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Translation of «Sake» into 25 languages

Sometimes they stun you into silence, with nothing left to do but just enjoy the wine. Das Schloss aus dem When it comes to the interior layout and finishing of your penthouse, you can let your imagination run free. Our architects and designers will work with you to realise your personal wishes, whether one-of-a-kind master bedroom, stylish library, expansive private spa landscape or private hideaway with guest rooms for your friends. Get away from it all as you stroll beneath the palms or savour a cocktail on the beach. Born and raised in Germany, Barbara Kimmig studied tourism and hotel management in Paris and Nice before going on to work in many luxury hotels, including the legendary Negresco.

She now manages her own charming boutique hotel. An der Theke kann man Kaffee kosten und kaufen, auch als Kapseln, die in NespressoMaschinen passen — und aromatischer als das Original sind! Just like his grandfather before him. You can sample and purchase coffee at the counter. Even in capsules that work in Nespresso machines — and are more aromatic than the original!

Comptoir Central Electrique Der Feierabend beginnt hier. The place to be after finishing work. The ambience — inside or outside — is relaxed, casual, and authentic, with courteous and attentive service. A labour of love: Today Fabio runs the business in the winding alleyways of Vieux-Nice. Like the saddle of venison with black olives and quinces, wild pepper, and oxalis.

An unforgettable taste experience! In the hills above the city but easily reachable by bus or car, lies the Halte de Gairaut. Only open during the day! Enjoy breakfast in the piano salon or in the romantic garden.

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Madonna and Elton John have dined here and Nicolas Sarkozy is said to be a regular guest. The restaurant is famous for its fresh and classically French dishes of the finest quality, including truffle mousse, lobster, and escargot — and for hostess Nicole Rubi, whose unique personal style has made her a well-known personality far beyond the confines of the city. Be sure to make a reservation.

Vegan and vegetarian fare is served for lunch. This maritime restaurant is situated directly on the beach promenade. Owner Romain Salvignol places the focus on local specialities: The speciality of the house is grilled sea bass, freshly caught and prepared. In the evening, the lounge sofas are ideal for enjoying the sunset right next to the sea while sipping a glass of wine. Along with flowers and antiques, this market features a speciality of Nice with origins in Italy: This salty pancake was originally a food for the poor — it is simple to make and calls for just four ingredients: Three pros from Mallorca have been performing soft Mediterranean-style renovations for the past 20 years.

All three artists work with natural materials exclusively. The master with one of his doors. Full service for home hunters. Marie-Noelle Ginard and Robert Lopez Hinton have both a nose for unusual fincas and a flair for their gentle renovation. Robert and Marie-Noelle host their friends and clients at their spectacular Can Monroig home and studio in Inca-Mallorca.

Ftan in Engadin Grisons in the middle of the Swiss mountains. The former private house steeped in history, which still houses a valuable art collection today, is situated in a location with unobstructable views that is like paradise. Exquisite materials, open fires and Bauhaus style set the interior tone. And without any of the responsibilities of a holiday apartment. It is also possible to join the Owners Club as well as the Members Club.

As an owner, you secure a suite at the hotel for the long-term — an interesting investment officially entered in the Swiss land registry with guaranteed returns. C H For further information please contact us: The Mrembo Spa in the heart of the Old Town is a highly professional yet wonderfully warm and welcoming place.

Stefanie Schoetz, the charming owner of this feel-good oasis with its small shop attached, also appreciates it all. Sechs Monate sollte sein Praktikum im Land der Mitte dauern. Doch der Franzose Benjamin Devos blieb. Er ist nicht etwa der Concierge eines der hiesigen Hotels und schon gar nicht Chinese. Unkonventionell ist die Fortsetzung: But Frenchman Benjamin Devos opted to stay. And is certainly not Chinese. The next chapter breaks with convention: Das ist Benjamin Devos im Jahr Er war Student und genoss das Leben.

