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I was so fascinated by the book and the concept of RDF that I specifically asked my mentor to meet with me at a popular book store, so that we could unpack the concept of reality together. There is another reality where these same challenges can be overcome. Where there is a dissonance between where you are and where you want to be, there is usually a handful of high efficiency levers available to you to help you create the most effect, with the least effort.

reality distortion field - Wiktionary

For example, if you need to get a product to market, you can either spend time and effort building your own distribution channels, or spend a fraction of the time designing a value proposition to partner with those who have existing distribution channels. Reality A is that it will take years to get your product to market. Reality B is it will take months. Spend your time exploring the most efficient way to solve your problem.

A disaster could be reframed with the question: By reframing the situation, entrepreneurs are given momentum and direction on the next steps. You then create this as policy and the result is a more rugged, shock-resistant business. By asking yourself how it could be a good thing, you also create an empowering policy and direction. Unsuccessful entrepreneurs who are faced with the same disaster would instead assume a reality that the situation is a disaster.

Many great entrepreneurs create the impression that they are larger and more experienced than they actually are and able to do more than they actually can. Spend more of your time and effort closing the gap between the veneer that you are projecting and your current reality.

The energy required to keep up that veneer is exhausting and potentially fatal to the business. It too is not real. If it does not work for you, move to reality C. Develop the skill of dislocating yourself from your reality and reattaching again. Follow Allon on Twitter. You must be logged in to post a comment Login. You must be logged in to post a comment. Most importantly, you need to respond appropriately. The internet is a free-for-all of consumer commentary, inevitably, some of it can be damaging.

Crisis management comes with the Online reputation management ORM territory of changing negative sentiment around your brand into a positive. It can be difficult to know how to respond, keep things positive, or change the sentiment around your brand. Reading what could be perceived as negative commentary on your brand, business, products, services, or employees, can cause you to jump straight into responding by justifying yourself or trying to show that the consumer is off the mark and misinformed. Rule number one is not to place blame, especially on the consumer or commenter, even if the comment is negative, false, or misleading.

Rule number two is never to take it personally and do not to respond emotionally or in an accository fashion. Pay attention, think it through, then respond in a calm, professional and appropriate way.

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Set a clear ORM response policy around commenting and responding to comments. Think of the comments you receive on social media, both good and bad, as consumer research. Keep a record of your comments and responses, tips, questions, suggestions, and key problems. The idea is to change negative sentiment around your brand into positive while at the same time leveraging off the information and data gained through this process.

This perspective will assist you to see the value in this engagement with your brand.

1. Accept that you are the author of your own reality

Online Reputation Management should be a daily task. This is all part of maintaining your online reputation and digital media presence. The most important reason to respond to both positive and negative comments is because everyone else on that thread is reading the banter. The amount of people reading the comments usually outweighs those actively participating in the conversation by commenting. They are all paying close attention to how the business and brand responds. Appropriately responding to less negative comments presents the opportunity to demonstrate how connected the brand is with their consumer, it is the perfect platform to solve potential problems and defuse particular situations.

When a business listens and responds to feedback online, in an appropriate manner, a sense of trust is created. It shows that the brand is prepared to go above and beyond. This can stretch far beyond the commenter. In order to fully tap into the benefits of social media you should consider getting a specialist on board to manage your social content along with the responses that this content creates. It is important to be on the same page as your marketing team.

If you are looking for an agency with the experience, guts, and glory to carry your brand, then get in touch with So Interactive for your digital marketing needs. As an entrepreneur, you have to face difficult decisions on a near-daily basis. These can range from deciding on what marketing strategy suits your business best or choosing what new talent to hire for your team.

Making good decisions quickly can be tricky, even more so if you are pressed for time. However, there are methods you can use to do this. Below are some tips on how you can do just that. Making decisions can be difficult if you do not know what, exactly, you are trying to accomplish. Before you reach a decision, you will need to carefully look at what you are trying to accomplish and optimise. Once you have done this, you will be able to make the right, and quickest, decision. An example of this is changing a marketing strategy.

Are you trying to reach a new audience?

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Once you have acknowledged what you are trying to accomplish, you can decide on what options best suit the situation. This process might take time at first, but, once you have done it a few times, it will become second nature. Having evidence or data to help with a decision can be highly useful for any entrepreneur.

Reality distortion field

Using data and evidence, you will be able to see how your company is currently performing and make a business decision based on this data. The key to making good decisions in the shortest amount of time possible is having the right evidence and information available. You will need to be sure that you understand the data and evidence in order to use it as part of your decision making.

It is important to set deadlines for decisions. This way, you will be able to make them quickly, effectively and before any problems become bigger than they need to be.

Steve Jobs: Reality is Flexible

For example, set a deadline for deciding on a new employee a week from their interview date. This gives you time to examine their strengths and weaknesses in depth before deciding. Having a deadline creates a sense of urgency, meaning that you will spend less time procrastinating and more time on the actual decision-making.

Deadlines help to keep the goal in sight, allowing you to make a decision quickly and easily without overthinking it. Even the Khaleesi in Game of Thrones has an advisor to help her make decisions. And if she has one, it makes sense that a business owner or entrepreneur should too. It is a good idea to get an outside opinion, especially if you have been thinking about a decision for a long time.

An objective voice can help you to reach a final decision, as they can help you consider points that you might not have thought of. You could ask your friends or your colleagues for help, but be sure that they do not have any attachment to the decision. Goals seem too grand. Expectations seem too high. They are running out of time.

They have hit the wall. They either need to change reality or come to terms with the mediocrity that results from accepting current constraints.

How Steve Jobs Created the Reality Distortion Field (and You Can, Too)

This is the thing that Apple cynics miss. Change happens in the daily grind of teams that refuse to compromise. Nobody wants to create minimum viable products. So we sacrifice our headphone jacks willingly not because we are lemmings but because we know that reality is flexible. We choose to support a future that is distorted, audaciously better than the current spec sheet. Was Steve Jobs aware of his reality distortion field? Of course he was.

The question is are you aware of yours?

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  • Reality distortion field - Wikipedia;
  • How Steve Jobs Created the Reality Distortion Field (and You Can, Too).
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  • Help me figure out how. Sign in Get started. Evidence that Steve Jobs was aware of his reality distortion field.