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Philosophy, Philosophy of Law and Political Philosophy

O erro de Descartes: How Law is like Literature. Imagens do Amor em Santo Agostinho. Imprensa da Universidade, Universidade de Coimbra, Working on the chain gang: Direito e Literatura no Brasil. Intersecciones instrumental, estrutural e institucional. Narrando la violencia en el derecho y la literatura. A caminho da linguagem. Law, Literature, and Feminism.

Obras Completas de Alexandre Herculano. Tratado da natureza humana. O logos da juridicidade sob o fogo cruzado do ethos e do pathos: Paola Mittica, Bologna, p. Clarice Lispector and forgiveness: Boletim da Faculdade de Direito. Estudos em homenagem ao Prof. Narrativas de mulheres a partir do mundo da vida. Cambrige University Press, The Fragility of Goodness: Cambridge University Press, A plea for difficulty.

Is multiculturalism bad for women? For love of country: From Disgust to Humanity: Oxford University Press, The Belknap press of Harvard University Press, Poetry and the passions: The costs of tragedy: The professor of parody. The New Republic Online. Toward a globally sensitive patriotism. The Journal of Ethics: An International Philosophical Review. Women and human development: Fragilidad y poder del hombre em la poesia grieca arcaica.

O estatuto social dos artistas gregos. Revised and enlarged edition. Havard University Press, Autos da barca do inferno: Um olhar a Oriente: Sentencia penal y actos de discurso. Direito e a literatura infantil: Os simpsons e a filosofia. The Rationality of Emotion. The Massachusetts Institute of Tecnology, O tempo e as dificuldades de contar o direito: State University of New York Press, Jueces, abogados e escribanos: Economic man and literary woman: From expectation to experience: The University of Michigan Press, The University of Wisconsin Press, The judicial opinion and poem: When words lose their meaning: University of California Press, Obras Completas , v.

Retiramos do planeta mais do que ele pode dar. Academia dos Cordelistas do Crato, O Conflito do Iraque e os 3 tiranos da guerra. Fazenda, gado e vaqueiro. Missa do vaqueiro, Serrita-Pernambuco. O cachorro dos mortos. O testamento da Cigana Esmeralda. Biblioteca Nacional do Cordel, Oficinas de Xoligravura e Cordel, O santo e o doutor.

Projeto Cordel Vivo, [s. A noite das camas trocadas. O ciclo dos animais na literatura popular no Nordeste. Crime e Castigo no Cordel: Canudos na literatura de cordel. Coco Verde e Melancia. Ideologia dos poetas populares do Nordeste. Instituto Joaquim Nabuco de Pesquisas Sociais, Contos tradicionais do Brasil. Literatura oral no Brasil. O mundo vai se acabar. No reino dos insetos: O contador de mentira.

Canudos e outros temas. Lei Maria da Penha: Peleja da carta como o e-mail. O menino das abelhas e a formiga encantada. O costureiro de honra. Casa de Juvenal Galeno, O caminho dos currais do Rio das Velhas: Os projetos do seu Lunga para quando for prefeito. O boi morto que andou.

O homem que virou macaco. Centro Cultural Banco do Nordeste, Saudades de um magistrado: A mula doida de mais. Jararaca, o cangaceiro que virou santo. Labareda, o Capador de Covardes. O negrinho do pastoreio. O cordel e os desmantelos do mundo: La guerra del fin del mundo. O rapaz que encheu um saco de mentiras. Midas, o rei das orelhas de jumento. Revista da Academia de Letras da Bahia.

O Fazendeiro Mendigo e a Cabocla Encalhada. A campanha de Canudos. A intriga do cachorro com o gato. A Sariema de Totelina. Uma voz do Nordeste. O Justiceiro do Norte.

– EPHEMERA – Biblioteca e arquivo de José Pacheco Pereira

O prazer do rico e o sofrimento do pobre. Peleja dum cantador de coco com o diabo. O homem que pagou a promessa enganando o santo. O negro na literatura de cordel. O menestrel e a lagartixa. Academia dos cordelistas do Crato, Academia Brasileira de Literatura de Cordel, O advogado, o diabo e a bengala encantada. Tipografia Lira Nordestina, [s. Os manda-chuvas de Urandi.

A princesa do reino da pedra fina. A visita de D. O cachorro encantado e a sorte da megera. O bandido cabeleira, o amor de Luizinha. Is western patriarchal feminism good for third: Promises we should all keep in common cause. De las partes al todo. Filosofia em tempo de terror: Fondo de Cultura Economica, La universalidad de la cultura.

