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Customers who bought this item also bought. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. The Daybreakers The Sacketts. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. The Rider of Lost Creek: From the Publisher Sackett got to Texas with a well-oiled dogleg, a racing mule that didn't look worth its salt and a damn good idea of the whereabouts of buried gold across the border in Mexico. From the Inside Flap One of the great sagas of our time, the chronicle of the Sackett family is perhaps the crowning achievement of one of our greatest storytellers.

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Lando by Louis L'Amour

Start reading Lando Sacketts Book 8 on your Kindle in under a minute. Don't have a Kindle? Product details Mass Market Paperback: Be the first to review this item Amazon Bestsellers Rank: Customer reviews There are no customer reviews yet. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. Mr L'Amour's western writings raised me from a young teenager to a man now nearly I never had a father and I grew up imagining Louis L'Amour was my dad.

Goofy maybe, but for a 15 year-old boy he gave me the guidance I needed. I've read all his books again and again. Each time I get something from the reading. The characters are my family. Great historical fiction from a great man I new but never had the honor of meeting. Louis L'Amour was a gifted story-teller. His books have been admired by readers of all ages and positions in life.

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A painless way to encourage a boy to become a reader. The Sackett series traces a lot of the history of the settling of the West, through the experiences and adventures of one family. Sacketts Land, begins with the first Sackett in England, and gets him to America.

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From the landing in the East, the stories steadily move the reader westward. Are you "tied in knots" with your job, or whatever pick up one of L. L'Amour's books and relax. Some of your problems will "come undone" in the right way. Any Sackett book will likely appeal, but I would suggest Galloway as a starter -- or, the Key-Lock Man, or Bendigo Shafter, or the short story collections: While Tell went to find a trail down to beautiful valley in the Teton Mountains, Ange Kelly Sackett, his new bride of one month waited until he returned.

Unbeknownst to both Tell and Ange, someone was following them from the town of Globe. This man was used to getting what he wanted without any repercussions, but this time he picked the wrong woman to attack. The rapist name Vance Allen, part owner of the Lazy A ranch.

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Ange fought for her life as this monster raped and strangled her to death; he then realized what he had done, he hid her broken body in a depression under a fallen tree. He then made up a story that he was attacked by some unknown "drifter" this was cover story because his faced was scratched by the attack of this unknown "drifter. This is a sad sad situation and Tell is out for revenge. They tried to kill Tell and they thought they did when he fell almost six hundred feet to the river below.

He survived, but he was in bad shape. When he finally crawled back to where he had left his wagon and Ange he smelled wood and burned flesh. Having read all of the Sackett Series Books several years ago, I decided to read them again. Lando is very much like old Barnabas Sackett, in the description of his body build and his forgiving disposition.

Wears three pistols, two tied down and one in his coat. One of the last Sacketts to move west.

The Sacketts 1979 western Episode 1

Spends six years in a Mexican prison. Becomes a well-known fist-fighter and boxer. Falcon Sackett — Father of Orlando Sackett. Formerly captain of a ship. Finds a lost treasure of great value and spends several years in a Mexican prison before finally escaping and being rescued by his son. Flagan Sackett — Brother of Galloway Sackett. One of the younger Sacketts. Has a strong will to survive.

Rarely found far from his brother. Galloway Sackett — Brother of Flagan Sackett. Tall and handsome, nearly fearless in the face of danger. Known to brave danger and live. Parmalee Sackett — A "flatland Sackett", Parmalee's family moved down to the richer flatlands while the majority of the clan stayed in the mountains. His affluent lifestyle has not made him weak, as men who have braced him could testify — if they were still above ground.

The three main and most well known characters are the three brothers, sons of Colburn Sackett; Tell, Orrin, and Tyrel. Their father liked his horses fast, his drinks hard, and his preachers Hellfire hot, and raised his three sons accordingly. Although they often go long periods without seeing one another, they're completely devoted to one another, and come to each other's aid any time needed, dropping all else that they might be involved in at the time, true to the one bind rule in their lives: Fought for the Union in the Civil War.

