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This book is specific - instead of the usual bland list, the author escorts you into the internals of websites with down-to-the-mouseclick procedures for extracting what you need to make clear-cut decisions.

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He helps you build two essential but usually omitted skills for investing: His disciplined approach to selling works under all economic conditions to protect you against market downturns; yet, the search that yields high-performing low-volatility funds requires only moderately frequent trading and only about one hour a week of your time. The method frees you from the brokers and financial advisors who have not the skills, methods, or incentive to tell you when to sell - and eliminates their exorbitant fees.

With numerous examples and detailed guidance, The X-Discipline shows you how to anticipate market moves by understanding the impact of news events.

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It helps you resist the temptation to react emotionally when the market gets volatile or turns against you. No longer dependent on others' advice, you can use ultra-discount brokers to trade low cost efficiently-run funds. Synopsis of the Book The X-Discipline is organized into four Parts that let you to use it in different ways. If you want to sit down and surf your way through the steps, start with Chapter 1 and work through to Chapter 7.

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Your first session will take two to three hours, during which you will find the dogs in your portfolio and build a list of potential winners. With repetition, running through the five steps will require only a few minutes weekly. Because it focuses on process, Part 1 is light on explanation. Each Part 1 chapter has a Part 2 counterpart that goes into greater detail on the origin and reasoning behind the strategy and on potential problems.

You can read Part 2 sequentially or use it as a reference. Part 3 has additional studies and time saving information, and Part 4 gives specific procedures for accessing websites. Updates to Part 4, which will change as websites change, are available on www. Charting Basics describes the use of charts to identify and measure trends, applying a technique used by experienced traders to identify trend reversals, which are key buy or sell signals.

These online applications produce a list of the best performing funds during the most recent one to three months. Selecting the Best of the Best shows you how to use the relative strength chart application to trade off high performance and low volatility, and how to eliminate mutual funds having undesirable attributes. Sell - Before You Buy describes planning your exit strategy, detecting failing performance and deciding whether when to sell.

News moves prices, and more of your decisions will turn out right if you consider real world factors. Chapter 6 shows you how to go online for quick news updates, to employ critical thinking to assess the relevance and influence of what you read, and to create personal "outlook statement," that summarizes where you think markets are headed.

The X-Discipline: Financial Independence for the Web-Savvy Investor

If you did not have emotions, Chapter 7 would be one sentence: The X-Discipline explained Chapter 8: The Case for Disciplined Investing presents the strategy of the X-Discipline, reviews market action over the last five years, shows how holding during a major downturn can create a severe loss, and gives an example of how selecting top performing funds at key times can generate high returns. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly examines the relationship between risk and volatility, presents the case for using no-load mutual and exchange-traded funds as your primary investment vehicle, and provides a different perspective for you as a fund owner: The chapter also explains the complex topic of fund costs and the Morningstar system for categorizing funds.

Why Your Broker Doesn't Call describes how brokers operate, deals with the housekeeping necessary before you commit real money, helps you determine how much you have available to invest, and explains how to diversify.

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Selecting the Best of the Best shows you how to use the relative strength chart application to trade off high performance and low volatility, and how to eliminate mutual funds having undesirable attributes. Sell - Before You Buy describes planning your exit strategy, detecting failing performance and deciding whether when to sell. News moves prices, and more of your decisions will turn out right if you consider real world factors. Chapter 6 shows you how to go online for quick news updates, to employ critical thinking to assess the relevance and influence of what you read, and to create personal "outlook statement," that summarizes where you think markets are headed.

If you did not have emotions, Chapter 7 would be one sentence: The X-Discipline explained Chapter 8: The Case for Disciplined Investing presents the strategy of the X-Discipline, reviews market action over the last five years, shows how holding during a major downturn can create a severe loss, and gives an example of how selecting top performing funds at key times can generate high returns. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly examines the relationship between risk and volatility, presents the case for using no-load mutual and exchange-traded funds as your primary investment vehicle, and provides a different perspective for you as a fund owner: The chapter also explains the complex topic of fund costs and the Morningstar system for categorizing funds.

Why Your Broker Doesn't Call describes how brokers operate, deals with the housekeeping necessary before you commit real money, helps you determine how much you have available to invest, and explains how to diversify. It explains tax issues and the types of accounts, the services needed from your broker, and how to avoid broker transaction fees. Measuring the Market explains in detail the significance of long- and short-term trends and shows you how to gauge the mood of the markets to determine the percentage of your assets to put at risk.

The x-discipline : financial independance for the web-savvy investor

Sometimes, your best investment is cash. The Challenges of Fund Screening is the first of three chapters that cover three phases of qualifying funds as "buy candidates. Excluding Volatility shows you how to visually identify volatile or weak funds through an example using the relative strength chart application. The Pre-Flight Checkup discusses key facts to check on any fund before you buy. The Art of Firing a Portfolio Manager revisits selling with a detailed analysis and addresses with examples the interpretation of charts under volatile and non-volatile conditions.

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Nuclear War and Other Negatives discusses how to employ critical thinking to use the news to arrive at your own opinion. Without an independent opinion on how to approach the markets, you will tend to follow other people's ideas in place of your own strategy. Tracking Your Portfolio introduces a method to track progress, balance your portfolio, and act on sell signals. The recent long-term bear market made the case for investing in bond funds - under the right circumstances. The X-Discipline: Financial Independence for the Web-Savvy Investor: Paul W. Accampo

This chapter shows you when to be in bond funds and how to find and evaluate them. The Appendices Appendix 1: Other editions - View all The X-Discipline: Accampo Limited preview - The X-Discipline: Making his first stock purchases in the 's, he immediately learned flexibility, when investors at the time cast off stocks for gold, real estate and certificates of deposit.

He and two close friends tried and discarded many investing ideas, growing their portfolios over two decades, while learning to avoid major damage from events like the Crash of ' Having limited time, he focused on mutual fund investing, becoming an early "telephone switcher" and an early user of online mutual fund charts. Noting the vast sums lost in , Paul turned his attention to refining and explaining his methods, improving ways to control risk, refining sell criteria, discovering the best websites for obtaining fund data, and understanding volatility.

Wishing to pass on the knowledge accumulated over a lifetime to his children and their generation, he has created a method of disciplined investing for Generation X.