The politics of toleration in modern life. Duke University Press, Para um novo paradigma interpretativo: Relativismo moral y democracia. Os problemas do relativismo moral.

Material Information

Toleration in seventeenth-century England: Las ilusiones del comopolitismo. The politics of intolerance. Santiago de Compostela, vol. Toleration and the goods of conflict. Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia. Braga, tomo LIX, fasc. Religious toleration in the UK: A varied moral world. Nas origens do humanismo ocidental: Unite et pluralite culturelle: Between norms and choices. O direito dos povos. How perfect should one be? And whose culture is?

Teoria da Comunidade Universal. Fundo de Cultura, La dificultad de imaginar a otras gentes. Should sex equality law apply to religious institutions? Inwardness and the culture of modernity. Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa. Particular values and critical morality. Ni patriotismo ni cosmopolitismo.

The politics of diference: Toward a global civil society. Melhorar a qualidade do ensino escolar. Os locais das escolas profissionais: Universidade do Minho, Amaurota entre o mito e a utopia da cidade ideal. The Internationalization of Law and Legal Education. Anais dos Encontros da UnB. Estatutos do Visconde da Cachoeira. Escritos sobre a universidade. Da crise da escola ao escolocentrismo. Autoridad, responsabilidad y libertad en el proceso educativo. I, tomo I, p.

Livraria Agir Editora, Estudios sobre la canonistica portuguesa medieval. Building the world community through legal education. Legal education and the reproducion of hierarchy: Reflections on globalization and university life. Maternity leave laws in the United States in the light of european legislation. Metodologia e ensino do direito: Editora da UFBA, Integrating practical training and professional legal education. Abrir janelas para o futuro: Notas sobre mi mesmo.

Quatro Vientos Editorial, Origem e processo das universidades. El cultivo de la humanidad: Nomos , New York, n. Flourish your heart in this world. The aesthetics of ethical reflection and the ethical significance of aesthetic experience: Sex and the mythological clone. To Clone or not to clone. Carta sobre a felicidade. A rush to caution: Companhia Editora Nacional, El lenguaje de la moral. A caminho de uma moral sem dogmas: El principio de responsabilidad: Humanismo do outro homem.

Sheep, Joking, Cloning and the Uncanny. O homem sem qualidades. Revista dos Tribunais, The science and application of cloning. Recommendations of the Commission. A fragilidade da bondade: The Demand for Human Cloning. Traduit Maurice de Gandillac. Prioridades do movimento de direito do animal no Brasil. The constitution and the clone.

Human cloning and the public realm: Editions Du Seuil, On not Banning Cloning for the wrong reasons. In Brazil, the books without text still represent a small percentage in the editorial production for children and young readers. Fortunately, after a period of scarce publications, books without text have increased in numbers. Ziraldo, Ricardo Azevedo, and Marina Colasanti, have authored both the text and the illustrations in most of their oeuvres with their relevant original lines.

The variety of styles, techniques, and themes reflect the characteristic of our country, as it is composed of various cultures that are peacefully and constructively integrated in search for a society that will take ownership of written culture, particularly books, in a critical and creative manner, as a base for strong democracy and solidarity. This history has grown in Brazil and achieved exposure in other countries. This fact has attracted the attention of publishers and artists so they can gear their efforts towards quality work not only in texts but also in illustrations and graphic design, as they further absorb the concept of literature books as objects of art for children.

Noteworthy as well is the fact that this movement has had repercussions in government procurement, more precisely in the past fifteen years, as the officials in charge have attempted to acquire more and more books with quality illustration and text, which is expected to reflect in the way future generations view the world. FNLIJ is honored to be a part of this history, which reveals new ideas and artists every year, as they enrich and enhance the imagination of children and young people in Brazil and abroad by means of quality books.

They were all launched last year by national publishers or foreign ones headquartered in Brazil. Translated books are not part of this selection. Including covers and reviews, the Catalogue contemplates only books by Brazilian authors and is separated by categories: Text books on children and young people literature 3 , as well as New Collection Titles 7 and New Editions 27 are mentioned, in a list, without the presentation of covers and summaries.

These are books for very small children, with very few words and many images. Here and there , the story of a cat that explores space, distances between things. A ararinha do bico torto Walcyr Carrasco. Illustrations by Al Stefano. Pituxa, a vira-lata Walcyr Carrasco. Illustrations by Simone Matias. A ararinha do bico torto is the story of a small macaw that is born with a twisted beak and cannot eat. She falls of the nest and is found by a city boy, who takes her home as a pet. The tale shows the need to adapt to adverse circumstances. At the end, the writer reveals where his story came from.

