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Have you got a laptop? Escreva perguntas que combinem com as respostas: Yes, she s got a boyfriend from Recife. Has she got a boyfriend? No, we only have Pepsi. Yes, he s got a TV in his bedroom. No, I don t have a lot of money. Yes, she s got a laptop and a computer. No, they only have clothes for women. Escute todas as perguntas para conferir e repetir. Have e have got negativo. We ve got a small apartment in the city, so we haven t got a garden. It has two bedrooms, but it doesn t have a dining-room.

It s got a shower, but it hasn t got a bath. We have a computer, but we don t have a laptop and we don t have any video games. My boyfriend has a CD player, but he doesn t have many CDs.

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I don t have a car, but my boyfriend has a motorbike. I ve got a computer, I don t have an I-pod. My brother has a car, Karla hasn t got a boyfriend. Transforme as formas positivas em negativas e vice-versa: They ve got a garden. They haven t got a garden. We don t have a TV. You ve got a computer. He doesn t have a car. She s got a boyfriend. The apartment has a dining-room.

What happened?

They haven t got a lot of money. Paul and Sue have got a dog. Mark hasn t got a mobile. I have a brother. Escreva uma pergunta para cada frase. Have they got a garden? We have at We normally have at I have at about I normally have and a salad. Before I sleep, I have a glass of. I have a snack at Normally I have a. When we get home, I have a and my wife has a glass of. I have and toast, my wife has and tea. Hi Jenny, how are you? I m fine thanks, and you? Listen, I want to have a dinner party this evening. I have an idea. Why don t you have a barbecue? I have real problems cooking on that barbecue.

What do you have to eat and drink? We can have chicken and rice, and we can have beer or Coke to drink. No beer for me. I have a meeting in the morning. No, you don t want to have a headache, do you? I need to have a shower, so see you later. Complete as frases usando exemplos da vida real: When I study English, I have problems 2.

In my family, we normally have a party 3. If you have a headache, it s a good idea to 4. Brazilian people like to have a barbecue 5. Coloque as letras do alfabeto na coluna certa de acordo com o som. Depois, tente cantar sozinho, aumentando a velocidade. Vire um papel de cada vez e fale a letra. Soletre as palavras a seguir, depois escute-as para conferir e repetir: Depois escute as perguntas e respostas para conferir e repetir: How do you spell your surname?

What do you call this in English? You use an before a vowel. How do you pronounce fruit? What does cheap mean? To fill in a form. What s the difference between a and an? It s a suitcase. Complete as perguntas para combinar com as respostas: It s an umbrella. Escreva mais dois exemplos para cada pergunta e as respostas apropriadas. Coloque as palavras a seguir em quatro colunas: This is a place where people go to buy many different things.

It s a man who brings food and drinks in a restaurant. A thing used for writing documents, sending s, surfing the Internet etc. This is what you do when you want to sleep. Something you drink in the morning to wake up! A person who works in a hospital, who helps sick people. It s a place where people go to pray. What you do at home to relax and to get information 9. A place you go to travel by plane. What you do at the shopping centre or a supermarket. A person who works in a store, serving customers.

You do this every day to be clean. Have something to eat 4. A post office 6. Have a party 7. Guarulhos, for example 2. Complete os tempos e depois escute para conferir e repetir: What time is it? Pratique com mais exemplos: What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at in the morning. What time is the next train? The next train is at. What time do you go to bed?

I usually go to bed at or. What time are they coming? They are coming at about. What time does the bank open? The bank opens at a. Eles podem ser divididos em dois grupos; leia e escute: The year two thousand, Two thousand and one, two thousand and two, two thousand and eight etc. So, what kind of food do you like? Well, I really like Chinese food. Bem, gosto muito de comida chinesa. I quite like it, but I prefer Italian Gosto, sim, mas prefiro comida italiana. I love Italian too! Que tal uma pizza? Alright, let s have some pasta! What kind of music is this? What, you don t like techno?

