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Please note that the link will expire twenty-four hours after the email is sent. If you can't find this email, please check your spam folder. Receive our Sunday newsletter. The Finnish Government comprises 12 ministries, each responsible for the preparation of matters and the functioning of administration within its own sector.

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One of the main tasks of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment is to create a solid basis for industrial and other business operations and in this way strengthen competitiveness and employment. Government and ministries Media. Finnish Government The Finnish Government comprises 12 ministries, each responsible for the preparation of matters and the functioning of administration within its own sector.

Log in to the Government media service.

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Datahub to incorporate data on electricity use and users into one system, making it easier to develop new services On 20 September , the Finnish Government submitted to Parliament a proposal for acts to amend the Electricity Market Act and certain other related acts. The proposal includes provisions on a transition to a centralised information exchange system for the electricity retail market. A centralised information exchange system, a Datahub, will be established for electricity suppliers, distribution system operators and electricity customers.

Finland has ambitious integration plans 5. Thank you for your attention and comments, Philipp. Neither appointments, nor non-appointments under art. In current literature and practice, the appointment of a new Government is considered a complex act. Its adoption requires an agreement: In this case, Mattarella refused Savona; Conte the no-longer incoming Premier, backed by the two parties refused to propose alternative names; so no agreement was reached.

Of course, every presidential decision must rely on constitutional grounds, and we tried to explain them, in this case. To put it differently: When would a President "overstep" your word his legal competence?

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What are the relevant criteria? In this case, the problem was that the appointment apparently heralded strong tensions, if not infringements, of constitutional principles artt. Therefore, none could take for granted that those political parties proposed Professor Savona as Ministry of Economics and Finance because they had secretly planned to withdraw from the EMU or from the EU.

Although, without any doubt, under the Italian Constitution, the President is not a public notary, Italy is a parliamentary and not a presidential Republic. Many of your points are a correct complement of what we wrote. So I would reply that the decision was based not on mere hypotheses, but on lingering ambiguities.

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Of course, the risk of giving the wrong impression is there. I really wonder what could happen if people not coming from Italy would read the things you write. The President has no constitutional power of veto under article 92, and what he did was a clear abuse of power. Besides, the financial power has no right to influence democracy, and democracy has no right to be influenced by financial power.

Last but not the least, none of the two political majority parties wanted to leave the european union nor the euro as a currency. And this should be clear especially for the readers from abroad who can be cheated by articles who do not give a complete information about the facts. See also here https: Related Posts Politicizing the Federal President.

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Reviewing the Holocaust Bill: The Polish President and the Constitutional Tribunal. The reasons may be summarized as follows: We welcome your comments but you do so as our guest. Please note that we will exercise our property rights to make sure that Verfassungsblog remains a safe and attractive place for everyone.