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The Hag's Spree

If player s offer to help, she will offer them an orb; once the orb is in the player's hand, Vivian vanishes; the orb gives the holder a plot fatigue, decay, and weakness; it can be transported from person to person but it cannot be set down.

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Later, a poised Ixifar appears who is seeking out the player who is in current possession of the orb and asks for it back. Assuming the player gives back the orb, she will grant the current holder a one use four hour imbue of their choosing tox, fire, ice, prime, or shock. Vivian is both the Ixifar and the Duskling hag which can be hinted at. After she has the orb and given the four hour imbue of choosing.

She's in her old hag form at this point.

Madame Web

Each phase spider will have a specific spawning point of their own in the tree line or a low visibilty area. The Hag will have the ability to teleport location to each phase spider's spawning point along with vanishes to avoid confrontation.

Other than that, she has her spiders fighting for her; whether or not she fights can be up to whoever NPCs her. This went over well and was entertaining for players that participatied that I could see.

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At the conclusion of " Grim Hunt " Madame Web has her throat slashed by Sasha Kravinoff in retaliation, as Sasha believed that Madame Web was deceiving her and knew the outcome of the events that transpired. Before dying, she reveals she is no longer blind, and passes her psychic powers over to Julia Carpenter. During the Dead No More: She tipped off Prowler about a bank robbery vision she had which he managed to stop the bank robbery.

When Prowler goes to get more information on the hacker from Madame Web, she tells him that she sees buildings filled with agony that cannot escape. Electro goes to Madame Web's room and tortures the telepath into giving her Prowler's location with the intent to kill him. Julia Carpenter senses that Madame Web is alive from telepathic feedback resulting from Electro's attack.

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During this time, Julia is led to Madame Web who refuses to take her medication to aid her in healing from Electro's attack. Madame Web has seen the future and refuses to be a part of it. Before dying from clone degeneration, Madame Web tells Julia to save Prowler. Madame Web is a mutant who possesses psychic sensory powers including telepathy, clairvoyance, prescience , and the ability to sense the presence of psionic powers in others.

She can also perform psychic surgery and appear to others in spirit astral form.

Old Witch Ring

She has a gifted intellect. When dying, she displayed the ability to transfer her mutation to another individual, Julia Carpenter, as well as her blindness. Madame Web was a victim of myasthenia gravis , a disorder of neuromuscular junction transmission. As a result, she was an invalid, entirely dependent on external, life support for survival.

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This is no longer the case as she was cured of the condition some time ago. She is also blind. Madame Web is cybernetically linked to a spider-web-like life-support chair which attends to all of her bodily needs. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Art by Clayton Crain.

Old Witch's Ring | Dark Souls Wiki

This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. Behind the Voice Actors. Retrieved June 5, Opening Cinematic Cam ". Archie Goodwin Marie Severin.