Color illustrations accompany the narrative. Meus dois pais brings a new and sensitive theme to the readers: The author proposes to reflect upon a rather current and important social theme: And he does it ever so lightly. Laurent Cardon large and colorful illustrations with pencil, acrylic paint and computer techniques contribute much to an outlook on what is new and different. Pituxa is a tale that addresses differences and acceptance of the other, whoever it is.

It tells the story of a spoiled, whimsical girl. Her contact with a mongrel dog will lead to a shift in her feelings of rejection. Realistic illustrations show the dogs, the girl, and her mother, in drawings full of movements and expressions. At the end, there is a statement by the writer about the differences between people and what that may do to relationships. Illustrations by Mario Cafiero. Who is the poet? What is a dream made of?

Illustrations with indigenous graphics reproduce nature, animals and the dreams of a boy about to become a man and marry. Illustrations by Adriane Bertini. ISBN Poetry is indeed a language that can speak to children of all ages, with art. And why non animals? Because, every now and then, when inspiration comes, the author speaks of saci, grammas, mermaids, kings and she-angels. Illustrations by Fernando Vilela.

ISBN In this retold tale, there is a challenge between a farmer and his friend. Betrayal, dispute, and loyalty are among the elements in this narrative. Silk-screen illustrations enhance images from the story, like characters and scenes. The exuberance of colors and lines afford life and expression to the retold tale. At the end, a guide for the creation of paper toys: Illustrations by Taisa Borges. Aleijadinho, a sculptor, designer and architect in colonial Brazil, is the name two children gave to a cat they found in Congonhas. This is the story of a family trip to the historic cities in the state of Minas Gerais.

A story of love after sixty. A story of love between different beings, which came to be forbidden. Controle remoto Tino Freitas. Illustrations by Mariana Massarani. A baby with remote control arrives at a house. With automatic and frozen gestures, and aided by the device, the couple educated the child. It is without the remote control that parents and child eventually discover a more affectionate relationship, invested in the feelings and discoveries that life provides us with.

ISBN A mother and a daughter who enjoy doing things together: The book is a request to observation, to discovering the things we see and do not notice. We need to stop. So it is Curvo ou reto: ISBN A publication focused on babies and very small children. Leaving and returning to their nest, overtaken by surprise in a sequence of different things, the ten ducklings are on their way to live, to discover the world. The illustrations bring new elements to the text, such as the presence of hen, the horse.

It establishes the play between text and image, thus enriching the narrative. ISBN As the very title says, this is the story of a crazy day in the life of little Bel. The characters are involved in a big mess, where one situation adds to another gains unexpected importance, as such. Errands, conflicts, and expressions are masterfully expressed, in brush strokes that value profoundness. Illustrations by Ana Terra. There are ten poems with precious illustrations about animals, such as the dromedary and the camel, the friendly bear, the monkey, the elephant, the giraffe.

Original drawings by Ana Terra illustrate the ten poems about these ten animals. ISBN A story addressing the environment, the need to preserve water and respect nature. A lake begins to dry — what now? Who would be responsible for it? Illustrations in strong colors represent animals and their positions to face the threat of an extinguishing lake.

Among accusations and responsibilities, the animals challenge the disappearance of drinking water. ISBN A narrative for children that brings issues such as transformation and creation. The thresholds between fiction and reality are present in this story that relies on the use of metalanguage. Mixed technique illustrations reproduce images of the cat, the boy, the girl, the house, and the written word. In the images, characters are superimposed upon small rags, thus providing a cozy atmosphere.

O livro estreito Text and illustrations by Caulos. ISBN In these four books for the small readers, the author goes in a trip playing with the space and the shape of a book. Text and illustrations come together to show the many sides there can be in a book. That is where the singularity of every oeuvre lies, to be discovered by the reader.

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  • Sermon + Bible Study Notes: God forever holds me... (John 10:22-30).

In O livro quadrado The square book a succession of surprises urge the reader to turn the next page. NP In O livro Redondo The round book from the format to the approach, this oeuvre focused on the young ones plays with round shapes. Colorful images over white background leave entry areas for readers to build their own spatial and visual perceptions. The kite line and the pen also fit in there. What would that be?

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  • EPHEMERA - Biblioteca e arquivo de José Pacheco Pereira.
  • Too Good: The Scott Draper Story.

In a good humored and sensitive text, Caulos lists objects, animals, everything that his creativity conceives for a narrow space. What are we going to find drawn on the pages of a long book? The neck of a sleeping giraffe? And the mouth of the alligator? Perhaps a sunbathing snake? Original and very funny drawings, for sure, they trigger the imagination of listeners and young readers, enabling moments of joy and delight.

