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I don't see much connection to the theme, but it's a good game. This is a puzzle platformer in which the weapon is the character's glowing heart.

Melbourne Victory unveil Keisuke Honda as A-League's latest marquee player

The player can send it rocketing out of their open chest, attacking enemies or bouncing along corridors too big for the player to fit in. It's a fun mechanic and the graphics are nice. The goal in this game is to zoom along without running into things until time runs out. The timer is the music, which is not only heard but seen in the pulsing of the obstacles in front of you. When the music is more intense, there are more obstacles, and since the music track has a very action-movie feel to it, everything meshes together very nicely.


Atlantis is falling to pieces around you and you must use the falling pieces to jump your way to safety above. Other Atlaneans are trying to do the same, though, and sometimes they can push the platform you're aiming for back down. It's not easy, but it is different and hilariously silly.

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Colorful little cubes are wandering around a monochromatic world, and your job is to wink them out of existence as soon as you see them. The environment is neat in a surrealist way, and although finding the last cube can be like the proverbial needle in a haystack search, it's a neat concept and I enjoyed playing it.

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Keisuke Honda signing promises to rejuvenate flailing A-League

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