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Running outside can be a lot more challenging for the body without the momentum of the treadmill propelling you forward. Your muscles are going to be working harder, more muscles will be recruited, and your joints take on the extra stress of hitting uneven surfaces. To prepare your body for this change, take the last few weeks of cool weather to train on the treadmill.

The Ultimate Guide to Starting an Outdoor Running Program

Try this Tough Tread Interval Run to get your body used to the outdoors before actually heading out. Once you are outside, keep your first few runs on the shorter side to give your body time to adjust. While running is a fabulous workout — it tones your lower body and kills calories at the same time — it can be tough!

Start off slowly and listen to your body. Commit to running three days per week for the first 2 weeks. If after that you feel motivated and capable of increasing that number, go for it! For your first couple of runs, simply walk out your front door and get yourself 10 minutes away from your house.

Running for Weight Loss: 8-Week Training Plan!

You just worked out for 20 minutes! The following week, increase your time spent running outdoors. If you are completely new to running, begin by alternating walking with jogging. Does that sound familiar? While running should be the cornerstone of your fat loss routine, lifting weights will give you a stronger and healthier body.

Give your body time to adapt to the physical stress of exercise before hitting the gym. However, when you feel confident that you can stick to a consistent workout routine, begin incorporating weightlifting into your regimen. Have anything else to share? Let me know in the comments below! If you enjoy what I like to say, sign up for my free newsletter! Unfortunately, this is only possible in your dreams. The truth is that no foods or supplements can guarantee fat loss. And that brings us to the topic of this article: Why running is the best exercise to burn calories and fat.

Calories burned during exercise are what matter most. The three most effective workouts to burn fat directly. How to maximize fat loss when running. How to get started and burn fat running today. There are a lot of theories floating out there about how to best run to burn fat.

There are others who think that steady state cardio is the way to go. The reality is that you need both to achieve the body you want.

1.) Define Your Weight Loss Goal

However, weight training is going to give you the tone and lean muscle definition that you want. How to Lose Weight Running The key to burning belly fat is to combine your calorie deficit with a running program that keeps your metabolic fire burning. The best way to do this is to combine the three different kinds of workouts I mentioned above… Build a base with steady state cardio. Blast stubborn belly fat with HIIT sprints and intervals. Super-charge your metabolism and fine tune your body with weightlifting. Again, stick to the routine of minute workouts, 4 days a week.

Intervals you might want to try include: Run 2 minutes, walk 1 minute Run 3 minutes, walk 1 minute Run 4 minutes, walk 1 minute Run 6 minutes, walk 1 minute Etc. During rest periods, your heartbeat slows down faster than your blood is flowing. Your heart adapts by pumping more blood per beat.

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This improves your cardiovascular health by improving the stroke volume of your heart. Sprinting releases your natural human growth hormone HGH. HGH is the best way to fight cortisol , which is a hormone that causes fat gain and muscle breakdown as you age. Watch for signs of heat-related injury and take appropriate steps to counteract them, such as finding shade and continuing to hydrate. In addition to wearing the right size, you should also ask your doctor when you see him or her if you overpronate, underpronate, or neither.

This video explains the differences. Extra socks will help your feet stay dry, particularly if you combine them with a high-quality foot powder. There are two options when it comes to calculating the average steps per mile: In this article , I talked about how a two-foot stride is approximately 2, steps in a mile while a three-foot stride is 1, steps in a mile. Now, if you want an exact recommendation, then I recommend wearing a quality pedometer.

To maximize the results you get from a pedometer, I recommend following the instructions in this short video for checking the accuracy of your pedometer:. Take a meter stick with you to the track. Remember, 1, meters equals 1 mile. Take the meter stick and measure 9 meters past the start line.

Running Program For Weight Loss - Try this Run + Strength Workout!

Then, set your pedometer to zero. Walk four laps and then the extra 9 meters you measured. This average number of steps is your baseline. Using your baseline as a starting point, you will develop your regimen by gradually increasing the number of steps you take daily.

They key here is to come up with average for your baseline. So if you walk 1, steps on day 1, then 3, on day 2, and finally 2, on day 3, then your baseline would be 2, average steps. To get off the couch and into fitness and to lose weight, check out this handy chart provided by MyFitnessPal. That translates to a distance of 4 to 5 miles. A walk to the corner store and back is probably about steps. Doing the shopping inside a grocery store is probably steps too. If you go shopping on a busy day, from your parking space to the grocery store is probably another steps.

Using 2, steps as an example. Assuming you walk at a natural 3 mph, you walked for a total of 20 minutes during those 2, steps. You just burned calories, which means you burn 45 calories per steps. You can already see how quickly the calorie burn will grow. That happened to me, and it was really quite surprising. Remember to stretch before and after your walking workout. As with anything else, having exercise become the sole focus of your life is a bad thing.

Although the chart is geared more for the couch potato beginner than for the regular exerciser, you can still use it to keep track of your daily sessions that add up to 10, steps.

Walking for Weight Loss: The Ultimate Guide to Walking Off Those Pounds

To progress, try to shoot for the sum of your original baseline and 10, steps. This might require another 30 days. Or it could even take a few few months.

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You want to consistently walk 10, steps more than your baseline metric on a daily basis. That's how you'll lose an average of one pound per week with just walking! There are so many things you can do that you can vary them every day and never get bored. Here are the top 20 ways to get extra steps on a daily basis. Whenever you have a meeting of some kind, pace while you wait for it to start.

Even if all you do is pace for two- to three-minutes that adds up to to steps at steps per minute. Or, if you prefer, just walk up and down every aisle again, which has the added benefit of letting you check for specials you may have missed the first time around. At work, instead of using the closest restroom, travel one floor up or one floor down. Be sure to u se the stairs to do so. Get up to change the channel on the TV or the CD in the player. Adjust your computer-run music player manually instead of using the remote.

Walk around the house instead of relying on anything automated. Mark time while doing the dishes by hand instead of using the dishwasher. Be creative around the house. You can still watch a baseball game while walking around the field, for example. If you take mass transit to work, get off a stop or two early.

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Start doing yard work yourself instead of hiring someone to do it. Walk around the house after completing each task instead of just going to the next job. If all you need are a couple of items, walk to the grocery store and back instead of driving. Put this one together with idea 2 to get a double boost. Make walking a family outing after dinner.

Instead of sitting down to talk on the phone, wander around the house , especially up and down stairs. Get your coworkers involved. Get up each time it beeps and walk down the hall or around the office. Get up early and walk to a scenic location to see sunrises or sunsets. Combine this one with No.