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But as she arrives and is greeted by the most handsome man, she is thrown for a loop when he introduces himself as Simon. As the sparks fly between Simon and Lillian, and everyone from Simons mother to best friend, Rhys, tell him that this is a match that can never happen the scandal of the suicide, she has no money!

The real turning point, for me, to make this book a good read was when Simons discovers the secrets of his late father. They are some major secrets that have been hidden his entire life. They transform this dashing man into a devastated, humble man and made me really love him. Throughout all this, Lillian is by his side but still never revealing her secret. When she finally, finally, reveals her true reason for being there, Simon is heartbroken but chooses to stay with her. Lillian flees back home for a bit until we get the happily ever after.

Even though the first half or so was just ok, the second half was excellent. It has heartbreak, sorrow, love, joy. It will make you tear up, smile, and want to smack Lillian. The epilogue leads right up to the next story, The Unclaimed Duchess Billingham Bastards, 2 and I have started it already as I was so intrigued to continue with this story and see all the fall outs waiting to happen. I hope there is more to come in this series.

Billingham Bastards Series

Nov 10, Kathleen rated it really liked it. What The Duke Desires was a toss up between 4 and 5 stars. The reason I went with 4 stars was because I probably would never read it again even though I loved it. The story was really good, I liked the characters and almost to the middle of the book the heat started and stay hot for the rest of the book. All and all a very good read. Jun 07, Nicol Althea rated it liked it Shelves: Now, this is more like it.

This is my second book by this author and i like this a lot better than the first one i read entitled "Everything Forbidden.

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I actually like this book better because i found it sweet and innocent with just a hint of revenge on the sides. I adored the hero Simon Crathorne particularly because he was very honest about his feelings for Lillian. When he realized his unexplainable attraction to her, he t Now, this is more like it. When he realized his unexplainable attraction to her, he tried to pursue her to see if there's something "more" than mere attraction between them and if something lasting can bloom from it.

Unlike other men who hold powerful titles especially that of a duke, Simon didn't deny his feelings towards Lillian despite her obvious unsuitability as his bride. He didn't really give a fig about her past or of the scandal surrounding her family. He pursued her only for who she was and of the feelings that was purely between the two of them, not of the external conceptions and disapprovals surrounding their growing relationship.

I also admired his desire to make things right and of how he was strong enough to endure the blows he received when he found out the truth about his esteemed father. Of course, he couldn't have done it without the comfort and support of our dear Lillian.

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What i like about Lillian Mayhew is her strength and bravery. Enduring a past like hers must have been really devastating.

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But instead of being overcome with sadness and defeat, she used her past circumstances to strengthen and motivate herself in pursuing her goal. Sure, i was mildly annoyed at her need of revenge directed at innocent Simon but i deeply understood her reasons for doing so. She was only trying to honor her father's dying wish and i admire her for that. I guess, I would have done the same if i were in her shoes. But i'm really glad that she was able to come to terms with her hatred and revenge at the end.

It was because of Simon's sweetness and honesty that melted her revenge driven heart. I also admire how she was very sensitive to Simon's feelings and how she exhibited such strong support for him when he finally uncovered his past. She didn't shun him because of it but all the more came to care for him. And i do love her for that. I'm glad she is who she is because Simon would't have made it without her strength of heart and support.

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So despite her unsuitable background, i am compelled to say that she is indeed perfect for Simon. In sum, this is another good read. It makes one feel better after reading it. My favorite part of the book was when Lillian was finally learning to let go of her hatred and need of revenge and was deeply coming to love and care for Simon. That was so moving. Yes, its one of the typical stories out there but i enjoyed it nevertheless. Also this book reminded me of another book entitled Lady Sophia's Lover by Lisa Kleypas, they have similar points but i still love that book better than this one though.

Still i enjoyed this one well enough and found it worthy of another read through. Will definitely read it some time in the future. Thanks to the author for delivering us this book. May 26, Lauren rated it really liked it Shelves: Real easy read and I did get teary-eyed a bit too easily imo for this book as it also had major cheese factor going for it. But, it was a lot of fun reading. Nov 16, Anne OK rated it it was amazing. Just discovered this author and really like her style. Am going to find her other books and read them!

Dec 01, Gordana rated it really liked it. Aug 17, Cherry-Ann rated it really liked it. This was a good book. Simon and Lillian are immediately attracted to one another as they met at a party organised so Simon could choose a bride. This woman had to have to have the standing to support Simon's exalted rise to Duke of Bilingham - Lillian's past eliiminated her from this race. While involved in the task of clearing the volumes of paperwork from his deceased father's estate, Simon unearths secrets after secrets.

