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by Bill George

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Build huge with a team of leaders creating momentum now. Product details File Size: Jossey-Bass; 1 edition July 23, Publication Date: July 23, Sold by: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. I read this book last night on my flight from LA to Minneapolis and it was informative, engaging and filled with great insight.

Most leaders have more questions than answers these days in the turbulent world we live and lead in.

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  5. Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis (J-B Warren Bennis Series) - Bill George?
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Being a leader in tough times is not for the faint of heart. Bill doesn't give "vanilla" how-to answers, but he does cause the reader to reflect, think for himself and operate in a high integrity, authentic way. Bill candidly shared examples of leadership meltdowns and shortfalls that have been part of the fabric of the recession we've experienced since He is courageous in naming names and pulls no punches. He also gives credit to a number of leaders who follow their True North and lead by their values. While this is Bill's shortest book pages , I think it might be his best.

I give two thumbs up. Invest a couple of hours reading this book and you'll learn something, I promise. It's the right book for the right time. I'll be purchasing copies for my CEO executive coaching clients. This is a short book but the advice spilling from the pages should be learned and practiced by all leaders. Yes, some of the examples are a bit slanted but the overall tone and wisdom from Bill George is as good as always.

As with most great leadership books you can absorb these thoughts about crisis management and utilize them in your personal life too. I've read a couple of George's books and although this one is short it has many nuggets of wisdom to help you grow as a leader and manager for when the day of crisis does come for you, and we all know it will, right? One person found this helpful. It is all about Character, and throughout the book there are numerous cited real world examples of success - and failure - in the executive suite. One can't lose by following and living the lessons. OK book for financial advisors.

I really appreciate all his books! In a world of so much short-term thinking, data overload and general confusion about what is right and wrong, along comes Bill George, America's most well-grounded man, and writes a book chock full of common sense and great business ethics. Bill's personal stories, combined with those of many top CEOs make this book relevant, real and very readable.

Seeing through a crisis isn't easy, but it doesn't have to be difficult and Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis is a book that is ready to help leaders through the uncertain times. This book is very timely because, although it is true that a crisis situation can arise at any time, there have been a much larger than average number of organizational crises in the past year The subprime crisis and the recession it spawned have had far- reaching effects that continue to be felt in most parts of the United States and around the world.

Leaders at varying levels have witnessed some of the most critical tests of their careers and Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis is aimed at these individuals who could use some simple, direct advice on ways to handle a crisis and its advice is solid and, fortunately, not always obvious or predictable. Yes, some of the advice offered here is obvious, such as the book's advice to search root causes of a crisis and then formulate a plan. But some of the other words of wisdom in Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis are not as obvious.

For example, how many people would even think to consider their own role in the creation or worsening of the crisis at hand? Most people want to point the finger at others, but like the book states, often it is the leaders themselves who created the problem and it is the leaders who, therefore, must solve the problem. Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis offers some sound advice, but readers should not come here looking for in- depth coverage and hand- holding.

This book is only about one- hundred, thirty- nine pages in length and even though it includes only seven lessons, this is still not enough time to cover every pro and con and every angle from which the lessons can be approached. This isn't that type of management guide.

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It is designed as a book with some quick words of wisdom; some sensible and direct words of advice on ways to get the ball rolling and lead your team out of the wilderness. Other than that, this book leaves the rest up to you. This book offers some good examples from actual managerial situations over the years, and this is one of the book's many strengths. Not only does the book include examples from successful managers, it also includes examples of leaders who took the easy way out rather than make the difficult decision that the situation called for and how this oversight came back to bite the leader in the end.

These success and failure stories are good because they help to illustrate the book's advice with real life examples. Leaders constantly have to step up to the plate, put their skills to use, and solve a problem. This is even truer during a time of crisis and Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis offers some useful tips on ways to get to the bottom of a crisis and recover fully.

Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis by Bill George

A crisis situation isn't easy to deal with, but it also presents a golden opportunity to management: Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis wants you to end up on the winning side and while the book could stand to be a little longer, it does offer some direct and useful advice for solving difficult problems and leading an organization to new heights. One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. See all 19 reviews.

See all customer images. Most recent customer reviews. He lives in Minnesota, Massachusetts and Colorado.

Permissions Request permission to reuse content from this site. Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis. Added to Your Shopping Cart. Description One of the country's most trusted leaders offers time-tested and real world advice for leading in economic hard times From business giant Bill George, the acclaimed author of Wall Street Journal 's bestseller True North , comes the just-in-time guide for anyone in a leadership position facing today's unprecedented economic challenges. A concise handbook for applying proven leadership lessons in tough times Written by Bill George one of America's most trusted business leaders and author of True North and Authentic Leadership Offers realistic actions leaders can take to put their companies on the right long-term path Seven Lesson for Leading in Crisis gives leaders a solid strategy for staying the course.

Table of contents Foreword Warren Bennis.

Seven Lessons for Leading in Crisis

Lesson 1 Face Reality, Starting with Yourself. Lesson 3 Dig Deep for the Root Cause.

Lesson 4 Get Ready for the Long Haul. Lesson 5 Never Waste a Good Crisis. Lesson 6 You're in the Spotlight: Don't Lose Track of True North.