No, I hate it! Vamos escutar um pouco de reggae. Um, I don t like reggae very much. You don t like anything! Leia e escute os exemplos: De acordo com seus gostos, escreva uma frase para cada verbo ou substantivo a seguir, na coluna apropriada da tabela, e adicione mais um exemplo para cada coluna. Depois, repita as frases diversas vezes: I like Mafia films, She hates spider s, He loves children. Leia o texto e sublinhe os gostos. When I m at home I really like listening to music I love dancing and singing to the words.

I like all types ofmusic, but I don t like rap very much. My dad listens to classical music and I quite like that too, but I hate opera. I also love talking to my friends on the phone, but my dad doesn t like it very much because he can t use the phone! I quite like watching TV, but what I really like is watching a film on DVD and eating lots of chocolate and ice-cream. I hate going to school and I hate doing my homework, but I quite like meeting my friends and talking at school.

I love the holidays, but I don t like going to the beach very much. I prefer staying at home, doing nothing. She prefers dogs to cats, I prefer sleeping to studying. Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla ice-cream? Responda as perguntas usando frases completas: Which do you prefer, summer or winter? I prefer winter to summer Which do you prefer, Coke or Guarana? Who do you prefer, Madonna or Jennifer Lopez? Which do you prefer, meat or fish? What do you prefer, working or doing nothing? Which do you prefer, dogs or cats? Existem outros verbos normalmente usados para falar dos seus gostos.

He s interested in English, but not in studying. Are you interested in modern art? She isn t interested in helping us. I enjoy cooking, but I don t enjoy washing up. We always enjoy Disney films. Does he enjoy working for Microsoft? What do you think of Steve? I think he s very interesting She doesn t think the photo is good, she thinks it s boring. My sons think Macdonalds is delicious, I think it s disgusting.

Complete as frases com exemplos da vida real, usando verbos, substantivos e adjetivos: I m really interested in. I don t enjoy very much. I think the President is. My friends are not very interested in. My dad thinks football is 6. At the weekend I enjoy. Do you think that? I m quite interested in. Most people prefer cooking to washing the dishes. He likes meeting his friends, but he loves speaking to them on the phone. My sister is not interested in having children, but she enjoys playing with them. I quite like fish, but I absolutely love meat, especially on a barbecue. Matt doesn t like chololate ice-cream very much.

Ela tem interesse em trabalhar em uma empresa estrangeira. Sim, achei muito divertida. Gosto muito de assistir ao futebol e gosto de jogar um pouco. Leia e escute exemplos dos artigos A e AN. Do you want a pizza? Combine uma imagem com as palavras a seguir, junto com o artigo a ou an.

The American team The Olympic games Go to the cinema. Hi Bob, it s Charlie. Leia os exemplos e depois corrija os erros com the no texto a seguir: Substantivos gerais e abstratos: Women are smarter than men As mulheres sao mais inteligentes do que os homens. The last Friday I finished the work at 6. We were planning to have the dinner in the city centre and then go to the cinema, but when I arrived my girlfriend was in the bed. She said she had a flu, but she had the temperature of 39 o, so I decided to take her to doctors.

They did some tests and told her she had to stay in the hospital for the night. She was very unhappy because she had the big meeting a next day, but as I told her: A maioria dos substantivos adiciona um s para formar o plural: Preencha a tabela com as formas singulares e plurais:. Do they have any? Yes, they have a son and a daughter. He thinks that cooking is not a s job. His are so big that he buys special shoes.

He divorced his last year. The Queen is not the richest in Britain. Each family in China can have only one. Brazilian love going to the beach in summer. I think Penelope Cruz is one of the most beautiful in the world. Sherpa Tensing was the first to climb Mount Everest. In some countries a man can have many. How much do those socks cost? I have some new sunglasses. They have excellent lenses. It has excellent lenses. Leia e escute as frases e depois traduza as palavras sublinhadas: Where are my glasses?

