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Grade Levels

How Kids Use Social Media. Every family will find slightly different challenges navigating this transition, but parents do possess the skills needed to help guide our kids. The next few years are going to be a crazy time. But your love and support will go a long way. And your kids, whether they admit it or not, will be grateful for it. Home Parent Toolkit is a one-stop shop resource that was produced and developed with parents in mind.

However, my kids NEED to be out and about. They thrive being in groups and surrounded by other kids. They love to go exploring and need peer-to-peer interaction. I promise you—this is normal. Come to my house and see! You must know yourself, know your kids, know your schedule , and honor them all. Sit down with your kids, your partner, yourself. Talk about what interests everyone.

Grade Levels

Discuss upcoming plans and trips. Leave plenty of white space in your daily or weekly margins for rest, for spontaneous trips or for whatever might come your way. Remember too—your middle-school kids are going through tremendous growth. Puberty oh puberty , taking risks, developing new friendships, trying out different aspects of their personalities, and arguing with you that that they sky is NOT blue and the grass in NOT green.

There will be tears. There will be disagreements. There will be sleeping. I share this because I do these things. I feel these things. I am working hard not to take everything my kids say personally. I am working on showing them grace.


Giving them boundaries and freedoms. Snuggling them when they need it and letting them stumble too.

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  • Orpheus and Power.
  • Middle School Mania.
  • Le dernier rempart (Les Chevaliers de lArtefact t. 2) (French Edition).
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I miss sitting on our old couch, blankies for all, my oldest sucking his thumb, while the twins vied for places on my lap. I miss serving lunch to three kids dressed up as firefighters, or police officers or a pirate-princess. I am working to be present. To enjoy this stage of motherhood. This stage of home education.

Middle School Mania

It is nothing I saw coming and nothing I prepared for all that well. I am thankful for my own growth and my own realizations. If authentic engagement represents your homeschool philosophy, read more about how to engage your children in these posts from our contributor Living Education by Oak Meadow covering topics like nature-based learning, creativity, handwriting, homeschooling multiple grades, authentic engagement, and more.

Vanessa is a homeschooling mama to three inquisitive, creative and often loud kids ages 13, 11, and She is married to Jason and they live in the Raleigh, North Carolina area. Vanessa is a self-professed eco-beauty junkie, avid reader, yogi-wannabe, tea drinker and chocolate snob.

Middle School Mania : Calvary Church

TheHomeSchoolMom may be compensated for any of the links in this post through sponsorships, paid ads, free or discounted products, or affiliate links. Local resource listings are for information purposes only and do not imply endorsement. Always use due diligence when choosing resources, and please verify location and time with the organizer if applicable. Suggestions and advice on TheHomeSchoolMom.

Blog posts represent the views of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect the views of other contributors or the publisher. Full terms of use and disclosure. I think my kid belongs to yours..

So did a rethink like you did and decided to work with some and yes, chuck the rest. And to let them take the time to explore interests and do different things, before the time to buckle down for grades and high school pre-college requirements kick in! The student are assigned roles, some are detectives who have to file a police report, some are on the prosecution team, some are on the defense team, some are witnesses, and some are jury members. I have done this activity with my kids for the past four years, and it is always the one they remember as the best lesson of the year.

My name is Kim Jackson.

Middle School Mania

I am a mother of a busy teenage daughter and a young adult son. I have been teaching middle school for 22 years. I truly believe that there is no harder or more rewarding job than that of a middle school teacher! The most common challenge that I face is finding ways to motivate my students to learn. Over the years I have developed some activities and tricks to promote student engagement. I started this blog to share some of the things I have learned over the course of my career.

My goal is to share at least one post and one activity each week. I hope that you enjoy! Creative Book Report Ideas. Sometimes you need an activity that is not like everything else. Middle school kids get bored easily, and it is difficult to keep them engaged. They are great for substitute days. You wake up one morning and your child is sick. In the rush to prepare your students for state testing, you know there is no time to waste.