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With archaeological data from Hierakonpolis and the materials stored at the British Museum, he carried out the petrographical and chemical analyses at Cardiff University, the results of which were bases for his doctorates, which he received from the Department of Archaeology at Waseda University in Japan.

Since Masahiro has worked on a variety of archaeological sites in Egypt. From to he was the field-director of the Dahshur North mission, during which intact tombs and coffins of Middle and New Kingdoms were discovered. Hierakonpolis is still his favorite place, and not just for the food. Grazia has recently obtained her PhD in African Studies Archaeology and Prehistory of Africa at the University of Naples "L'Orientale" in Italy , with a research project focused on the Predynastic site of Naqada and based on archaeological materials retrieved there by an Italian Expedition during the ''80s.

Her doctorate came after a period of study in Classical Humanities and Archaeology and a thesis on the development and character of early settlement and 'urbanism' in Egypt, with which she graduated at the aforementioned university in Many apologies, but the Nekhen News is going to be late again this year. Due to some unforeseen issues, we are heading off to Hierakonpolis on Nov 11 for a month of research and will get on to the Nekhen News as soon as we return..

The fort cemetery at Hierakonpolis : excavated by John Garstang - Ghent University Library

We should have a really action-backed issue ready for mailing by mid-January Thank you for your patience. We promise it will be worth the wait. Thanks also to those who have already renewed. Again, accept our apologies for the delay! Further details can be found here.

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Become a Friend of Nekhen. You can help make a difference and support the work of the Expedition. Text, images, media, code, and design elements in Hierakponpolis- online Copyright. Hierakonpolis City of the Hawk. Please consider supporting our efforts at Hierakonpolis. Publications of Ahmed Fahmy.

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Dr Ahmed Gamal-ed-Din Fahmy 5 March — 18 December In December we lost a gifted archaeobotanist, a valued team member, and our dear friend Ahmed Fahmy after a two-year battle with brain cancer. Her first visit to the site of Hierakonpolis dates back to Since then, she took part to the and fieldwork seasons at the elite cemetery in HK6. In she has been privileged to re-examine the ceramic assemblage from the investigations that Michael A. Hoffman carried out at Nekhen 10N5W in and history of exploration , as well as ceramics from other settlement localities of Hierakonpolis.

Barbara Adams (Egyptologist)

Her main research interests pertain to Predynastic settlement archaeology and ceramics, as a basis for exploring broader issues in the organization, interaction and dynamics of change of the Egyptian society during the Predynastic. Miscellaneous artefacts from Zawaydah Petrie's South Town [in: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta Models from Predynastic daily life. A view from Naqada [in: Proceedings of the eleventh annual symposium which took place at Leiden University , The Netherlands , January Documentazione e studio dei materiali dalle indagini archeologiche della Missione I.

Seconda e terza stagione [in: Centro Archeologico Italiano, Cairo: Ogden, was to summarize…. Paperback — Routledge. This book draws on ancient Egyptian inscriptions in order to theorize the relationship between accounting and order. It focuses especially on the performative power of accounting in producing and sustaining order in society. It explores how accounting intervened in various domains of the ancient…. Paperback — Routledge Routledge Studies in Accounting. Scholars in Egyptology have often debated the following question: In taking a fresh and innovative look at the ancient Egyptian family, Allen attempts to solve this long-standing puzzle.

Allen argues that the…. Paperback — Routledge African Studies. The Ancient Near East reveals three millennia of history c. View all subjects More like this Similar Items. Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Barbara Adams Michael A Hoffman.

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