They re in the bedroom. I have some good news for you! Do you like my new shoes? He s wearing black pants and a green T-shirt. I m wearing blue shorts and white trainers. These socks are dirty. Can you wash them? Do you have any scissors? Yes, they re in the kitchen. Fale uma das frases a seguir em voz alta e adicione um item com a, an ou some. Usually he has lunch at home. My friends always go out on Friday evening. It s normally quite hot in the summer. Many students hardly ever study.

Elton John seldom speaks to journalists. There is often a lot of traffic at this time. Antes do verbo principal mas depois do verbo to be: Normally I get up at 7. Jack usually has fruit for breakfast and he hardly ever eats fast food. He always walks to the office and he often goes to the gym after work.

Jack never smokes and he seldom drinks alcohol. He normally goes to bed at She always takes a taxi to work and she never does any exercise. Gill smokes 20 cigarettes a day and she usually drinks a bottle of wine with dinner. She usually goes to bed at about 2. Depois, escute as frases para conferir e repetir: Jack usually has fruit breakfast, but Gill normally has coffee. Combine as duas partes das frases: I usually go to the dentist a Three times an hour. She generally cleans the house b Twice a day with food. Normally people go to the toilet c Once a month.

He usually checks his s d About five times a day. You should take the medicine e Once a week. We always pay the bills f Twice a year. Twice a year we go to a spa, Once every 6 months she has Botox injections. How often do you play football? How often does your husband cook? How often is the teacher late? How often do they visit you?

Quantas vezes [por ]? How many times a week do you study English? How many times a month does she call you? How many times a year do they come to London? How often do you go to the cinema? I go to the cinema once a month 1. We usually watch TV for about an hour every. Every there are thousands of tourists in Rio de Janeiro. They go to bed at 9 o clock every. The family all go to church every. A new President is elected every.

I work every ; Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Every a baby is born in India. We spend Christmas with my parents every.

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How often does he play video games? He plays twice a week. First of all, how often do you play video games? Um, I guess play video games about twice a week. And how often do you do your homework? I always do my homework, every day. So how long do you spend watching TV? I think I spend about an hour watching TV. What, an hour a day? No, an hour a week! I see, and how long do you spend talking on the phone? I hardly ever use the phone maybe 10 minutes a day. Ok, and how often do you brush your teeth?

I brush my teeth 3 times a day, after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Segundo o menino He plays video games twice a week. Em seguida, escute todas as palavras para conferir e repetir: My mother s name is Sue and my dad is called Miles. I have 2 brothers, Chris and Dom, and a sister called Miki. My brothers each have two children, so I have 3 nephews and one niece. I only have one aunt and uncle, with two cousins called Kate and Joe.

I am married to Vanessa and we also have 2 children, a son called Leonardo and a daughter called Raphaela. My wife has one brother and one sister Markus has a girlfriend and Maureen has a boyfriend and a daughter called Ana Clara. They have 4 uncles, 5 aunts and 14 cousins, and their grandmother is called AnaLise. These are Charles s children. This is second son. And those are two daughters, Eugenie and Beatrice. Leia os texto novamente e anote todos os exemplos da forma s. Em 5 dos 6 exemplos, o s representa is: Philp is, that is, name is 3 vezes.

Arthur is Leo s best friend. Adorei o novo clipe da Madonna. One of London s tourist attractions. Os amigos do Bush: The boy s ball A bola do menino e The boys ball A bola dos meninos. The women s toilet, the children s presents Leia e escute as frases e decida quais dos exemplos de s significam is escreva IS e quais representam um possessivo escreva P: That s our nephew s boyfriend. He s from Minas. It s time to go. She s my son s piano teacher. Paula s husband s my wife s cousin. Corrija os erros nas frases: He s the brother of Erno and the father of Rodrigo. She name is Sofia.

She the girlfriend of my brother. Ours daughter s in London. Its her first trip. Andy are English, but the wife of he is Brazilian. He is the husband of your sister?

