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This copy is for your personal non-commercial use only. Only one player has ever died from injuries directly suffered in an NHL game. Thirty hours later, he was dead in hospital.

Star investigation: What really killed NHL's Bill Masterton

Today his story is nearly forgotten, but for an annual NHL award that bears his name. It honours perseverance and dedication to hockey. What happened in the days leading up to that fatal moment in Minneapolis, when Masterton played his 38th and final NHL game, has been largely a mystery. That injury was compounded by the age-old hockey code that preaches shake-it-off-and-get-back-out-there resilience in the face of pain, serious injury, even brain trauma.

I think he had a pre-existing cerebral brain hemorrhage. Those closest to Masterton concur he was suffering from a brain injury before he stepped on to the ice that night, as does a medical expert who reviewed an autopsy report obtained by the Star.

Beginning Guitar: Essential Etudes Book - Bill's Music Shelf : Mel Bay

She, too, believes something else was wrong with Masterton that night, something that explains why the routine bodycheck left him unconscious even before he hit the ice. Playing hurt is a sacred principle. He was a rarity in the way he prepared for a life outside the game. He starred at the University of Denver from , helping the Pioneers win three national collegiate titles and earning tournament MVP honours his senior year. More importantly, he earned a degree.

He settled in Minneapolis with his high school sweetheart, Carol, and they adopted two children, Scott and Sally.

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The Montreal Canadiens, which owned his rights, traded them to Minnesota. Blair, in charge of the North Stars, came calling. Bob Masterton remembers his brother telling him about the NHL offer over dinner.

House of Representatives Committees

It was always in the back of his mind. The season started with promise: Masterton scored the first goal in North Stars history. But 37 games later, in the days leading up to the hit that would kill him, there were signs all was not right. In a quiet moment, Masterton made a rare admission to Maniago: He was struggling with the effects of a head check into the glass during a recent game.

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  • I know that in our training camp he got hit hard a couple of times. And he got hit a few games very hard at the NHL level.

    His aggressiveness got him. He wanted it badly. He never laid down. When he suffered the final hit of his career, Masterton was making his patented move — crossing the opposing blueline and cutting to one side before passing the puck to a teammate. Oakland defencemen Larry Cahan and Ron Harris moved in to check Masterton, who wound up falling on the back of his head. After reviewing the document, Dr. Witnesses for the marine park said that was not a viable option, and SeaWorld lobbyist Scott Wetch told lawmakers the bill would have likely resulted in the orcas being moved to parks outside the state.

    Public outrage over the movie drove 1. The petition supported the bill. Dozens of animal rights activists packed the hearing room on Tuesday to support the bill, with more who were unable to get seats waiting outside. Groups supporting business and tourism backed SeaWorld, saying it provides thousands of jobs and attracts tourists to San Diego. John Hargrove, a former SeaWorld trainer in Texas and San Diego who appeared in "Blackfish," told lawmakers that orcas appeared agitated and pulled him underwater multiple times.

    SeaWorld has mounted an aggressive public relations campaign to discredit the film for relying on what it calls unqualified former employees and biased experts. The publicly traded company bought newspaper ads, set up a website countering "Blackfish," and criticized the film on Twitter. Recent filings, however, showed a dip in attendance at the start of the year that the company attributes to a change in how holidays fall in the calendar year.

    Witnesses for SeaWorld said the animals receive the highest level of care and provide opportunities for research to help conserve killer whales in the wild. The marine park saw the delay of the bill as a victory, though they will be called upon to defend their practices before lawmakers again. Naomi Rose, a marine mammal scientist with the Animal Welfare Institute, a sponsor of the bill, said she was disappointed by the delay but believes science will ultimately show orcas are ill-suited for captivity.


    New York lawmakers have also been considering a bill to ban the captivity of killer whales, although there are none in the state. Rose said she had been working with lawmakers in Texas and Florida, where SeaWorld has parks in San Antonio and Orlando, to introduce similar legislation. The bill tested incoming Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, who has not taken a stance but said in a statement that she supported the interim study. The divisive bill placed the Democrat from San Diego in an awkward position as she had to balance pressure from the party's environmental base and one of the largest employers in her district.

    Horizon presenter Adam Rutherford looks at the advances in synthetic biology and genetic engineering that have resulted in, among other things, computer-made life forms and cancer assassin cells. SeaWorld dismissed their contention that orcas are too intelligent and too large for captivity.