Illustrations by Gilles Eduar. Humor, surprise, and play are the ingredients in this brief report with illustrations abounding with expression. From a theater play, emotions appear for every character in the story: Fear is looming, and it plays its part in the story. After all, there is no living without fear; fear moves on with us and helps to show how far we can go. And, from the stories as well as from the adults, the little ones learn to deal with what scares them. Margarida is a cow that goes out in search for something new.


Obstacles and comments by friends never kept her from trying her happiness. Expression-rich illustrations take us to different scenes and settings as we come along with Margarida in her adventures. Where is the joy of life? Is it close by? Or is it in the dreams we elaborate? Illustrations by Nelson Cruz. This is the story. Together with his uncles, a boy was going to spend some days where the big city was being built. It was a journey invented in happiness. A very short story, indeed, richly illustrated in a beautiful edition that include the stylistic traits of the author and facilitate the acquisition of reading it, perhaps a gateway to his oeuvre.

Illustrations by Guilherme Zamoner. ISBN O menino grisalho The grey-haired boy brings the story of a boy who was different from his peers. Why did his hair go white so suddenly? How could he be with the other schoolchildren who would throw weird looks at him? In a likely and fluent narrative, Carpinejar leads readers to thinking about whatever is different in every person. With goodhumored illustrations, the story addresses diversity and conflicts arising in relationships, such as prejudice and acceptance of the other.

Os mergulhadores Text and illustrations by Mariana Massarani. Their clothes are different. They may live in different places, like a sailboat, for instance, and they may visit very nice places. Antonia and Gabriel will go to the deep sea with their diving relatives. An interesting adventure narrated by Mariana Massarani in relaxed and joyful language. Her entertaining drawings are nearly descriptive. Some bring labels, for clarification.

The small reader will be able to read isolated words. Nome, sobrenome, apelido Renata Bueno. Illustrations by Mariana Zanetti. They are brief reports, instigating the imagination of the reader. The illustrations, also made by four hands, with paper cutting and collage, bring fragments of scenes and characters. The fantasy in the text and images may appeal to small children. It is not a recounted African tale.

It is pure invention in words, names fetched from the African culture Obax, the girl, and Nafisa, the elephant , in images. A light and brief narrative, underlined by fantasy and playfulness, such dear elements to children, it brings forth the confrontation between adult and children worlds, between reality and fantasy. Between the world on this side of the ocean the reader and the world on that side of the ocean: Africa, with some of its colors and favors.

The illustrations reveal exquisite research, with contrast in colors, shapes, sounds, texture. When the house is finished, they fight and no one is willing to give in to the other. Xylograph drawings feature blown-up images full of humor. At the end of the book, there is a guide to the toyconstruction with paper and paint: What would there be in common among them?

Contrasting with the small number of words, the large size illustrations are good-humored and afford rhythm and movement to the narrative. Jorge Fernando dos Santos. ISBN A book for very small children, with little text and few illustrations. In verses, the child will go on a tour to the zoo, and meet different animals, engage in different discoveries… There is a play with words in the construction of each verse. Good humored illustrations accompany the text with surprises and movement.

Illustrations by Mateus Rios. May I sleep with you? It is no different here: In the midst of a thunder storm, and lost sleep, the boy feels scared and cannot relax. Color illustrations reproduce sensations and situations in the story. Historical texts by Lilia Schwarcz. ISBN An invention and a story in the narrative, written by four hands, that bring us back to the days of the Empire of Brazil. The life of little D. Pedro II is unveiled amongst facts, memories, and reinventions.

Expressionist illustrations reproduce looks, gestures, thoughts. Epoch pictures complete the gallery of images.

O Auto da Compadecida - Filme Completo [HD]

There are still some explanatory notes and historical information that enrich this oeuvre of great importance for students. She never gave them tests, never let anyone give lousy messages in her classes, always taught students how to pick questions, reduce fear and share silence. Because she was so special, illustrator Ana Terra painted her dress in the color of the heart, and a broad smile upon her cute face. They share old memories and also engage in new experiences. Oh, they like to read by the fireplace. Marcelo Cipis, the author and illustrator of this lyric text, unveils to the reader or listener the secret to living in eternal honey-moon.

Trudi e Kiki Text and illustrations by Eva Furnari. ISBN Illustrator and author Eva Furnari has developed an oeuvre that focuses on joyful situations and characters, easily identifiable by children. Here, her narrative brings forth two very similar nevertheless very different girls. Amidst exchanges and mistakes, the girls meet for once.

