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Early Interest in Fashion

Reproduced by permission of the Corbis Corporation. His father was a house-painter. Ralph became interested in clothes when he was in seventh grade. He changed his name to Lauren in the mids.

Ralph Lauren | Fashion Designer Biography

After graduating from high school he worked as a salesman and began studying business at night. He quit school after a few months, spent time in the army, and then looked for a job in fashion. In Lauren was hired by Beau Brummell Ties as a designer. His wide, colorful ties were the opposite of the narrow dark neckties common at the time; they sold well and started a new trend.

Lauren started his own company and the next year launched a line of men's clothing, Polo, offering styles that were a mix of English and American styles and that expressed an image of class. Lauren's menswear was a success, and in he introduced his women's line.

Top 10 Most Famous Fashion Designers Of All Time

As the years went by he continued to branch out into children's clothes, colognes, footwear, home products, and other merchandise. Lauren designed costumes for the films The Great Gatsby and Annie Hall that influenced the way millions dressed. Modestly describing his work, Lauren stated, "I believe in clothes that last, that are not dated in a season.

The people who wear my clothes don't think of them as fashion. Lauren lived the image he projected, and he was often featured with his family in magazines devoted to lives of the rich and famous. He was also the first designer to appear in his own advertising.

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One of the secrets of Lauren's success lay in his attention to detail, always checking product quality and maintaining tight control over the brand image he crafted so carefully. Lauren's fashion formula earned many honors from his peers. He had seven Coty design awards and was inducted into the Coty Hall of Fame in In he received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Council of American Fashion Designers and a tribute for twenty-five years of impact on American style from the Woolmark Awards.

Early Career

In Lauren opened his first retail store in Beverly Hills, California, building toward a total of Polo-Ralph Lauren stores in the United States as well as 1, boutiques small shops within department stores. Tweed , any of several fabrics of medium-to-heavy weight, rough in surface texture, and produced in a great variety of colour and weave effects largely determined by the place of manufacture. Polo , game played on horseback between two teams of four players each who use mallets with long, flexible handles to drive a wooden ball down a grass field and between two goal posts.

It is the oldest of equestrian sports. Scott Fitzgerald , American short-story writer and novelist famous for his depictions of the Jazz Age the s , his most brilliant novel being The Great Gatsby His private life, with….

Ralph Lauren Biography

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Ralph Lauren

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