Eine Idee machte sich in ihm breit. Wavy hair, a plain suit with unbuttoned white shirt, an expression of openness, and a Swiss luxury watch on his wrist: This is Benjamin Devos in But if we turn back the clock to , the Frenchman presents quite a different picture. He was a student, enjoying life. And yet the businessman, the go-getter was already slumbering within him. An idea began to take root in him. And he did what is typical for Benjamin Devos — he said to himself: All bakery products are handmade. Nach Abschluss des Studiums begann er sein Unternehmen aufzubauen.

Here the idea was born: Today he delivers baked goods to dozens of hotels and restaurants, owns twelve gastronomy establishments, and has employees. In addition to that, he also distributes his bakery products online all over China www. The year-old is married and has two sons ages 7 and 8. Mit einfachen Mitteln und einem Team von sechs Personen legt er los. Als Erstes belieferte er Hotels und Restaurants mit seinen handgebackenen Croissants, Baguettes, Keksen und allerlei leckerer Patisserie.

Schlag auf Schlag ging es weiter. Umgib dich mit guten Menschen. Und von Peking hat er noch lange nicht genug. Die Stadt besitze eine Magie, eine Energie, wie man sie nur selten finde. Benjamin Devos is a family man and makes use of every minute of free time to explore Beijing with his sons. After all, his idea was a bit blueeyed. With modest means and a team of six, he got started. The high-quality bakery products literally sold like hot cakes. And things truly began to take off from there. In addition, his clients include dozens of hotels and restaurants. Devos is someone who looks after his employees, since without a perfectly functioning team — he says this with emphasis — a business will always be operating below its potential.

The brasserie, he says, is typically French: Here everything is just right: November—March, from 6 a. Der beste Platz in Peking, da sind sich die drei einig, ist der Chaoyang Park. The best place in Beijing, all three agree, is Chaoyang Park. Gespielt wird im Dschungel oder direkt am Meer.

The Gary Player-designed Ocean Course features 18 broad fairways running through the jungle or along by the sea just follow the caddy! Five hundred and twenty-seven rooms and suites, most of them with a fascinating view of Marina Bay. Das beste Restaurant in Marina Bay Sands. Abalone, Amadai-Fisch, japanisches Ohmi-Wagyu.

The menu also extends to abalone, amadai fish and Ohmi Wagyu steak. Schweizer Medienmacher und leidenschaftlicher Golfer. Ria Bintan was designed by Gary Player, and it just might be his masterpiece. Swiss media maker and passionate golfer. Languages spoken Swiss German: Good to know Area: Public transport The best way to discover Switzerland is by train, bus and boat. Schweizer Weine sind ein verborgener Schatz innerhalb der globalen Weinwelt. Denn kaum einer kennt sie — ausserhalb der Schweiz. Insgesamt sind in der Deutschschweiz 19 Kantone vereint, also ein kleines Mosaik an Terroirs, Klimas und Traubensorten.

Denn einige Trauben gedeihen unter.

Avanti Amore: Mein Sommer unter Italienern (German Edition)

Swiss wine always reminds me of the following bon mot: Outside of Switzerland, they are little known. Few wine-growing countries consume their annual harvest as close to the terroir of origin as we do. Another remarkable fact is that we are surrounded by the best terroirs in the world; extending across our country, they are the foundation for premium wines of all kinds.

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  • Synonyms and antonyms of Sake in the German dictionary of synonyms!
  • I live in German-speaking Switzerland, the third-largest Swiss wine region. Some thrive in alpine conditions, while others grow best near lakes and rivers or on rural slopes. Die unbestrittene Hauptsorte der Deutschschweiz ist der Blauburgunder. Der klassische — aromatisch eher mild — harmoniert mit einem Federweissen oder Schiller. Interessante Kombinationen ergeben sich hier mit Schaumwein, Completer oder gar einem mittelschweren Merlot. Having written about wine for 30 years, I find I have always learnt the most either by visiting the producers — most Swiss German winegrowers welcome visitors — or by enjoying wine together with food.

    With cheese, for example. Fermented feed silage is not allowed. Sparkling wines, Completer, or even a medium-bodied Merlot make for interesting pairings.

