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His father has a love of mountains, their paths, hiking through different passages and seeing what he can find, experiencing nature. An experience Piedro does not cherish as much as his father, which will eventually become a fissure in their relationship. Pi A beautiful, contemplative toned novel, about the relationships between father's and sons, and the friendship between two very different boys.

Piedro meets Bruno, a boy who herds cows, his mother a true mountain woman, s father with whom he will have his own difficulties. So many books about mother, daughter relationships, female friendships, it was a welcome relief to come upon a book that featured male relationships. Gorgeous and lengthy descriptions of mountains, touching scenes between friends as they grow older and try to find x new way to define their friendship. Bruno, staying put in the mountains he has made his home, and Piedro, who wants to explore other areas, do different things.

Accabadora: Michela Murgia: Books

The fracture between both fathers and sons and the reason for these. A touching, quiet book, but one that quietly weaved its way into my heart. View all 21 comments. May 20, stefano rated it it was ok Shelves: Paolo Hendel Ognuno ha i maestri che si merita e io, sia detto senza falsa modestia, Paolo Hendel me lo merito tutto. Io non sono mica buono a fare frasi del genere. Vedi come fa rigare dritto i fuochi, la stufa severa. Quello medio, in basso a sinistra, per tenerlo acceso bisogna fargli le moine, anche se mia moglie dice che va solo con un colpo secco.

Io non ci credo, io sono per la persuasione, non sono severo come la stufa di Cognetti. Solo che… solo che… solo che racconta una storiella banale, noiosa, un soggetto buono per una fiction su Rai Uno, in prima serata, mentre noi scafati guardiamo Trapped in streaming ;-. Ci sono vite che vanno avanti come nel peggior incubo andreadecarliano: Io andrei avanti a parlare di Cognetti, otto montagne, Jovanotti, Andrea De Carlo e cose del genere, ma la mia bimba domenica ha il saggio di ginnastica e ho promesso che la portavo da Decathlon a comprare le calze apposta, che sarebbero quelle che non si vede la cucitura nel sedere, o qualcosa di simile.

Va a finire che torno con la canotta di LeBron James.

Le otto montagne

Ma soprattutto, la ginnastica si fa con le calze? View all 13 comments. The Eight Mountains is a beautifully and simply written coming of age story that explores relationships and connections not only between the characters but with the mountains and a tiny Alpine Village. We were taken on a journey with our main character Pietro along at times with his father or best friend Bruno though the village, jumping from rock to rock, wading in the river, taking us t The Eight Mountains is a beautifully and simply written coming of age story that explores relationships and connections not only between the characters but with the mountains and a tiny Alpine Village.

We were taken on a journey with our main character Pietro along at times with his father or best friend Bruno though the village, jumping from rock to rock, wading in the river, taking us to summits and glaciers and hiking and climbing through the mountains. The descriptions so vivid that we felt like we were there with them. Paolo Cognetti does a good job creating two very different complex characters here with Pietro and Bruno. Both living very different lives and but joined together by a deep complex bond. Written is such a quiet way that allowed me to think of the connections between the characters and the land around them while they found their place in the world.

I loved how this story made me feel and think of my own connections to the land around me. The ending left me thinking long after finishing. It left me thinking along with the peace, adventure or journey in the mountains they come with danger, secrets and mystery. I highly recommend for those times when you need a beautifully written quiet story. View all 34 comments. Harmony Paolo Cognetti has written a pleasant story of family, lifelong friendship and an insight into the Alps region, particularly around Monte Rosa. The two aspects of friendship and landscape, are always present throughout the book but not in an intense manner.

The main storyline is the lifelong undiminished friendship between Pietro and Bruno. We first meet them at the age o Harmony Paolo Cognetti has written a pleasant story of family, lifelong friendship and an insight into the Alps region, particularly around Monte Rosa. Bruno is a likeable, respectful and appreciative teenager brought into the family circle. Through the years Pietro tends to go off around the world spending the majority of time in the Himalayas and when he returns the friendship picks up where it left off. It is one of those friendships that have no prejudices, no judgements and no egotism.

Bruno lives his whole life, all year round, in Grana and the surrounding mountains. As the years' progress, he becomes more and more remote from society, living in a cabin high in the mountains until deep winter drives him down to the village. The other facet of the book is a region in the Alps where eight mountains circle a specific location like 'the spokes of a wheel'.

I have always loved hiking and I know the feeling of reaching a summit, where the sudden vista is just spectacular. To just stand perfectly still, trying not to allow your breathing or blood pumping around your body to interrupt the moment. It can be emotional because you have committed a lot of effort and the overwhelming panoramic view is a personal sense of achievement. And naturally, he fell in love with them at first sight. All the relationship interactions were very safe and while events happened in their lives, they were dealt with as a matter of fact with no real examination.

The father expressed his love for the Alps quite well but Pietro who tells the story seems to have a lacklustre sense of describing his thoughts and feelings. View all 9 comments.

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They both share the love of the mountains, the Dolomites in Italy in this case. They bring their thrill and love for this area together as they explore the lush beautiful and often dangerous environs of this area. Their parents although not in what seems to be loving relationships do love the mountains as well. As t 4 terrific writing stars This was a wonderfully written story about friendship, that between two young boys Bruno and Pietro, who meet and develop their relationship over many years. As the boys reach maturity they each go their separate ways, one to stay upon his beloved mountains and the other to travel the world.

