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You must begin the right habits today without delay.

The Ten Commandments Of Wealth Building

It takes discipline to overcome procrastination by starting today and persisting tomorrow. Why you need a wealth plan, not a financial plan. Wealth happens because you do what it takes to make it happen. Luck comes to those who make their own breaks, and this course shows you how to do it.

The Ten Commandments of Wealth Building

This myth is perpetuated by brokerage ads filled with sailboats, European vacations, and perfectly manicured golf resorts. The problem is consumerism causes your limited resources to be directed toward lifestyle and away from building wealth. They are competing demands for the same scarce resources — and only one can win the battle. The reality is wealth is a form of delayed gratification. Wealth builders live modestly by spending less than they can afford in money, time, and energy , so they can invest the difference for greater value in the future.

Every day you make a choice between consumption today or wealth for tomorrow. The only way to embrace delayed gratification as the most fulfilling alternative without any sense of sacrifice is to have a motivating cause deeper than your desire for lifestyle.

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If lifestyle is your cause, then consumption becomes the priority — making wealth eternally elusive. If building wealth was easy, then more people would achieve it. Yet, few succeed in their pursuit of financial freedom even though anyone can put together a reasonable plan to become wealthy.

The difference is consistent, persistent, focused action. Life provides an endless stream of distractions to sidetrack your plans for wealth. The solution is to create a support system that keeps you focused, on track, and literally draws you toward wealth. Your family environment, relationships, work environment, financial habits, daily rituals, and more must be proactively designed to literally pull you toward wealth by supporting and reinforcing your plans.

You must structure your life to support a wealthy outcome.

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You can either direct your daily life to achieve your goals, or you can passively allow your days to be filled with alternatives. You either get the results you choose, or you get the results that are given to you. Which path will you follow? Leverage is the essential success principle that builds wealth. Building wealth requires you to work smarter rather than harder by applying the following principles of leverage:. Leverage allows you to build more wealth than you could ever achieve alone by utilizing resources that extend beyond your own.

It allows you to grow wealth without being restricted by your personal limitations. Why should building wealth be any different? Design your wealth plan based on proven business principles that lead to success. These principles include competitive advantage, leverage, accurate record keeping, and accountability— just to name a few.

When complete, your wealth plan will be tailor-fitted to your unique life situation , while honoring the proven success principles that no wealth plan is complete without. Wealth is your servant, and you are a servant to your wealth. Money is little more than a tool that comes with a responsibility to use it wisely.

The rich man is a fool who dies without arranging his affairs to assure that his wealth does good during his lifetime and after his passing.

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And you can go beyond that by expanding the circle to include the lives of all who follow you. There are ten key wealth building principles that lead to true wealth, not just monetary wealth. The objective is not just to become rich, but to build a balanced, fulfilling, wealthy life. The conventional approach used by experts to figure how much money you need to retire is fundamentally flawed.

What better motivation to become wealthy than to endow the next generation with a legacy of doing good works?! As a business mentor I was drawn to read your blog to see what similarities there are between being a business mentor and a financial mentor. Many is the answer! I really enjoyed your post and will be relaying much of what you say to my clients, many of which hope to get rich quick and think that wealth will bring them lifelong happiness! People buy the fancy cars to try to impress. Very inspirational article to read.

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Thank you so much Todd for helping financial illiterate person like me and others like me world over. Really a informative article, almost all are life learning lessons, thinking to adopt at least few of them for now to build wealth. Thank you for this list. I need to dig deeper into 8. If all other principals are taken care of, this is where the real magic happens. The belief that people should work extra hard if they want to become wealthy is a myth as you have demonstrated in your post. People should learn that they need the help of others and technology to accomplish their goals in life.

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The Road To Success: Negotiating In Daily Life.

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