They house is near the shop of my cousins. Escolha a resposta que combina com as frases de a a f, depois escute as perguntas e respostas para conferir e repetir: No, but it looks like him. It s I like it too. Can I wear them please? A tia deles mora em uma daquelas casas. Ela trabalha com o tio dela na sua empresa. Quanto custa aquela camiseta? Verbos regulares e irregulares. So we had a swim in the pool before we checked in. When we arrived at the hotel it was really hot and sunny. Last year I went to Egypt with my parents. On the last day we bought lots of presents to give our friends.

So I read, played tennis and met some nice people. We really enjoyed our trip and we decided to go back next year. On the second day we saw the pyramids and took lots of photos. For the rest of the trip I just wanted to relax. We stayed in a 5-star hotel by the sea for a week.

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Separe os verbos em dois grupos antes de continuar. Os verbos regulares adicionam -ed no passado: Last year he went to France. He stayed with his friends. It was cloudy and cold when they arrived. They went for a swim after they checked in. They saw the pyramids on the first day. They didn t take many photos. He watched videos and played golf. They hated the trip. Escute, repita e memorize a tabela de verbos regulares e irregulares: Complete as frases com um verbo irregular da lista anterior, depois escute-as para conferir e repetir: This morning we breakfast at 7.

She she loved me, so we married. He her the wrong present. We Madonna in concert. I she was brilliant. Complete o texto com a forma correta do verbo to be was ou were. Depois escute as frases para conferir e repetir: Yesterday a terrible day. The children slow getting ready, so they late for school and I late for work. My boss in a bad mood and there about 20 s waiting for me. Work boring as usual, and the customers especially rude so I stressed out by the time we closed.

The traffic terrible of course, and when I got home there 5 bills on the mat and the TV broken. Leia, escute e repita as perguntas de 1 a 8; depois, combine com as respostas de a a h. Did Marcela go to the meeting? How longdid you stay in Peru? What timedid your friends leave? Did you see Pete yesterday? Wheredid you buy those shoes? How muchdid the tickets cost? Were you at home last night? Whywas the door open? You went Did you go?

He studied Did he study? She lived Did she live? The bus left Did the bus leave? The teacher gave Did the teacher give? Where did your parents stay? They stayed in a hotel. How muchdid you spend? I spent about Whatdid you do on Friday? We went to the cinema. What timedid she get to Madrid? She got to Madrid at Whydid Peter leave the party? He left because he was tired. He was at home. Was he at home? I was in Rome. It was What time was it? Escreva uma pergunta apropriada para cada resposta: I lived there for 3 years. We had toast, juice and coffee.

Yes, I was very hungry. I saw Rita last week. No, I didn t like the film. We were at home. Para o verbo to be, adicione not nt depois do verbo: She went she didn t go 2. The girls came 7. My boss took 8. Leia, escute e repita o texto a seguir, e sublinhe os verbos no passado. Depois, escreva as formas negativas e interrogativas para cada verbo por exemplo: I met I didn t meet did I meet? I met my wife when she worked as a DJ in a local club. I saw her every weekend and really wanted to talk to her, but I was nervous and I never had the courage.

Finally, I asked her to have dinner with me and she said yes. I took her to a Japanese restaurant, where we talked a lot and got a little drunk. At the end of the evening we kissed and then we started dating. We were together for nearly a year, then one day she told me was pregnant so we decided to get married. We lived in Brazil for 6 more years, then we moved to London and she studied for a masters and I wrote books. Our children learned to speak English fluently and they made a lot of friends at their new school. I work sitting down. I can choose the times that I work.

I can wear any clothes I want. I can t drink alcohol while I work. People pay me in cash. She works in a supermarket. She can t be late in the morning because she s responsible for opening the store. She can tell the other workers what to do. He usually works for about 6 months a year, but he can sing too so he can make. He can remember many pages of writing.