Even though they are separated by many miles, they come together often to reestablish both their friendship nurtured by age, and their enduring love of the mountains. This was a lovely coming of age story told with a background of beauty and compassion. The boys' camaraderie, their friendship grows into something special something hard to find in the days where so many things tend to separate us from each other.

Many thanks to Paolo Cognetti, Atria Books, and NetGalley for allowing this reader to have an advacned copy of this novel. Thanks are also extended to the Traveling Sisters who read this book along with me. View all 11 comments. View all 8 comments. You might say this is a novel about men who are rubbish with women. The narrator, his father and his childhood friend, the three main protagonists, all prefer mountains to women.

There's something ruggedly masculine about mountains - the solitude and absence of domestic comforts, the demands they make on physical strength and endurance. It's perhaps one of the places men go to prove to themselves they are men. The most poignant part of this book for me was the narrator's troubled relationship wi You might say this is a novel about men who are rubbish with women.

The most poignant part of this book for me was the narrator's troubled relationship with his father. This was very moving. I was sorry it was dropped half way through in favour of re-establishing the childhood friendship as adults which I found altogether less compelling and convincing. As a novel it veered close to sentimentality at times. I wasn't entirely convinced two men could be content together in a single room far removed from every vestige of civilisation. I kept thinking one of them must be gay. But the author was determined to keep namedropping girlfriends even though, bar one, these girls made no appearance in the book.

Surely to share a room in the mountains is an oxymoron? Claustrophobia in deep space. There's a lot of description of mountainous terrain. Too much for my liking.

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But then I'm not a great fan of mountains. View all 15 comments. This was a beautifully written story about the friendship of two young Italian boys, Pietro and Bruno — both of whom come from different backgrounds, yet from the moment they meet, they develop a closeness akin to two brothers. Their friendship is indeed a special one, as Pietro is from the city and though he shares an almost immediate love for the Dolomites — the mountains located in the northeastern border of Italy where his family travels for vacation — he does not fully understand the deep r This was a beautifully written story about the friendship of two young Italian boys, Pietro and Bruno — both of whom come from different backgrounds, yet from the moment they meet, they develop a closeness akin to two brothers.

Their friendship is indeed a special one, as Pietro is from the city and though he shares an almost immediate love for the Dolomites — the mountains located in the northeastern border of Italy where his family travels for vacation — he does not fully understand the deep relationship that his friend Bruno has with these mountains where he grew up, nor does he understand the inexplicable pull that these same mountains have on his own parents, especially his father.

L'ultimo martello della Femina Agabbadora

Despite the divergent paths that their lives end up taking and the many months, even years, they often spend apart, the friendship between Pietro and Bruno endures over the course of several decades and later it is through Bruno that Pietro eventually comes to appreciate and connect to the late father with whom he had grown distant over the course of his life. More than just a coming of age story, this is also one that emphasizes the bonds of family, especially that between father and son…. There were so many things I loved about this atmospheric yet quietly written book: I also loved the way all the different relationships were portrayed, especially the enduring friendship between Pietro and Bruno as well as the strenuous one between Pietro and his father…both relationships were poignantly drawn — touching, yet at the same time also heartbreaking.

View all 6 comments. Feb 18, Elalma rated it it was amazing Shelves: E' sicuramente un giudizio dato a caldo, magari d'impulso, ma sono di parte, amo la montagna, amo quei luoghi e questo libro mi ha fatto stare bene. Jan 23, Roberto rated it really liked it Shelves: Padri e figli Una storia di padri, di figli, di amicizia e di montagne.

Un padre autoritario e indifferente che si incammina instancabile per i sentieri montani cercando di raggiungere in ogni modo la vetta, anche lontana. Pietro cittadino, silenzioso e spinto dal padre verso le montagne e Bruno, montanaro di nascita, genitori assenti. Sono figli di due mondi agli antipodi, u Padri e figli Una storia di padri, di figli, di amicizia e di montagne. Sono figli di due mondi agli antipodi, uno immerso nel caos cittadino e l'altro nella rarefazione montana. E poi la montagna, aspra, affascinante, dura, faticosa; un luogo silenzioso e rarefatto dove il tempo rallenta consentendoci di riflettere sulla nostra vita, sull'amicizia, sull'amore, sulle cose importanti.

Pietro gira il mondo, mentre Bruno rimane. Ma il rapporto tra i due rimane inalterato e quando Pietro ritorna, il passato riaffiora. I rituali ripetuti ravvivano il senso di appartenenza alla vita: Era come se, attaccando lo stesso vecchio sentiero una volta all'anno, si addentrasse tra i ricordi e risalisse il corso della propria vita " Pietro, il cui rapporto col padre era difficoltoso fintanto questi era in vita, inizia a capire il genitore solo dopo la sua morte, percorrendone i sentieri, addentrandosi nei ricordi.

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Un padre severo ma fragile, incapace di affrontare un discorso col figlio, imperfetto ma anche per questo umano. Un padre abbandonato, ma poi, in un secondo tempo e troppo tardi riconosciuto e valorizzato. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. What other items do customers buy after viewing this item?

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