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These quick tricks will make learning to code as difficult and unrewarding as possible! *

Maybe you realize this when your significant other proposes, and you hesitate. Maybe you realize this 10 years into a marriage. When you do, it will make you appreciate true love that much more. To help you do that, we created a functional backpack with the everyday artist in mind. Reblogged this on a clumsy way to fall in love. Reblogged this on ilikebiting. Reblogged this on Hsuan's cup of tea.

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Exercise 26: Congratulations, Take a Test!

You may unsubscribe at any time. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. Dedicated to your stories and ideas. A website by Thought. This is exactly what I did.

Days were passing by, my body and mind were craving a chance to recover, but I persisted like an idiot: I started to take pills, paid for therapy, improved my diet. I even tried to go to bed before 11 PM. I changed my lifestyle and expected an immediate relief. Days were passing by. I was taking pills and paying for teraphy. I maintained a healthy diet and tried to sleep well.

However, no improvement occurred. I felt disappointed, I felt like a fool. Eventually, when I was fed up with feeling like crap, something inside me started to change. I understood that I am perfectly fine with not being an entrepreneur in I realized that all I really want and so desperately need is to make peace with myself. And this was the point at which things started to change. When I accepted where I was, it became a lot easier to move forward. I took responsibility and I stopped blaming the world for being so fast, stressful, and success-oriented.

I realize it was me who decided to sleep 5 hours instead of 8.

Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings - I Learned the Hard Way

It was me who skipped meals for the sake of meeting deadlines. It was me to always choose perfect over realistic. Recovery takes patience and time. It is a period of life to learn to live differently. It is the time to recognize the importance of work-life balance. It is the time to practice self-love.

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I learn to be kind to myself. I read books, I draw, I play piano. I take walks, cuddle with my cat, and make dinners at home. I learn to do nothing and not feel guilty about that. I learn to ask myself "What do I really want right now? It takes time to change the mindset, but it's a must. Slowing down and learning to live differently is the key component to recovery. To feel the long-forgotten inner peace, to feel thankful, to cry. My life between 20 and 25 was not what I expected from my early twenties. These five years made me a grownup.

I realized that glorification of stress is a global problem we need to address. I understood that values I used to live by were not really mine, so I sat down and made a list of my own. Today, at the age of 25, I am so damn different from a girl I was five years ago.

Learning the hard way - Wikipedia

Success, then, has less to do with talent and more to do with financial discipline--finances here referring to your time. Lazy people say yes. The key is to be the surfer, to ride the waves, to carve them, to use them to your advantage instead of letting them decide your course.

If you want to create things of value, if you want to accomplish your dreams, if you want to go where you truly want to go, then you have to ride the waves on your own terms. You have to say no to things. You have to learn to be disciplined with your time so that you can invest it properly. The reason your network is so important is because it is an easy way to increase your value. The more people you know, the more opportunities you will have at your fingertips. Networking is one of those easy ways to engineer serendipity.

The easiest and most deadly trap to fall into is the belief that you can't take that first step until you know exactly where you're headed. People spend so much time brainstorming or thinking about all the possible outcomes before they take a single step.

6 Life Lessons You Should Learn The Hard Way

And then when they finally do take that first step, they realize all that theorizing was for nothing--and yet they repeat the entire cycle, wondering where to move next. It is so much better to do something than to do nothing. Get the ball rolling. Steer as you go instead of trying to plot your course from land.

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The journey never goes as planned anyway, so just get on with it. We live in an age where it is very easy to recreate feelings of productivity and accomplishment without actually being productive or accomplishing anything at all. We check off our to-do lists. We receive "Completed" notifications.