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    In products with a PDO, everything, from the raw material to the processing and the final product, comes from one clearly defined region of origin. Specialities with a PGI are either manufactured, processed or prepared at their place of origin. Swiss wines — the best-kept secret in the wine world! Its mandate is to help position Swiss wine as a product with high added value and to work with the viticulture and wine-producing industry as a whole to increase the value of their products.

    The Bel Etage Restaurant on the first floor of the Kunsthotel offers sober, seasonal gourmet cooking of the highest standards. The hotel also boasts a second restaurant, a pleasant bar, a wine shop and its own brewery. Offer applies to weekend bookings from Thursday to Sunday or Friday to Monday. Der Teufelhof Basel ist ein Hotel mit zwei unterschiedlichen Ideen: Der Teufelhof Basel is a hotel based on two different concepts: The differences in quality, however, are enormous.

    All the hotels stand out through their modern infrastructure and exceptional service.

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    • Review of these criteria takes place during the selection procedure and periodically afterwards by independent specialists. Erstens, dass da ein komplett neuer Anti-Burnout-Industriezweig entstanden ist — ein. So what exactly prompted her to take a closer look at the burnout syndrome, of all things? Performances run to the end of August. A handful of individuals attend a five-day antistress seminar. A whole week without a mobile phone, but fasting tea by the gallon. By the end of the week, however, no one is the person he or she claimed to be at the start of the seminar. So much so that the revelation of the true identity of one participant almost gives the anti-stress coach a nervous breakdown.

      Und zweitens, dass wir es eigentlich mit einem Paradoxon zu tun haben: Heute muss selbst Entschleunigung effizient sein. Und im Sommer mache ich Freilichttheater und bin rundum happy! To be specific, more and more companies have understood that employees who slip into burnout mode are an expensive burden on the business. And so they pack their employees off to seminars — not to have them take stock, feel less pressurised and generally ease off, but rather so that they can return to the treadmill — fresh and remotivated — ready to pedal even faster. And so my only ambition was to make the best of the time ahead of me.

      So here I am now, a mum with a year-old son and a partner who really supports me, and a motorbike for de-stressing. Take jazz back into the clubs!

      C'est si bon d'être grognon! en ligne lire

      Which is why this festival offers a unique opportunity to experience the likes of Marcus Miller, Nigel Kennedy and Dave Grusin up close and personal in the Dracula Club, at the Sunny Bar of the Kulm Hotel and at further intimate venues. A fantastic view and culinary highlights. From exclusive cocktails, delicious snacks and gourmet dinners to unforgettable private events, CLOUDS is the perfect place to spend carefree hours. Committed businesswoman and co-starter of The Klosters Forum: Co-starter Stephanie von Meiss tells us why.

      Was bezweckt The Klosters Forum? Das TKF-Thema lautet: What is The Klosters Forum? Was unterscheidet das TKF von anderen Umweltforen? What distinguishes TKF from other environmental forums? Wer ist mit WIR gemeint? Who does the WE refer to? We all share the same concern for our planet and the same urgent desire to do something for it.

      We came up with the idea of The Klosters Forum two years ago. Where exactly will the approximately attendees meet up? In a converted farm barn and then, on the following day, at the cosy Madrisa-Hof up on the mountain. Wer ist am TKF willkommen? Sie kommen aus der ganzen Welt. Who will be attending? Dazu kommen auch noch unsere TKF- Freunde. Und zu guter Letzt: Not forgetting our TKF Friends, of course. Who are the TKF Friends? The TKF Friends are warmly invited to take part in our film screenings, podium discussions and dinners.

      They pay a contribution in support of The Klosters Forum for access to two and a half days of fascinating content. Is The Klosters Forum limited to these two and a half days in the summer? No, we want to have a long-term impact. Last but not least: What do you, personally, wish for The Klosters Forum? Stephanie von Meiss is deeply concerned about the environment. The Klosters Forum Jetzt findet man unsere Produkte in den Regalen.

      SAKE - Definition and synonyms of Sake in the German dictionary

      Zurich is the ideal location for progressive and innovative thinkers. This was already clear years ago, when Huldrych Zwingli spearheaded a reformation that has shaped the city to this day. Zurich continues to attract people who think outside of the box, who call into question our usual way of doing things and change the future with their ideas. He treasures Zurich as a centre of innovation. With the ETH, Zurich is the best place to make visions a reality.