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  • We normally can t sit down when we re working. We re always very polite with people, so often they give us extra money. Sometimes we can eat the restaurant food. You can come with us You can t drive a truck Can you play ping-pong? He can sing very well She can t speak English Can Mr. We can meet next week We can t find the hotel Can we have a room? They can stay for dinner They can t understand Can they use a computer?

    Leia e escute as perguntas sobre empregos e complete as respostas: I m an architect. What does your father do? What does Ana do for a living? She an IT consultant. You re a doctor, aren t you? Yes, I a hospital. Do you work full-time? No just, 3 days a week.

    I m a writer. She s unemployed What kind of work do you do? Complete as perguntas e as respostas com exemplos da vida real: What you do for a? What of work do your parents do? What s Madonna s? Outras maneiras de falar de habilidades: Know how to do saber fazer: I know how to make lasagne, He doesn t know how to use Excel, Do you know how to get there? To be good at [doing] something Ser bom em [fazer] algo He s good at maths, but she s bad at history. Is she good at drawing? He s a good player, she isn t a very good swimmer Are you a good listener?

    Corrija os erros nas frases e depois escute para conferir e repetir: You know to ride a motorbike? No, but I can to ride a horse. She s really bad on grammar. She always does lots of mistakes. Maradona was good player, but Pele was better in heading. Do you can play basketball? Yes, I can very good play. Are you good at write letters? No, I no can spell very well. Do she know how to use Powerpoint? No, but she a fast learner.

    Ellen MacArthur is 32 years old. She has a degree in Art History from Bristol University. She can paint and draw, and she speak Spanish and French. She likes the Internet and she is good at using graphics programs on the computer. She can work well in groups and is a good listener. She likes children and enjoys explaining things to other people. Brian Moore is 22 years old. He doesn t have any qualifications, but he can do many things. He s good at fixing cars and he can make furniture from wood and metal.

    He likes working in the open air but he doesn t like speaking to other people. He s a good driver, and he enjoys doing physical work. Age Qualifications Abilities Likes Qual emprego seria bom para os dois candidatos? Is your dad a good driver? Yes, I can drive. No, my dad s a terrible driver! Good morning, thank you for coming to this interview. So why do you think you can do this job?

    Well, because I can use a phone and I m good at making coffee! But can you type fast? No, I m not very good at writing. I get confused with the words, you know. OK, and do you know how to use Excel, the computer program? Oh no, I don t know how to use a computer! I don t even know how to switch it on! Are you good at organizing things, filing that kind of thing? To be honest I m terrible at organizing anything! Can you work at weekends if necessary?

    I can only work on Tuesday and Thursdays morning. I m sorry, I can t continue this interview, this is ridiculous! Why does Maureen think she can do the job? Does she know how to write letters? Can she use different computer programs? Is she good at organizing things? When can she work? Why can t the interviewer continue? Primeiro, combine as palavras relacionadas com comida com as imagens: I m going to make some pasta.

    Do we have any vegetables? Let s have a look in the fridge. Well, there are some carrots, some potatoes, some onions A: Are there any tomatoes? No, there aren t any tomatoes, no. Ok, no tomatoes um, do we have any butter? Yes, there s some butter in the cupboard. Good, I can make pasta with butter and cheese. We don t have any cheese. Oh God, ok, I ll go to the supermarket to get some cheese and some tomatoes.

    There is some pasta in the cupboard. I would like some rice and some potatoes. There aren t any eggs for the omelette. There isn t any fish on the menu. Are there any potatoes in the bag? Is there any bread to have with the soup? Can I have some more beans please? Can you give me some water please?

    Would you like some tea or coffee? There is, There isn t, Is there? There are, There aren t, Are there? Para substantivos plurais carrots, eggs, tomatoes, potatoes Alguns substantivos podem ser usados com ou sem plural, com sentidos um pouco diferentes, muitas vezes relacionados com comida e bebida, por exemplo: I would like some information about English courses please. There was a problem filtering reviews right now.

    Please try again later. By Heloisa on November 29, Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. But, the reader must really know portuguese to appreciate it.

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