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According to Jenkins' book Galactic Alignment, the conjunction was tied to the astronomical Precession of the Equinoxes and signals a transition from one 26,year planetary cycle to another. However, the suggestion that the Long Count calendar is tied to apocalyptic events is controversial. Archaeologists insist it simply marks the resetting of an ancient clock.

Nonetheless, the National Academy of Sciences released a report in warning that powerful bursts of radiation from the Sun could knock out power grids and satellites during the next solar maximum, due in Because of the interdependent nature of technological society, a long-term loss of electricity, communications and working infrastructure could result in grave social and economic consequences.

A study commissioned by the Pentagon, "Imagining the Unthinkable", suggests even grimmer prospects if global warming continues unchecked.

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This date represents the correlation of the standard Gregorian calendar to the end of the Mayan Long-Count cycle of 13 baktuns 5, years , which is based on astronomical observations from ancient times. The interval is considered by numerous meso-american cultures to represent a single "sun", or world age. The start date of B. A ship tossed up onto the streets of Kesennuma City, Japan on March 11, A number of New Age commentators have claimed a global consciousness shift is in the works as the calendar transitions to a new cycle.

The event brought people to sacred sites around the world - including Mt. Shasta in Northern California - to meditate for peace and planetary redemption. Later, counterculture icon Terence McKenna referred to the end date in his Timewave Zero doctrine.

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The Return of Quetzalcoatl A few independent researchers have proposed alternative end dates to the Long Count calendar. Carl Johan Calleman, a biologist and former investigator for the World Health Organization, insisted the correct date was October 28, The lowest step represents the birth of the universe and incorporates several billion years.

The highest and final step lasts only 13 years, yet the same amount of evolution will occur in this time frame. The theory calls to mind Alvin Toffler's bestselling book from the seventies, Future Shock. On the silver screen, Roland Emmerich's movie and The Road , based on the Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Cormac McCarthy, were among the latest in a series of fictional doomsday thrillers premised on the world ending in the 21st century. Emmerich also directed The Day After Tomorrow , which more closely drew from actual scientific forecasts.

The idea of a doomsday or apocalypse dissolving a world age dates back to antiquity. In the eighth century B. Plato, meanwhile, asserted in his dialog Timaeus that during each of these epochs, mankind forgets what previously transpired: It sweeps upon you like a plague, and leaves only your illiterate and uncultured people behind. You become infants all over again, as it were, completely unfamiliar with anything there was in ancient times, whether here or in your own region.

In India, an ancient Buddhist and Hindu astronomical treatise known as the Surya Siddhanta states that a golden age will follow the demise of Kali Yuga aka the "Degenerate Age". Kali Yuga began when Krishna died around B. Another Vedic text, the Vishnu Purana , elaborates: There are infinite successions of these four ages, of a similar description, the first of which is always called the Krita, and the last the Kali.

In North America, Hopi mythology describes the first three world ages ending in extinctions caused by geologic forces. The Hopi's first world succumbs to fire, while the second experiences an apparent ice age triggered by a geographic pole shift: The twins had hardly abandoned their stations when the world, with no one to control it, teetered off balance, spun around crazily, then rolled over twice. Mountains plunged into seas with a great splash, seas and lakes sloshed over the land; and as the world spun through cold and lifeless space it froze into solid ice.

In advance of both doomsdays, a Hopi god instructs spiritually-minded members of the tribe on how to escape and survive the destruction. In the case of the first world, the evacuees are told to follow a cloud by day and a star by night until they reach a giant ant mound. Here they take refuge with the "ant people", who share food and other resources until the cataclysm ends.

This scenario may have some basis in fact, since vast underground ruins have been discovered in the United States and elsewhere around the planet, each dating back to remote antiquity. In the closing days of the Hopi's third world, the evacuees escape worldwide flooding in a vessel constructed of reeds. At least cultures, including the Inuit in Alaska, recount what is commonly known today as the Great Flood legend. Eventually a storm hits and Noah loads the vessel with an assortment of animals and his extended family. As torrential rains engulf the world, the ark sets sail and stays afloat for seven months.

Afterwards, the survivors start civillization anew. The Turkish government, incidentally, identifies the ark's final landing spot as being on or near Mount Ararat. The next solar maximum is due in According to glaciologist Lonnie Thompson, fossil evidence shows that about 5, years ago, a mass extinction took place as a result of erratic solar activity.

A Great Shaking—Then a New Heavens and a New Earth

Thompson, whose work inspired the premise of The Day After Tomorrow , believes both polar ice caps melted and boosted the volume of the oceans. Other climatologists, oceanographers and geologists have proposed alternative explanations for the Great Flood. Columbia University Professors Walter Pittman and William Ryan claim rising sea levels in the Mediterranean caused an earthen dam to collapse along the Bosporus in B. The impact generated a mega-tsunami that wiped out an estimated 80 percent of the human population.

Approximately 7, years earlier, in North America the sprawling Clovis population vanished suddenly, according to archaeological digs at numerous locations. While a definitive cause for the extinction remains undetermined, recent hypotheses point to either the Younger Dryas climate shift or an alleged comet impact above the Laurentide Ice Sheet, north of the Great Lakes. Both events are dated to around B. Larger extinction events that affect nearly all species are thought to occur periodically over the course of millions of years. Lawrence Joseph explains in his book Apocalypse A Scientific Investigation Into Civilization's End that the solar system bobs up and down as it circles the center of the Milky Way galaxy, periodically jostled by gravitational and energy anomalies.

This may account for the calculation by U. Berkeley phycisists Richard Muller and Robert Rohde that six massive planet-wide extinctions have transpired at million-year periods, which coincides with the oscillation cycle. The last event occurred 65 million years ago when a comet struck the Gulf of Mexico, off the Yucatan peninsula. In The Shiva Hypothesis , authors M. The waves are generated by the Milky Way Galaxy's speedy movement across the universe, which create a bow shock on either side of the disc -- like a boat crossing through water.

Presently the solar system is several light years above the galactic plane , and climbing. The History Channel in its coverage of the doomsday prediction cites a number of prophecies that relate to the present day. Among the omens that presage the final days are a "spider web crisscrossing the earth" and the appearance of a "blue star": You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. It will appear as a blue star.

Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease. These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. The world shall rock to and fro. The white man will battle against other people in other lands -- with those who possessed the first light of wisdom. There will be many columns of smoke and fire such as White Feather has seen the white man make in the deserts not far from here. Only those which come will cause disease and a great dying. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. Those who stay and live in the places of my people also shall be safe.

Then there will be much to rebuild. And soon -- very soon afterward -- Pahana will return.

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He shall bring with him the dawn of the Fifth World. He shall plant the seeds of his wisdom in their hearts. Even now the seeds are being planted. These shall smooth the way to the Emergence into the Fifth World. In South America, a small community of Q'ero Indians has also predicted the end of the current world age.

These reclusive descendents of the Inca were discovered by anthropologist Alberto Villoldoin in Cuzco, Peru in The Q'ero believe the world is approaching the time of a universal mastay , or gathering. As in the case of the Hopi prophecy, geologic disturbances will precede the reintegration of the different races and cultures presently dispersed around "the four directions".

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