      He is well aware that his project is revolutionary: Making the incomprehensible comprehensible — this is what Reto Knutti hopes to achieve with his research. Professor Reto Knutti in his office with sweeping views over the Zurich rooftops. Allianz Cinema am See Zwingli Square in Zwingli City — Zurich owes its status as a centre of innovation in part to the reformer Huldrych Zwingli.

      Zudem erreicht man hier Bildungsinstitute mit internationaler Ausstrahlung und trifft Menschen aus allen Kulturen. September sowie am Oktober jeweils um 16 Uhr auf Deutsch statt. The city tours will take place on 14 and 28 July, 25 August, 8 and 22 September, and 13 and 27 October at 4 p. Other languages and dates can be booked for private tours at the Tourist Information located in the main station. Allianz Cinema at the lake Seenachtsfest Rapperswil Traditional city festival Freie Fahrt in der 2.

      In just under three hours, visitors pass by fjord-like cliff walls and idyllic coves. The ride offers plenty of leisure time to enjoy a delicious lunch and a refreshing drink. Als Highlight gilt der Blick auf die Kirche von Wassen: Dreimal sieht man das Wahrzeichen aus einer anderen Perspektive. Schon bald folgt die Fahrt durch den 15 Kilometer langen Gotthardtunnel. During the ride, the most important hot spots will be announced through speakers.

      The church of Wassen is considered a highlight by many: It can be seen from three different angles. In the tunnel the train slows down. Dear Guest Switzerland is the ultimate land of public transport. Thanks to our regular-interval timetable, all public transport services are precisely coordinated with one another. On the move in 1st class. The most comfortable way to travel on our trains is in 1st class.

      Relax and enjoy the ride as we transport you throughout Switzerland. Am Bahnhof Geld wechseln und relaxen. Change money at the station and relax. Change money into Swiss francs and over 90 other foreign currencies and back again at around SBB Change locations at rail stations throughout Switzerland — simply and conveniently.

      The exchange counters are often open until later in the evening, in larger stations even at weekends. Sie sind auf der Suche nach einem speziellen Souvenir, das nicht jeder hat? Are you looking for a special souvenir which not everyone has? In der Schweiz ist alles nah beieinander: Excursions that are well worth the trip. In Switzerland, everything is close at hand: Uns reisst diese Ausstellung definitiv mit! The work of star photographer Juergen Teller is deceptively laid back. But on closer inspection, his portraits and landscapes reveal an artistic concept crafted around careful, deliberate choices.

      With his keen eye for people, situations and milieus he has made a unique contribution to photographic history. Francis Bacon und Alberto Giacometti. The two artists could not be more different in terms of their approach to work, and yet there is so much which connects them, too: A powerful confrontation which generates a big buzz! Swiss cream from family farms Luxurious Swiss cream, sourced in traditional family farms, lends its unbeatably smooth and delicate texture to the ice cream cup collection.

      Chocolate Lovers Switzerland is world-famous for its chocolate and the Swiss love it of course — whether hot or cold. Have you tried them yet? Einfach die Augen schliessen und geniessen. A wonderfully creamy chocolate caramel ice cream made with Swiss chocolate and Swiss cream refined with crunchy, caramelised, salted almond brittle. A particularly intense chocolate ice cream made of dark chocolate, Swiss cream and bittersweet chocolate chips. Just close your eyes and enjoy the darkness. An exquisite white chocolate rose ice cream with Swiss cream, white chocolate chips and a subtle rose coulis.

      Ich habe es schon immer geliebt, zu Hause meine eigenen Glaces zu erfinden und herzustellen. Und da das Probieren ein fester Bestandteil meiner Arbeit ist, liegt es sicher auch daran, dass ich gerne gute Glace esse. I have always loved inventing and making my own ice cream at home. And I have a passion and fascination for creating ice cream. And since tasting is an important part of my job, it also helps that I really enjoy eating good quality ice cream. Was lieben Sie an Ihrem Beruf? Vor allem meine Kollegen! Es ist ihnen zu verdanken, dass es mir so grossen Spass macht zu kreieren. What do you love about your job?