A hard, tough, quiet man who wants only to be left alone, it takes very little to anger Tell, and he will fight like a rabid wolf if pushed, as several men have found out — usually, it's the last mistake they make. He's a loner, at home in the High Lonesome, often going years without seeing or communicating with his family back in Tennessee.

He takes any job that suits him at the moment, from cowhand to miner, and drifts, rarely staying in one place any great length of time. He's killed several men in his lifetime, is fast and deadly accurate with any kind of gun, as well as the Tinker-made knife he carries. Although outwardly he appears rough, he has a sound, strong moral character, never forgetting his father's rule of " In the film adaptations he is portrayed by Sam Elliott.

Orrin Sackett — Second son of Colburn Sackett. Orrin likes people and tries to see the best of them. Handsome, witty, and smart, he likes to believe that most people like him, however he can be a bit naive at times. Good with a gun, and always ready with a smile and a quote, he's strong willed and completely devoted to his family. He is calm during a fight, never getting excited or losing his head, a trait that is in all three brothers.

Married twice, he killed a member of the Higgins family during a gunfight, only to have Long Higgens come after him on his wedding day. Orrin was unarmed, and his new wife jumped in front of him as Higgins fired, killing her. Orrin's brother Tyrel killed Higgins, then left Tennessee to avoid further problems. Orrin left soon after, promising his mother they'd send for her. He then married the treacherous Laura Pritts who tried to use him as part of her bigoted father's land grab in Santa Fe against the settled Mexican landowners. Later after she is exposed as a fraud she attempts to lure William Tell into Apache country to rescue her nonexistent son with Orrin, a plan which fails.

Always honest and straightforward, the fights that Orrin usually finds himself a part of are generally started by his steadfast and unwavering stance on something he believes strongly in. A smooth talker, Orrin has no problem making friends, especially of the female persuasion. He later was elected sheriff of Santa Fe, New Mexico , where his reputation as a man fair to all ethnicities, Hispanic and Anglo alike, gained him respect. In one of the novels, Orrin's ex-wife Laura Pritts has sent men to kill him.

Lando: The Sacketts

As one of his brothers relates it, "Seems like they'd been told they were hunting a lawyer. Well, there's lawyers and there's lawyers, just like there was a dentist named Doc Holliday. In the film adaptations he is portrayed by Tom Selleck. Tyrel Sackett — Third son of Colburn Sackett. He idolizes his brothers Tell and Orrin. Known throughout the West as the Mora Gunfighter, and by his brothers as the "mean one" or the "black sheep", Tyrel is the fastest with a gun of the three brothers.

He always thinks things through, never acting prior to planning things out. Wherever Tyrel goes, he seems to attract trouble, and sooner or later someone always tries to outdraw him, but never succeeds — by his own admission: Compassionate to a fault, his sense of morals never leave him, and stands as a steady guide on his way west.

In Santa Fe he is forced to kill Tom Sunday, a close friend who'd gone bad after losing what he saw as his last chance to start a new life, which affects him deeply. Naive where women are concerned, he often seems like a shy schoolboy when facing a pretty girl. He becomes involved with and marries Drusilla Alvarado, the beautiful granddaughter of a rich Spanish don. In the film adaptations he is portrayed by Jeff Osterhage. However, neither the novel nor the movie are connected with the Sackett Saga. The movie was made primarily to capitalize on the success of The Sacketts. All the Sackett novels are told from the first-person perspective with some stories having a paragraph or two told through a third-person perspective.

The following list is of all 18 novels that were completed during Mr. The name that is adjoined to each title tells through whose perspective the story is told. Other Sackett novels are frequently mentioned through passing and other Sackett characters are also mentioned in several of the novels. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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For the real surname, see Sackett surname. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources.

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  2. Hardback Editions.
  3. Lando - A Sackett novel by Louis L'Amour.