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Have you ever played cops and robbers? It's fun pretending to be a cop chasing and capturing a robber. It can be even more fun to be the robber because you take things and try to get away with them before your buddy, the cop, catches you. You're not really stealing, of course. Or maybe you're playing baseball, trying to steal a base and not get tagged out. When playing basketball, you can steal the ball from a player on the other team. A stolen base or a steal on the basketball court can help your team. Hey — it's fair play and it's part of the game!

These are both examples of pretend or imaginary stealing that are OK, but there is another form of stealing that is wrong. The stolen object can be as small as a piece of candy or as big as a car.

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  5. What Do You Do When Someone Steals Your Content.

It can be taken from a store, a kind of stealing called shoplifting, or from someone's home. But either way, it's stealing. People can steal words and ideas , too. For instance, if someone takes your book report and tells the teacher that she — not you — wrote it, that's another form of stealing. Imagine how upset you would be if that happened to you! Little kids age 4 and younger may not understand that they shouldn't take things that don't belong to them. But by the time you are 5 or 6, you understand what's right and what's wrong.

Most school-age kids know that they aren't supposed to take something without asking or without paying for it. Still, some kids lack self-control. They might see something they want and take it. They don't stop to think first about what might happen. They might not think to buy the object or ask to borrow it. Kids get better at self-control as they grow.

Some kids may need extra help learning self-control. Some kids steal because their friends or family members do it or because they might have been dared. They might believe their friends will like them more if they steal.

Your Answer

Doing something for these reasons is called peer pressure , but kids don't have to give in to it. Some kids steal because they feel something is missing in their lives. In practice, you can go to the store manager and verbally make the demand yourself. Once this is done, they have been put on notice about the conversion, and cannot sell the good to third parties until this is resolved. This will buy you a reasonable time to file a formal complaint. Your idea of having a police officer oversee the establishment of your bona fides and the transfer of the good back to you is a good one.

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Much better to follow these formalities than to do something that "looks," or actually is, illegal. By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service , privacy policy and cookie policy , and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. If someone steals something of mine, is it legal to steal it back? Jon 1 5 Consider the risk, since you might either get confronted by a criminal a know thief , or by people believing you are a thief, including police, who can arrest you when they believe you are a thief.

They may have a lot of bearing on your health. However there are three ways you can have a problem despite this, partly referred to in the previous reply: Update from comment below "If you saw it in a shop would you be able to take it and run away? Stilez 2 Can I go into the shop, pick up the item and run out of the shop assuming I can prove the item is mine? The bit about music is super misleading. I may not have the right to copy the contents of it under some circumstances that's covered by copyright law , but the physical CD itself is my property, no different than a wrench.

Copyright law is not property law despite what some copyright holders may want you to believe , and shouldn't even be brought up in a discussion about property. Sep 6 at The answer doesn't discuss a CD you bought. It discusses, very specifically, "music". That could be any music, in any format, on any media or downloaded.

Nobody mentioned the physical CD - you may have missed the point, which was the possibility of assuming you own something, when you never actually did own it, in law. You owned the right to enjoy it, but not the music itself. That is, you can pick up anything that belongs to you if you can legally get to it.

K-C 3, 5 You mean "you cannot steal something that belongs to you So you actually mean, "It is illegal to steal something that belongs to you? He actually means "if you take something that is yours, it is not theft by definition ". Have your family member help you come up with a plan for making things right.

Something Somebody Stole Ray Connolly

If they took an item, they should return it or replace it. If they stole money, they should pay it back. Make a payment plan if necessary. Your consequences should depend on the nature of the theft. Some possible consequences could include not allowing the person in your house anymore, severing your relationship with them, or going to the police. Involve another adult, if necessary.

If the person who stole from you is younger than you or is the responsibility of another family member, you may need to involve them in the confrontation.

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  • If this is the case, you may want to talk to the parent or guardian before talking to the minor. They may be able to shed insight on what's going on with the youth. In addition, they may choose to discipline them in their own way. You might say, "Jared stole some money from my chest of drawers--I caught him in the act.

    I know he's your responsibility, so I wanted to come to you before I decided on any disciplinary actions. Consider what drove your family member to steal.

    Someone STOLE Tydus BIKE! *not clickbait*

    People steal for many reasons. Some people steal things because they feel wrongfully deprived, while others are trying to support a drug habit or pay off debt. Children and teenagers may steal to get attention or express negative emotions.

    Stealing (for Kids)

    Help them get treatment, if you suspect addiction. Addiction is one of the most common reasons people turn to stealing. Express your concern to them and help them find an addiction treatment program in your area. You may feel violated and mistrustful after someone has stolen from you, especially if the thief is someone you know. Talking to a counselor can help you work through your emotions and regain your sense of trust in other people. End the relationship if you need to. If your family member steals from you repeatedly, you may have no choice but to distance yourself from them. Though cutting ties with a family member can be very difficult, it may be less painful in the long run than letting them take advantage of you over and over.

    Expect to have trust issues after the betrayal. Your family member has broken your trust.

    Book Review - Something Somebody Stole

    It may be hard to accept, but right now you can expect to not believe much that they say. If this is a first-time offense, or if the theft involves a minor, a firm talking-to might be enough to ensure such an incident doesn't occur in the future. Depending on your relationship with them, they may be able to rebuild the damaged trust later.

    For now, though, you will have to keep an eye on your things when they are around. It may also help to get some distance from the person until you come to terms with what happened and they are able to make amends. Secure your accounts and valuables. If the theft occurred online, change your passwords and your checking account number. Consider whether you need to go to the authorities.

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    • If your family member has stolen your identity, you will need to file a police report in order to remove fraudulent information from your credit report. If the culprit is a child or teen, avoid involving any authorities and instead take the chance to talk to this individual about what's right and wrong. You might say, "When people leave things in their home, they expect for them to be where they left them. They feel secure at home. When you take things that don't belong to you from someone's home or any other place, you make that place feel less secure.

      You also jeopardize the trust you have with that person. You understand what you did was wrong, right? This is extremely manipulative and disrespectful behavior. Tell him it needs to stop right now. If it doesn't, file for divorce.