      First and foremost, my colleagues! Also, I get to work with extraordinary ingredients. I love making discoveries, be they human or gastronomic. Savour one of our classic cup recipes offered on board on selected flights. Treat yourself to one of 30 enticing recipes with your nearest and dearest. Their friendship and common passion for surfing and design became a business partnership and the label OY Surf Apparel was born. Oje, wo soll ich anfangen. Nach der Ausbildung ging ich auf Reisen: Erst nach New York in eine Sprachschule, dann folgten diverse Trips, um Freunde zu besuchen, und schliesslich Bali, um endlich richtig surfen zu lernen.

      Ziemlich am Anfang schon habe ich Regula kennengelernt, sie war gerade nach Bali ausgewandert. Wir verbrachten jeden Tag zusammen und surften an den tollsten Spots von Bali. Wie entstand die Idee einer Zusammenarbeit mit Regula? Wir haben wirklich klein und ohne grosse Absichten angefangen! Regula hatte einen Schneider vor Ort gefunden und begonnen, Bikinis zu entwerfen; da kam meine Expertise als Designerin gerade recht, und so fing die Zusammenarbeit an. Dann habe ich Bikinis mit in die Schweiz genommen und einen Online Shop aufgebaut.

      Der lief sehr gut an und so ist das Ganze stetig gewachsen. Was zeichnet eure Bikinis denn aus? Essentiell ist, dass wir den Schnitt der Modelle beibehalten, denn jede Frau hat ihre Favoriten, die sie jedes Jahr wieder kauft, einfach in anderen Prints oder Farben. Wir arbeiten mit handverarbeitetem, robustem und besonders elastischem Lycra. Im Moment bewegen wir uns auch stark in Richtung recycelte Materialien. Zelia, tell us a bit about yourself! Gosh, where do I start? I started with a language course in New York and then went on various trips to see friends before moving on to Bali, to learn to surf — properly!

      After a month of surfing I was really hooked and ended up staying five months in all. But you came back to Switzerland even so? I also worked as a freelance graphic artist and designer at the same time. But Bali was always on my mind and I headed back there as soon as the next winter came around. Where did the idea of working with Regula come from? We started out really small, with very few expectations!

      Regula had found a local tailor and was already designing bikinis. I appeared on the scene with my designer skills at just the right time and the partnership developed naturally. I took bikinis back to Switzerland with me and set up an online shop. That worked really well, and the project has grown ever since. We now have a European online store for worldwide deliveries on better terms. What sets your bikinis apart? But style and function are by no means mutually exclusive: Being very attached to attractive designs and cuts, we create all our own prints.

      The models themselves stay the same each year, only the textile design changes. Our customers all have their own favourites which they buy anew every year, in different prints or colours. What about the material? We use tough, extra-elastic Lycra which is worked by hand exclusively. Regula lebt und arbeitet in Indonesien, du in der Schweiz. Wie funktioniert eure Zusammenarbeit? Jede hat ihren Aufgabenbereich. Der Entwicklungsprozess ist ein Pingpongspiel zwischen uns. Regula entwirft dann mit dem Schneider zusammen einen Schnitt — darin sind wir keine Profis und froh um seine Expertise.

      How does that impact on your business partnership? We each have our own responsibilities. Regula takes care of production in Bali. The development process resembles a sort of ping-pong between us. We brainstorm together to come up with ideas for the next product. Regula then gets the tailor to do a trial cut. We make a first prototype and then carry on testing the product until we have what we want.

      The time difference can be a challenge at times — we end up having long Skype calls in the middle of the night! Was ist die Idee dahinter? Das kommt super an, die Girls haben Spass und es entwickelt sich ein toller Zusammenhalt zwischen den OY Maids, wie wir sie nennen. Wir werden bestimmt weiter solche Retreats anbieten. The Surf Retreat provides the experience that goes with the product.

      Our ambassadors from France and Spain are with us to provide input and we also offer yoga lessons as a complement to surfing. The feedback has been great — the girls have fun and we see really good cohesion developing between the OY Maids, as we call them.

