quantified. PNF versus static stretch. Phys Ther In Sports , Rothstein and Robert L. Posture in Patients with Chronic Neck Pain. Pre test Post test Study Design.

To evaluate the effectiveness of Muscle energy technique combined with Deep neck. Previous trials have investigated the effect of MET on pain, disability in low back pain. No clinical trial examining the effect of this treatment on. Both groups received the selected treatment over a 4 week period. The results revealed a significant difference between group A and B at the end of the study.

The research hypothesis which states that there will be more reduction in pain, disability. The origin of neck pain is multifactorial. Researches have shown that neck. Forward head posture FHP is one of the common. In FHP, weakness of deep neck flexors. DNF and tightness of posterior neck muscles and. Impaired activation of the. Rather than responding in a normal feed. Researchers have found that specific training of the.

Physical therapist attempt to manage patients with. FHP by utilizing a wide variety of interventions. Spinal manipulation and anterior head weighing 8,9. Greenman described muscle energy technique. MET as a manual medicine treatment procedure that. Researchers have found MET.

Paralleling our increased understanding of FHP. But there is no scientific data till date that has studied. Therefore, the main aim of the study is to. The dependent variables were Pain, Disability. Inclusion criteria included age group of years. Exclusion criteria included subjects with a history.

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Both groups received the selected treatment over a. MET for 3 muscles were given in supine position. For upper trapezius, therapist moved subject neck. And then depress the shoulder just short of resistance. Subject was asked to gently push the shoulder. Then, neck was moved in to. For pectoralis major, Subject arm was abducted to. DNF exercises was progressed in the following. Exercise in 1 st. Then progression was made to exercise in. And in 4 th week,. Data analysis was performed with the software. Comparison between the groups for all the variables.

The results revealed a significant difference. With in group analysis revealed that there was a. With in group analysis revealed that there was a highly significant improvement in disability in group A and. Thus , the results reveal that both MET combined. While only MET combined with Deep neck. The data obtained from this study suggest that. Muscle energy technique combined with Deep Neck. Flexor exercises is more effective than Deep neck. The effects of exercises were seen on. Muscle energy technique is considered a gentle. Wilson et al So in current study, 2. According to Jull and Janda, in upper crossed.

Muscle energy technique for stretching suboccipital. EMG analysis of Deep neck flexors in subjects with. Falla et al 6 in their. Hall 14 has described a 4 week exercise program for. Deep neck flexors strengthening. In it, the progression. This is the only clinical trial that has compared the. Comparing pre intervention mean NRS scores with.

Thus the results suggest that both MET. Comparing pre intervention mean scores of NDI. However, with in group analysis in Group B, no. Falla et al 6 demonstrated that 6 week exercise targeted. VDT workers when distracted while in this study only. Deep neck flexors training protocol is not sufficient. These findings were similar with the findings. So the trend of mean score in this study give. Deep neck flexors exercise is an effective intervention. Although it is agreed that exercise should be part. FHP in patients with chronic neck pain.

This study has several limitations. Secondly, this study has not focused. As another limitation, No follow up. The research hypothesis which states that there will. We are thankful to all our subjects. There is no conflict with any. We certify that this study has been. Yesim Dusunceli, Cihat Ozturk: J Rehab Med Am J Phys Med Rehab Deborah Falla, Gwendolen Jull: Gwendolen Jull, Shaun P. The craniocervical flexion test. Katherine Harmen, Cheryl L. Effect of an exercise program to improve FHP in. A randomized clinical 10 week.

Forward head posture and cervical hypolordosis. Journal of Chiropractic Med Eric Wilson, Otto Payton: MET in patients with. Cranial manipulation theory and. Rehabilitation of the spine - A. Muscle energy techniques pp Therapeutic exercise pp Neurology Student, 2 Principal, 3 M. Institute of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation,. Stroke is an important cause of disability and there is no generally accepted method for rehabilitation. Repeated practice of motor activity will enhance the sensory-motor cortex activity.

A 53 year old female. The treatment included 6 weeks of intervention in which TENS was applied over 4 acupoints followed. Before and after intervention, spasticity was measured by MAS; functional. The findings of this case study showed that there was. Stroke or a cerebral vascular accident, is the sudden. The WHO clinically defines the stroke as the.

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Cortical representation areas can be increased by. A 53 year old female admitted to the medicine unit. She was house-wife and right handed. During that time she was able to ambulate with help. She was partially dependent on her ADLs. The spasticity score in Modified. Ashworth scale MAS was grade 3. She was co-operative during the treatment procedure. The objective measurement of spasticity of plantar. The timed up and go test is a simple, quick and.

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Single-access laparoscopic surgical procedure SALS , played utilizing a unmarried transumbilical entry, has lately proved to deliver benefits over different kinds of laparoscopic surgical procedure because of the relief within the variety of incisions and the resultant reduce in morbidity, much less blood loss and postoperative discomfort. Implications for Surgical Ventricular Restoration. Skip to content Home. By Srilakshmi Adhyapak,Srilakshmi M.