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The dominatrix

While I don't doubt that it has a small effect, I believe the apparent increase in doms has much more to do with the internet, which allows doms and subs to connect more easily. The are an equal part of a team. They dont prefer to be single as they are always in real commitments in strong partnerships that are dependant to a nurturing emotional support system. Also,it kills alot of women especially the liberal ones to know that femalekind came from a guy's rib.

Rage on feminazis,rage on! Actually, it's quite the opposite. It's well known that it's men with a lot of power in industry or government that tend to want a dominatrix. They have a lot of responsibility, and they more often have the fantasy of relinquishing all that power in an erotic setting. Which is why top dominatrices can charge a lot of money. Do you really believe that creationist nonsense? Your scared of strong women. Its obvious and it wouldn't take education to see it.

Biology shows that all humans are a female matrix with a male hormonal imprint ovaries shifted to testes and clitoris extended into a penis.

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Simple proof, nipples serving no purpose in a man. Now, the Bible was written years after Christ was dead. It was assembled by men with political power and caused an immediate break which now has more than 25, different interpretations of the Word of Gawd. Of course, that the "original church" hid and move pedophile priests, lied about millions of dollars and carried out wholesale slaughter of midwives and herbal healers, so their inferior pedophiles could gain power is well documented. Yes, men really know how to do things!

I do not think the 'feminists' are anything other than pseudo-men. A very bad role model. Nor the cookie cutter dominatrix.

Sexually Dominant Women and the Men who Desire Them, Part I | Psychology Today

Those of us who are educated and have Female Lead Organized Women in Ethical Relationships are not trying to hurt men but allow them to find a place where they are useful. You I am sure lost no money in the crash of , because you were totally in control. Dream on little sheep, bend over, there is a priest who needs you to 'feel the body of Christ'.

I love Casey Anthony and Jodi Arias. Foe crying out loud release Jodi, and let Casey Anthony travel. They are the best. I'm a submissive male and I am also unhappy. I told my psychiatrist about my preference and he laughed so I really never trusted him again on this subject. I'm basically a lifelong depressive and it's always been difficult or impossible for me to pick up women. I think this blog is a little simplistic but it is better than the majority of articles that say bdsm is a result of some kind of abuse.

For the submissive male life is extremely hard, other males don't respect us and most women don't respect us. I have heard complaints from women that they don't like to be viewed as fetish delivery services but the fact is women who enjoy having control over men are rare. I'm not sure why that is because a lot seem to like to be "bossy" in different areas but not in the bedroom. They mostly like to be submissive in the bedroom. I do sometimes desire to have a woman submit but its also rare since my personality is the opposite and I haven't had a woman submit to me. I have had only a few sexual partners and its basically ruined my life by not being with a woman in a long term relationship.

I find it ironic that a lot of prostitutes don't have intercourse but give blow jobs or handjobs from what I have seen. I personally find prostitution unclean and most of the prostitutes unattractive. I can't afford the high end ones but I may have an unrealistic view of women since I haven't had many partners. I would like to know from the psychologist's view how many women have desires to dominate men but don't go forward with them. From what I have seen most dominant women are brought into it by men they don't find it alone.

Most men I think are excited by the porn or other fetish desires. There is a rise in women who cheat. Even though I am submissive I must be in the minority since I am not in the least excited by either cuckolding or chastity. If I didn't want sex I don't need a woman not to have sex with so it's something I will never understand. I think it would be more useful if you explore the actual numbers of women who desire it on their own and the other factors such as porn addiction that attract or keep men excited by it. The main factors of female attraction to men are height and income in my experience and really nothing alters that, I am on the shorter end of the spectrum and again that is something that puts me in the undesirable category.

On the other hand I will admit that I am turned off by overweight women which is also something that is not really discussed. Hi Simplistic, don't feel alone here completely, I am on the undesirable short side of life myself. Most women I have ever been with have only done so because of my dominance both in and out of the bedroom.

I am a biker that has gained respect from others as someone best left alone. But, I have never been able to pull in the type of women I desire, andthe ones iI do pull in usually aint the marrying type. But also love becomes a problem that only adds to the senario. You try to treat a women with some sort of respect and give her space then they start scamming you and cheeting on you I assume because of greed, or what ever they blame it on. Even though you try to keep her pleased in the bedroom, and give her as much as you can that she has been asking for including little sweat gifts like roses, and other small trinkets of appreciation only for her to talk about you behind your back and sleep around.