      Meaning of "Sake" in the German dictionary

      Das OY Retreat ist nicht nur ein Surfcamp. Surfen, Yoga, gutes Essen und Sonnenschein. Melde dich online an: The OY Retreat is more than just a surf camp. Ensuring a flourishing future is more than a dream. It can be made a present-day reality with the right It can be made a present-day reality with the right professional know-how.

      We have the experience to professional know-how. We have the experience to help you make the most of your assets and assist help you make the most of your assets and assist you with your estate planning. We work with expert and discreet advice. We invite you to sit down with Please contact us.

      We invite you to sit down with us, under no obligation, to discuss ways of optimius, under no obligation, to discuss ways of optimizing your wealth. Your future is worth it. Our exclusive inflight magazine for First and Business Class is now available anywhere, any time. Arriving at ones destination as comfortably as possible is becoming ever more important, which is why SWISS is dedicated to expanding its range of services and investing in its infrastructure — both on the ground and in the air. Die Grundidee dahinter war einfach: While some frequent flyers may know the ins and outs of Zurich Airport, thousands of passengers enter the airport for the first time every day.

      And since we aim to make travelling as relaxed as possible for all our flight guests, we have started at the same place our passengers do — on the ground. Terminal 1 is now being redesigned. The underlying idea is simple: You can lock it securely using your credit card or by setting a code and retrieve the contents upon your return. Should you have a long-haul flight ahead of you, our limousine service will be happy to take you to Dock E. Markthallencharakter im neuen Lounge Center A. The new Lounge Center A has a distinctive marketplace atmosphere to it.

      MSC Seaview: Mein Fazit nach einer Woche an Bord mit MSC Kreuzfahrten

      Noch nie war Warten so angenehm. The new Lounge Center A will open its doors on 2 July. While the SWISS Business and Senator Lounges are divided by two separate entryways, they share many commonalities, such as the raised table that lines the glass atrium, perfect to idle or stand and chat. The zone concept divides the SWISS Lounges into functional areas while staying true to its design and offering increased seating capacity. With front cooking, guests can enjoy culinary delights, while designated workspaces allow them to get things done undisturbed. More than ever, waiting has never been so pleasant.

      The Locanda Orico fuses Italian and French flavours, and emphasises quality at every step, starting with the finest, freshest ingredients. Lorenzo Albrici ist ein wahrer Meister seines Fachs. Mediterranean-style salmon, potatoes and seasonal vegetable julienne. Auch wenn das Tessin ein eher kleines Weinbaugebiet der Schweiz ist, geniesst es doch Weltruhm. Nicht zuletzt dank den feinen Merlots, die hier kultiviert werden.

      C'est si bon d'être grognon!

      Die Neupflanzungen mit Merlot waren so erfolgreich, dass diese rote Traube auch heute noch die Hauptsorte des Kantons ist. Ticino represents a relatively small area in terms of wine-growing within Switzerland, but it enjoys an international reputation. Not least because of the fine Merlot grapes grown here. Like Switzerland in general, the Ticino region has a long, 2,plus-year history of wine-growing. Ninety percent of the. Feliciano Gialdi and his daughter Raffaella rank amongst the most important wine families of Ticino.

      She publishes books on wine and also works as a wine consultant. Das Tessin wird durch den Monte Ceneri in zwei grosse Weinbauregionen unterteilt: I will not destroy it for ten's sake Gen. They will slay me for my wife's sake 20, 1 1. For that England's sake , With burden of our armour here we sweat Shaksp. WTill he draw out, For anger's sake , finite to infinite In Eduard Adolf Ferdinand Maetzner, Andreas Ludwig Jakob Michelsen, Kyoto Sake In den letzten 20 Jahren hat sich die Herstellung von Sake zu einem der erfolgreichsten Industriezweige entwickelt.

      Hans Adalbert Dettmer, Er lebte im 8. Jahrhundert und liebte Reiswein. De eerste sake is, dat em syn richter glicncn dach ghekundi- ghet heft; Sake van der Werff wurde am For god's sake , transact business, President tells MPs.