As the couple's affection for each other grow, Lillian is hesitant to re This was a good book. As the couple's affection for each other grow, Lillian is hesitant to reveal the secrets which drew her to the bridal hunt in the first place, and which ultimately separates the couple despite their engagement. In the end more secrets are revealed - some were anticipated and some were a complete surprise. I really enjoyed this book. The author kept events moving and the supporting casts did not feature so heavily that they distracted from the main protagonists.

Aug 16, Dana Alma rated it really liked it. Lillian's desire to exact revenge by way of divulging all of the late Duke of Billingham's secrets keeps a reader interested. Simon's sense of honor and his desire for Lillian is what romances are all about.

What the Duke Desires

I'm a Jenna Petersen fan and enjoy her historicals, so when she began this new it was a no brainer, I just had to read it. I've owned this book since but wanted to reread the series anticipation for the current release of A Scoundrel's Surrender, the 3rd book in th Blissful!

I've owned this book since but wanted to reread the series anticipation for the current release of A Scoundrel's Surrender, the 3rd book in the Billingham Bastards. With each book the series grows and becomes more interesting. Nov 07, Elle rated it really liked it. Petersen does a great job developing a strong emotional connection with her characters. I wish the historical aspect of the story was better researched. I like historicals that put you in the era, filling in details from the period. But on the whole it will be a pleasure to read the rest of this author's work.

Sep 28, ms bookjunkie rated it it was ok Shelves: Not my favorite Jenna Petersen book and I've liked some of her others quite a lot. I think it has to do with the subject matter, it is quite heavy so as a read it's emotionally draining instead of being refreshing. And as I read for the emotional satisfaction…. Oct 04, Amber Gray rated it really liked it Shelves: Really liked this book, and I'm glad that even though the hero was royally pissed when he found out Lillian's secret, it did not lead to a months long seperation. It was a cute book wanted to give it a 3.

Jan 29, Ebony Morton rated it really liked it. Dec 31, Michele Lacroix rated it really liked it Shelves: I enjoyed this book, I must have because I read it before. It wasn't until I was halfway through it that I remembered it. Jan 01, evolvhealth4u Miller rated it really liked it.

Jun 11, Kelli rated it really liked it. Nothing that stands out from all the other romance books, but still a very good one and I already marked to read the other books of the Billingham Bastards series. Jan 05, Alicia rated it really liked it. Aug 07, Olanrewaju Olarinde rated it really liked it Shelves: The plot was intriguing and the characters were amazing. I read this sometime ago so I can't give a long review but it was a book I enjoyed. Good I liked it, it was my First book by this author.

I would read the next in the series it was really good and very passionate. The banner between Max the Duke and Lisette was at times funny and romantic, and their communications leads into building a believable love relationship. The historical era was on point even their dialects worked for the period of time. All Historical romance authors should do their h WOW!! All Historical romance authors should do their homework as Sabrina Jeffries obviously has. She was very historically accurate and made the reader feel as if they were in the 's.

Their was only one problem I had that was not believable and it was who Lisette was. But she was such a wonderful character you soon forget her relationship with the Duke was almost impossible for the times. But I loved her anyway!! Lisette and her brother Tristan and mother who is the Old Viscounts Mistress have to leave their home when the Viscount dies of a self inflicted gunshot wound to the chest the Viscounts older son George is now the new Viscount. He hates his half siblings and their mother, but his brother Com loves them and takes their side.

Com helps them leave when George evicts them from their home. This story is very well written the characters are true to the period the dialect is correct and believable. The only problem I have is Lisette who is a wonderful character but she is half French 26 and Illegitimate, and she is in trade.

I am not sure during this period of time right after the war with France a English Duke would even consider marrying someone of her circumstance. But she is such a lovable and well developed character that it compensates for the unbelievable part. Maximilian Cale, Duke of Lyons who's older brother is assumed dead becasue he was kidnapped and his body was found buried after dying in a house fire.

Now many years later someone has sent Max the Duke of Lyons evidence that his brother might still be alive. He meets the heroine Lisette who is the illegitimate daughter of the deceased Viscount and now she works as an clerk in her half brother Dom's private investigation firm.

Her other brother Tristan sent Max this evidence and but he never shows up for the meeting he arranged to have with Max. Lisette believes her brother is in France. International Customers If you are located outside the U. About Product Details In What the Duke Desires , Jenna Petersen launches the first installment in her passionate new romance series about the illegitimate sons of a notorious duke brought together by love and deception.

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What the Duke Desires (Billingham Bastards, book 1) by Jenna Petersen

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