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So I know the importance of investing in future women in tech, and I like to play my part in doing so. I have been welcomed into New Zealand as an immigrant, and I see volunteering for important causes, such as this one, as a sign of gratitude.

I want to encourage people who are still growing up to embrace learning. I believe if I can influence the next generation of students to be interested in learning and developing themselves, whether it be in science, technology, arts or music, then society as a whole will benefit and improve.

Working with excited and optimistic young tech enthusiasts is so refreshing, and infectious! I have volunteered with OMG Tech and other organisations before. I love volunteering because it gives me a chance to meet different people, and contribute in different ways.

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And I also get to learn so much about myself and explore opportunities while doing it. The reason I come back is simply because I enjoyed the experience of passing on my knowledge to others. It was incredibly rewarding. Having the opportunity to do it again and provide some insight and guidance to other mentors was a chance I could not pass up. The Mana Tangata program targets students from low decile schools and areas. Mentoring programs like this are awesome for both the mentors and the mentees.

Mentees get the chance to experience tech hands-on and actually see it as a career option in their future. These students can then go on to be leaders in their community and contribute technology-based solutions to solve issues in their community. My mentee and her sister will be the first of their family to graduate from high school.

They also both plan to continue in higher education — and its all because they get the support of organisations like OMGTech which enable them to see their own potential! Access to information is so powerful.

Mana Tangata: Politics of Empowerment (e-book)

Understanding technology is so powerful. People can do amazing things if they know where to start with technology, and if they know how to utilise it. This programme helps with both. I also think bringing people together from different backgrounds, with different skills, encourages this openness towards new and shared knowledge. The mentors are as diverse as the mentees. That diversity brings people together. Encouraging the growth of empathy but also critical thinking skills, are factors that benefit us all.

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Bringing knowledge back to communities, so that they can be self-sufficient and self-reliant, is very important. By us I mean everyone involved, but also the mentor-mentee relationship.

Seeing all the neat ideas that the groups come up with and helping my mentee develop their skills and go on to achieve great things! From refugee to entrepreneur: The Maori and their influence on New Zealand English. In the Tracks of the Mahatma: The Making of a Documentary. A History of Australian Schooling. Indigenous Peoples and the State. Being Together in Place.

History, Pedagogy, and Liberation. Exorcising Devils from the Throne:. Media and the Portuguese Empire. Elites and Decolonization in the Twentieth Century. Rugby and Masculine Identity. Narratives of Nation in the South Pacific. Ton and Thomas Otto. Maori and Social Issues. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long.

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Mana Wahine, Rising up from the Ashes

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Huia | Mana Tangata: Politics of Empowerment (e-book)

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