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They are different, yes, but just like all of us are different and we all come from different experiences and backgrounds that shape us to be the different people we are meant to be. Most people tend to believe that Afro-Mexicans solely exist in Mexico, but your film is challenging that narrative. Again, we generally have this idea that Mexicans and Mexican Americans look a certain way, but our documentary shows the diversity and that there is a much deeper narrative—that oftentimes there is more than meets the eye.

Especially when we judge people by how they look and assume things about them based upon our visual perspective, which oftentimes is extremely limiting, these kind of simplified or misinformed judgments can be at best sad and at worst, dangerous.

I hope our documentary can challenge the way people think of each other and expand the idea of who people are. And I think Afro-Mexicans in the U. Knowing about a community like Afro-Mexicans and their presence in the U.

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It was extremely challenging finding people from the Afro-Mexican community. Through some advanced Facebook settings, I was able to search for people associated with Costa Chica who lived in the Los Angeles area; many of these individuals looked like they were Afro-Mexicans. I felt as though I had hit the jackpot when I found a whole group of soccer players from the Costa Chica, spread throughout Los Angeles and Pasadena. The information for when and where they met was in Spanish, but I was able to piece things together with my basic Spanish or asked friends to translate. I contacted as many of the soccer players as I could.

I explained my project and he seemed receptive and told me when and where to meet them. Me, Lizz and my friend who speaks Spanish went to a soccer field in Boyle Heights to meet the team. I moved on from the soccer players and then did another search, contacting every person I could find on Facebook from Costa Chica who now lived in Southern California. I had discovered another name of a town to search: Many people from that town now lived in Santa Ana. Things started to manifest. She gave me his name and I contacted him via Facebook. He then put me in contact with an Afro-Mexican family in Pasadena.

Social media was so important to us. The hashtag and the location or birthplace search helped us out so much. We had to breach a new community that neither of us were a part of, so it was definitely difficult, and neither of us speak Spanish as well as we could, so we had to get a lot of outside help, which we were so grateful for.

Invisible Roots: Afro-Mexicans in Southern California

People were also very suspicious of us, many families and individuals did not believe that we were two students making a documentary so we had to go through a lot of small tests of proving ourselves trustworthy and legitimate to many people. It seems that U.

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And what kinds of racial experiences did they have upon immigrating to the U. As an observer and from my conversations on and off camera with some of the Afro-Mexicans that we met with, I think what it means to be Afro-Mexican is a growing consciousness. One of the discoveries that I continue to think is how proud everyone feels about their Mexican roots, their country, and their traditions. Who they are is based on where they come from and who they are surrounded by.

I think this speaks a lot to our own flaws as a larger society, but it also speaks to the power of community. The Mexican government has recently formally recognized Afro-Mexicans as a racial and ethnic group and, according to the national census, counted as many as 1.

Invisible Roots vs. Braid to Twist – Naturally4Chic

How do you think these recent developments have affected the people in your film? Transforming Fear into Gold: Sponsored products related to this item What's this? Trauma Survivors' Strategies for Healing: Bruce Alan Kehr M. Filled with warmth, empathy, and hope, Becoming Whole teaches you how to ease emotional pain in your life and in the lives of those you care about. Forgiveness is the secret to a happy life and healthy relationships. But it's hard to do. Learn how to overcome the 5 major obstacles to forgiveness. A Path to Healing from Spiritual Trauma.

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Energy Psychology Press; 1st edition September 15, Language: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Hypnosis Mind Body Healing. Ground breaking well researched book documenting hypnosis mind body healing. Includes basic self hypnosis instruction. God In My Head: The true story of an ex-Christian who accidentally met God. You'll know if or when you're supposed to read this book. And the Truth that Sets Them Free.

Counter the lies that keep you from abundant living. Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention invisible roots past life barbara stone past lives energy psychology must read soul detective life trauma healing past stone book energy healing field client clients professionals understanding spirit heal professional spiritual.

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. I had an experience I thought was so unusual. I was thinking, wow, for a biologist this was a most unusual encounter. It totally changed my view of the world.

I was also thinking I was alone, and so unique Ha! With 7 billion people on this planet how could I honestly think such a thing, but I did. Then as spirit so miraculously does this book fell into my lap about a month ago and I understood I had company. I was struggling trying to figure out what was going on and mostly to rid myself of this emotional turmoil.

In , on a whim, I went to a intuitive medium and discovered my ex was still clinging to me. We helped him find the light. She told me I would be experiencing a new life. I had no idea what to think about all of this especially coming from my science background. Of course at that moment in time I wasn't aware of the fact that my emotional turmoil was gone but it's 6 months later and I am good!

Thanks be to ALL that is for this experience in spirit. This topic needs more exposure. I have written a book trying to explain my experience because it was such a miserable place to be if I can help someone else find their way it would be a blessing for them as well as for me.

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My interest in biology and spirituality is a good thing all things taken together has helped me write a book. One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful.

Kudos to Barbara Stone for her courageous foray into this subject matter. This book and the one following: Transforming Fear Into Gold, represent a compassionate, realistic and solution-based approach to working in the realm of the rather subtle and not-so-subtle influences upon our lives from the spiritual dimensions which interact with us in a myriad of ways- for our benefit and towards our demise.

Each case study is concise, yet powerfully effective in the telling of one transformational story after another. I found the appendices to be absolutely invaluable for fleshing out who is doing what and where to find them in related modalities, and the centering exercises to be excellent references for working with ourselves and others. Barbara's work epitomizes, to me, a compassionate and collaborative approach to a field of human service which is vitally needed in our world today. One person found this helpful. Stone has written an extraordinary and visionary book. I have been a psychotherapist with a specialty in regression therapy for over 15 years.

What is unique about the "Invisible Roots" approach is the breakthrough methods that are used. Rather than the typical hypnotherapy route to access past life memories, muscle testing is used to determine the origin of the issue which may be past life, ancestral, or spirit attachment influence.

The trauma patterns are cleared with various Energy Psychology techniques without retraumatizing the client. This method may also be useful for those people resistant to hypnosis. Clear the Past, Create the Future". Clear the Past, Create Your Future. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This provided useful information when I needed it, and inspired me to sign up for Dr. We are currently devouring this awesome book by Dr.

Interested in Energy Psychology? This is the Book for you whether you want to help yourself or to help others.

Full of gripping true stories of wandering souls, past lives, and more, this book delivers far more than we bargained for. We were drawn to this Book by The One, and not only do the stories hold you there, but the illustrations are great, the explanations of various energy healing modalities are wonderful. She also includes websites to find more info, books, resource material, and more. I can't say enough good about it. Barbara gives great insight to some unexplainable unanswered things. You can feel she is compassionate and knowledgeable and is sharing this with others, bringing healing and understanding.