But, when you don't fall in love and keep your feelings bottled up you are accused of being a heartless bastard. All the while seeing your friends treat women like crap and they can't beat the women away from them, and they stay loyal for ever. So for I start treating the girls like garbage? Because that is the impression the girls have given to me. So sorry about your present situation but you are not short on others going through it also.

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So what's less known, your allowed both David. You don't have to be sub all of the time, regardless of your personality. You also do not have to be dom all of the time. Some people are better or more comfortable with one than the other, but depending on your mood being able to do either is called a "switch" and perfectly acceptable for men or women. That's a nice balance Bifftress and safeguards any male who is becoming too submissive in the wrong way.

Few marriages seem to have the ideal so it is a case of adjusting. My wife doesn't like to receive but I do. I don't know if she likes to give but has said she is comfortable with it. I am definitely the head but don't force anything. I taught her what to do and it works fine. You're obviously jaded where women are concerned. You, like so many others, are attracted to the harsher ladies of the world. The become jaded when theyre not the "nice n sweet" type. Seems your post is a substitute for a therapist and really has very little to do with the OP.

N where exactly do you think the size of women fits into the OP?? Being a Domme myself, i find much of your diatribe pointless as far as this OP is concerned. Your first lesson to learn would be to stop whining and change your outlook. What woman would be interested in a man who is so negative and cant look past his negative history with other women?

Thats your biggest issue when viewing women. You think we're all alike, n think that all of our preferences are the same. I personally am not the shallow, self centered type of woman you think we all are. Im attracted to personality. The most popular model or actor can be the ugliest person in the world because of a terrible personality. In response to your claim that we FemDoms are prostitutes, the majority of us do not receive pay.

We are in the lifestyle because we enjoy it. Nor do most ProDoms participate in sexual acts during sessions. Perhaps your poor outlook on women is the main reason you've not found one interested in you. I could have become a submissive male but thankfuly I didn't. I think the male is the head and the wife adjusts to that. I am switched on by a woman with a paddle though.

To me it's part of sex not a thing to change my behaviour into submissive. I've trained my wife to do it and it works for us. I probably would have been a client for this, until I met my wife that is. A lot of the behaviour is twisted I think. I have learned to lead in the right way. I still ask my wife to spank me though which she is comfortable with but I would never go outside marriage for sex.

I definitely fall into the female domme category, although I'm not a professional and have only met one man in real life who was happy to let me take charge in the bedroom sometimes. I blame my interests on growing up in a big family and having to fight for any parental attention. I'm not that dominant outside of the bedroom and have a normal career and 'outside persona', although I am fairly controlled and self disciplined and would be happier being in charge of a household.

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I'm not attracted to obviously submissive men. I think half the attraction is knowing you have control over an alpha male. I want to control a man who is worth controlling. Otherwise, where is the challenge? My ideal man is someone powerful and respected in public who then drops to his knees the moment he walks though the front door and allows me to take over. The contrast excites me. I 'am the sub the power reversed a few yrs back when due to medical reasons incontinence set in,She said you have to go back in diapers to keep her dry.

That is 1 reason and her always being the more dom person. I want to say there is no spanking or rough stuff. She could be what a closet submissive likes. I have this streak and was reared by a single mother who was passive aggressive. Sex can make people feel happiness and I wanted o be there to help. This may have led to my desire for older women who wanted an uninhibited lover.

Whatever she wanted I wanted to do. Few women were found and now I am just too old to be much good. Came to this page because I was wondering: My BF and his brother are both submissive. One is far more than the other. The mother was vocal and dominant. So is the submissive man related to the Oedipal complex?

Wanting mommy's attention and punishment? But what I'm getting to is that when my relationship started, I wasn't all that dominant by over the years my personality has grown stronger and more intense. Take no bullshit whatsoever. How can you be a man and be WEAK? So as Queen you would treat your knights, gladiators and guards as jesters, not my idea of a good Fem Dom unless your Subs want the humiliation No wonder those poor Male Subs from previous comments have so many problems.

Subservient is not Weak, in fact quite the opposite. They are strong of mind, and spirit. They can hold their tempers at the drop of a hat,even when you probably cannot. They control the total of body as well, not necessarily menial but what they like is considered demeaning to many. They can treat you as a queen even when you think nothing of them or take them as weak and for granted.

The Exquisite Relationship Between the Sadist and the Masochist

They give up a good amount of will, to release the pressure of life's burdens. They don't need to make the decisions because the Dom already knows what they want, from previous discussion. She can't stand weak men lol good for her, I can't stand people who believe that being a man means acting demanding and aggressive all the time or even act rudely to others and if he doesn't then he doesn't deserve respect or be treated as a person, now that's what is real sick and not being a masochist.