So typical of the author, humor is all around, in the text as well as in the illustrations. Illustrations by Ricardo Costa. ISBN Curiosity and discoveries characterize this story that abounds with expectations. Why would he be alone? What would take him to the garage? What did he like to do? In an investigative gesture, the child delves into that mystery. Realistic illustrations accompany the first person narrative, in fluent language. Could a passion for music bring father and son closer together?

What can music do to the life of a person? These are questions to be answered by the reader. Vida no mar Jorge Fernando dos Santos. ISBN In four verse stanzas, the reader is taken through the ocean and will become familiar with marine animals and their lives.

Frevo and the Contemporary Dance Scene in Pernambuco, Brazil

Playing with words, the author introduces a few deep water inhabitants. Entertaining illustrations accompany the text. There are images that take two full pages, and feature astonishing movement. Zoologia bizarra Text and illustrations by Ferreira Gullar. Animals created and reproduced by the poet are sided by brief poetic text. Cuts, lines, and collage enthrall the reader with the movement, the surprise, the joy.

The thrift use of words reveals condensed and metaphorical writing as it touches upon animals that include a dog-lizard and a llama ballerina, among others, inviting readers to exercise their imagination and to take delight in it. This is the scenario for the story of a young, beautiful and nearly transparent ballerina who dances on stage in the wee hours of the morning… Bringing reality together with fantasy, Socorro Acioli narrates the theater renovation effort conducted by Marcelo, an architect specialized in old buildings.

It was crucial that the theater be brought back to the exact inauguration conditions. Marcelo had a daughter, Anabela, who becomes involved with the young ballerina and her story of love, hatred, and a lot of mystery. And now they will have to solve a very important issue together, something that the Phantom Ballerina could not do when she was alive. Illustrations by Mauricio Veneza. Sortes de Villamor Nilma Lacerda. With difficulties, the girl develops self-conflicts and challenges her life before school, what she learned there. Would they suffice to meaningfully express our affection?

What can words achieve? What are words like in speech, in thought, and in writing? In the midst of so many meta-languages, this novel makes us think about the written culture and about our social role as educators. NP Sortes de Villamor is a story for the youth as well as for adults, unfolding in the 19th Century, in Salvador, the capital city of Bahia.

A shipwreck, a French young lady, an African born matriarch, and many fortunes thrown around. History and thousandyear-old traditions appear along the narrative. At the end of the story, there is an explanatory note, signed by professor Marisa Midori Deaecto. ISBN Chronicles involving animals, as we notice from the titles: Wisdom and respect are values that can be found in the small print of the texts, geared for children and youth.

A preface by Marina Silva opens the book, as an invitation to think about our role in a world full of environmental threats against the animals. Illustrations by Gerson Conforti. He relies heavily on listening, and on some of his memories. Data limite de candidatura: Unity 3D Win, Mac unity3d. Em recebeu o Ph. Os elementos da forma urbana 2. O estudo da forma urbana: O curso vai decorrer nos dias 17, 18, 19, 24, 25 e 26 de Novembro de Quinta e Sexta: The Big Reset on Neighbourhood Design.

O que nos une, colectivamente? Com este evento, pretende-se dar continuidade ao 1. Ao todo, foram nomeados seis novos membros: Miguel Ferreira Mendes Nasceu em Lisboa em O evento decorre de 1 a 4 de Junho em Groningen, Holanda. Woltz e o designer Omer Arbel. O Investigador Nuno Valentim venceu a 4. Architecture, City and Territory'. O programa, que vai ter lugar a 14 de Abril Quinta-feira , entre as Design After Design' e acontece de 2 de Abril a 12 de Setembro de Publicou em o seu primeiro livro "Mecanismo da troca" e em , o seu segundo livro "porto interior".

Programa 18 de Abril Segunda-feira , Palazzo Bembo e Palazzo Mora. The Nasoni Keystone Experiment. A conversa vai ser moderada pela Investigadora Teresa Calix. Programas, tempo e formas de projecto urbano - A carta da Asprela. Grande-Oficial da Ordem do Infante D. Shapes, colours and the configurations'. The Age of Anxiety in Retrospect and Prospect, '. Exerce a actividade profissional como arquitecto.

Passeio e Conversa 2: Ciclo de Aulas Abertas: Concurso 'Pensar, Construir, Habitar':: Aula Aberta 'Arquitectura e Sociedade: Ciclo de Palestras Materialidades da Polytechnica:: IV Encontro Nacional de Molinologia:: Aula Aberta por Bruno de Almeida: Open International Workshop 'invisibility in architecture - exhibition in public garden: Aula Aberta por Manuel Botelho: Ciclo 'Aulas de Autor.

Le Corbusier e o Desenho':: Carlos Machado e Moura::