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As a result, much of the Nyingma esoteric corpus was excluded from the Tengyur , a compilation of texts by Buton Rinchen Drub that became the established canon for the Sarma traditions. This means that while Nyingma accept the Tengyur scriptures they also include writings that other schools reject as not being authentic for having no Indic sources—though Sanskrit originals of some have been discovered in Nepal. Various editions of the Gyubum are extant, but one typical version is the thirty-six Tibetan-language folio volumes published by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche in New Delhi, There are 'eighteen great tantras' Wylie: The Guhyagarbha Tantra Wylie: Dzogchen literature is usually divided into three categories, which more or less reflect the historical development of Dzogchen:.

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According to the Nyingma-tradition, Padmasambhava and his main disciples hid hundreds of scriptures, ritual objects and relics in secret places to protect Buddhism during the time of decline, under King Langdarma, and for when the dharma would need revitalizing in the future. These termas were later rediscovered. The Rinchen Terdzod Tibetan: This collection [33] is the assemblage of thousands of the most important terma texts from all across Tibet made by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye , at the behest of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo in the nineteenth century.

In contrast to the other three main Tibetan schools, the Nyingma tradition has never held political power, and therefore its practitioners were mostly removed from the political machinations of Tibet. The Nyingma traditionally had no centralized authority or Nyingma-wide hierarchy. Only since the Tibetan diaspora following the Chinese annexure of Tibet have the Nyingma had a head of the Tradition, at the request of the Central Tibetan Administration. It is largely administrative, but the lamas who have served in this role are among the most universally highly regarded.

Even so, the Nyingma tradition is still politically decentralized and often decisions are made in an oligarchy or community of the senior sangha within a given jurisdiction or locale. Nyingmapa are also historically characterized and distinguished by decentralization and by their general wider political disinterest, with a lesser emphasis on monasticism relative to the other schools, with a correspondingly greater preponderance of ngagpas , uncelibate householders and yogins. The appearance of terma "hidden treasures" is of particular significance to the Nyingma tradition. It is held that past masters, principally Padmasambhava, secreted objects and hid teachings for discovery by later tertons at appropriate and auspicious times such that the teaching would be beneficial.

These teachings may be physically discovered, often in rocks and caves, or they may be "mind terma," appearing directly within the mindstream of the terton. Special terma lineages were established throughout Tibet. Out of this activity developed, especially within the Nyingma tradition, two ways of dharma transmission: The foremost revealers of these termas were the five terton kings and the eight Lingpas.

According to Nyingma tradition, tertons are often mindstream emanations of the 25 main disciples of Padmasambhava. A vast system of transmission lineages developed through the ages. Nyingma scriptures were updated when the time was appropriate. Terma teachings guided many Buddhist practitioners to realisation and enlightenment. The rediscovering of terma began with the first terton, Sangye Lama — Contemporary Nyingma lineages include ethnic Tibetan and other Himalayan teachers as well as Western lamas, and their students.

Geoffrey Samuel notes that some of these organizations are international networks of dharma centers and monasteries in the West and in Asia. Some of the largest international Nyingma organizations are Namkhai Norbu 's Dzogchen community and Sogyal Rinpoche 's Rigpa organization. Nyingma tradition has held that there were "Six Mother Monasteries" out of which developed a large number of branch monasteries throughout Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal. There have been slightly different formulations of the six.

The last four monasteries are all located in Kham. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. History Timeline Outline Culture Index of articles. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Through a Sherpa Window: Illustrated Guide to Sherpa Culture. The Rise of Esoteric Buddhism in Tibet.

Second revised edition, reprint. Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt Ltd. Buddhist Tradition Series Vol. A Brief History of Nyingma Literature.

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Archived from the original on Establishing Appearances as Divine. Snow Lion Publications , chapter 4. The Treasury of Lives. What Difference Does a Difference Make? Wisdom Publications, , p.

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To Be, Not to Be or Neither. An Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism.

  • Thinking Sexy: Unlocking the secrets of sensual desire.
  • Shaman King, Vol. 22: Epilogue III.
  • Sweats (a near-future science-fiction technothriller).

Rangjung Yeshe Publication Pg. Lopez, Donald S, ed. Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism. Milarepa Thang Tong Gyalpo. Terma Gyubum Kangyur Tengyur Tibetan canon.

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