My boyfriend is a masochist and I've meet a lot of men who like to be submissive or humiliated and for me they aren't weak at all, they are more brave and strong that most men who would just complain and whine about a little pain like babies or those who feel inferior when a woman is stronger or better than them on something and get scared of the woman, so sad lol.

Dominance and submission

I just felt that someone had to say it. It's true, and cruelty should only be cruel under the subs control not the option of the FemDom or Dom to control in general. I have just met a MAN who wants to be the sub and I have been told why and understand! So stimulating as someone new to the lifestyle I have enjoyed ever minute of play and it makes him no less of a man in my eyes.

And I think that is all that matters. Hell leave me alone it is no different than being the sub! Submissive women are not subservient. My husband and I have lived a marriage in which I lead every aspect of are relationship. I make all decisions from household finances to sex when I want it and when he gets it.

Interestingly enough this is what he asked for 10 years ago. He wanted a dominate wife and told me one night after a few glasses of wine. I was a little surprised,actully a lot surprised. I had not seen this in him before. So read a couple of books on female led relationships and still read a lot of blogs on FLRs. I began leading him in the ways I learned and although it was very auckward at first I began to enjoy the position of power I had. We have been together now for 31 years and both of us not been happier in our marriage.

Many of our friends and some family know of our wife led marriage. In public my husband addresses with complete authority and lets me do the speaking. I ment are you stronger than him physically. If a woman was physically stronger than me, I'd date her. Of course the Dominants in the experience of this writer may have abuse or some past problems - it's Psychology Today. I dislike the hint that we are Dominant and into BDSM as the result of abuse or something lacking in our childhood. That's the same rubbish I heard about the gay community years ago.

I'm troubled by the author generalizing from his patients to the population at large. Did Freud teach you nothing, Mr. Treating BDSM and kink as "bad" or "sick" oversimplifies the phenomena. And the notion that all submissive men are passive or weak is laughable. My evidence is, of course, anecdotal, and based solely on my own experience as a lifestyle dominant woman.

The submissive men I know are mostly professionals doctors, lawyers, business professionals, airline pilots. Almost all are well-employed and, to the casual observer, "manly" in the way society describes that word. By contrast, many of the soi-disant dominant men I know are under- or un-employed and present as passive in the everyday world. As for me, I'm not the product of abuse or any other pathology I'm aware of. I like and respect men.

I get an angry type look on my face I get this overpowering feeling that takes over my body and mind I even growl and swear I feel like I turn vicious.. I get very calm I'm 44 yrs old And by "weak" I don't mean passive, submissive or physically weak, but more like someone who let's others manipulate them to do things that they never want to do at the cost of other people and are completely ignorant to this fact.

They pretend they have strong ideals in being nice or decent to other people but are easily swayed to do otherwise. Pimp mentalities manipulate and turn out chicks by making them do thing s that kill their self esteem or humiliate them or do things they arent proud of. They try the desensitization tactics.

The myth is that it’s abusive. Actually it’s about trust and communication.

The "everybodys doing it" tactics. The "be more open minded" tactic. The 'dont you want to please me" tactic. Sex is never about manipulation. No one wants to feel bullied into doing something. Thats a turn off. After 10 years of marriage my husband has gotten into submissive sexual acts leaving me a confused but open accidental Dom. The submissive looks to the Dominant for complete and utter control, as the Dominant looks to the submissive for complete and utter obedience.

There is frequently overlap between the roles of Dominant and Sadist, just as there is between masochist and submissive. This article is strictly about the sadomasochistic dynamic. The most important thing to know is that the people who participate in sadomasochism play have agreed to everything in advance. Everyone participating wants to do this and they have put precautions in place in case it stops being fun, such as safe words.

In the old days, most Sadists were trained first as masochists. In modern BDSM, the role of the Sadist has become primarily an extension of the role of the Dominant, provided their submissive is also a masochist. This is another way the lines get blurred between Sadist and Dominant, and masochist and submissive. While delivering the floggings, spankings, and other treatments that many submissives require for fulfillment, most Dominants discover where their own Sadistic leanings are over time, and they then usually start buying toys for those purposes.

Their toy bags grow exponentially as their interests expand into new territories.

Exploring these new roles increases the intimacy and trust between the partners. As the intensity of play grows and the masochist is able to take more intense sessions, so does the depth of self-discovery and enjoyment for the partner performing the role of the Sadist.