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I'd very much appreciate it! If not, no worries! D Thank you again for your useful info! Here's an updated list: De qualquer maneira, continue praticar e boa sorte. Thanks again for your tips. I now watch the show 'Os nossas dias' sometimes and it's very interesting to watch, but if you want to watch it's better to start with older episodes first. The new ones don't have the subtitles in the right place yet. The subs disappear too quickly and with the older episodes it's not the case. I just watch from episode 1 of season 2 broadcasted in april I think and that works just fine with the subtitles.

Even though I won't understand everything at the moment, I'm going to look in to this for a bit of fun. Unfortunately, the list above has all the subtitled programmes I could find easily. I'm sure a more exhaustive search would find more, but many children's programmes are cartoons and they are probably not made by RTP themselves and are simply bought possibly from English-speaking countries and dubbed into Portuguese. This means they do not have the right to make them available on-demand in any case. If you must have European Portuguese then look for "Ruca".

I haven't found any with subtitles, but these are dubbed versions of the Canadian kids' show "Caillou" also available on YouTube in English and Brazilian Portuguese so you could watch the English episodes first to get the gist before you try to watch the European Portuguese ones unfortunately, the episode numbering for "Ruca" is different so you'll need to find matching episodes by title. It may help you to understand the Portuguese by following the story in the script. For example, the first Ruca video in my link is:.

A bit of digging found this RTP programme for teenagers: I'm Brazilian and I'm looking for people for practicing my English, let me help you with my Portuguese. Segue abaixo algumas dicas! Though I hope you find somebody to help you with your English, I don't think that a post about European Portuguese like this one is the ideal place to find partners who want to learn Brazilian Portuguese.

The best idea is to start your own discussion because you'll reach a wider audience. MelancholicChen 16 14 9 6 5. NinoGroot 13 12 9. Mac 25 23 11 Percival 25 25 25 21 20 15 11 11 8 7 6 5 2 Great post, thank you! Any chance you can suggest an easy show to watch? Perhaps something for kids? Summer language courses are intensive, with three to four credits of Portuguese taught in each session. Language courses generally have a maximum enrollment of 15 students each.

Rodger » Por que é importante falar e escrever bem o Português

Introduction to Portuguese I or Introduction to Portuguese II is required for students not taking an intensive Portuguese language course to help students assimilate into the community. Taught in English The following courses are designed to familiarize you with the region and provide a multi-disciplinary perspective to your studies. Born and raised in Argentina, Dr. Guerrero studied Economics at the University of Buenos Aires and became adjunct professor there two years after graduation. Brian Burke, originally from Canada, is a clinical psychologist whose interests include terror management, motivational interviewing, happiness, and culture.

This course is designed to further equip students with the necessary language skills in Portuguese to express themselves well in writing and verbally when discussing scholarly topics. It aims at helping students feel more confident to speak, develop a higher level of understanding of the spoken and written language, and learn more advanced vocabulary and cultural and literary contents.

Each unit of the book discusses a film and each movie is treated as a textbook. All aspects of language learning from acquisition of vocabulary to review of grammar points will be included. Therefore, the course encompasses listening comprehension and discussions, but also focuses on an extensive number and variation of written exercises. The class will watch, analyze, and write about five contemporary movies. Each film will be watched and analyzed in class, in parts, dissecting all components of it: Each unit of the textbook includes a reading component a page-long text on a topic related to the movie.

In addition, the students will read a literary text by Jorge Amado to establish cultural comparisons with some of the movies discussed. This course is designed to advance the students oral and written skills in Portuguese and to allow them to establish comparison between literary and cinematic texts. The emphasis is on all aspects of language learning from acquisition of vocabulary to review of grammar points, reading will be included.


Each unit of the textbook also includes a reading component a page-long text on a topic related to the movie. The class will watch, analyze, and write about three movies and read three literary texts novel, memoirs, diary on which the movies were based or on related subjects. Brazil is a country with continental proportions, notorious for the hybrid composition of its population and its remarkable cultural diversity. This course aims to provide students with anthropological tools and perspectives for an understanding of Brazilian culture and society.

Through such experience, students will be taught to reflect and elaborate upon central contrasts and convergences between their native cultural context and the Brazilian one, to identify and comprehend global dimensions of Brazilian identity and its manifold regional expressions, and to make sense of central anthropological concepts such as culture, religion, ritual, kinship, symbols, etc.

This course provides an overview and critical examination of the Brazilian culture, utilizing Brazilian films as the gateway to discuss different aspects of Brazilian culture from a variety of perspectives. Not only will this course examine major historical events that have impacted the socio-economic, political, and cultural development of Brazilian society, but it will also explore the present day issues related to these developments.

Related Discussions

Class discussions will focus on Twentieth century topics such as youth and urban violence, religion, popular culture and music, the role of women, ethnicity and cultural identity, and human rights. The course intends to expand upon and compliment the students' experiences in Florianopolis sharpening their knowledge and cultural sensitivity with and within Brazilian culture. Students will be encouraged and expected to voice their perspectives, share their experiences, and relate these ideas to the greater context of Brazilian culture during classroom.

This course will cover different styles and movements of Brazilian Art, as expressed by some of the most salient musicians and dancers along its history but mainly in 20th and 21st centuries. Contemporary music and dance in Brazil will be approached in seminars in which the Professor will initiate the students into different genres through newspaper and magazine articles, academic readings, films, documentaries, websites and audio materials, upon which the different dialogues about the socio-political and cultural broader context of this art will be based, as well as the commentaries on the artistic and cultural features of these manifestations.

This direct contact must enable the students to document through interviews, recordings, their own music and dance performances, etc. Capoeira is one of the strongest expressions of Afro-Brazilian culture that exists today. Introduced to Brazil by West African slaves from the 16th century, it is a martial art which combines elements of dance, music and acrobatics. Through learning capoeira, students will be able to develop a greater, richer understanding of Brazilian dance and music, and the African influences in the country.

The course will develop ethical values based on respect, socialization, and freedom through the capoeira course that will be offered as practical and theoretical workshops, as well as documentaries and other material about capoeira. Global climate change is the overarching context of our times. This course examines the causes and manifestations of climate change in the past, present, and forecast for the future. We explore how climate change affects natural ecosystems as well as social and economic systems. Then we examine the ways in which people can respond to climate change: What are the consequences for the natural world?

Elementary Portuguese I is an intensive, four-credit language course designed for students who have not taken any Portuguese courses at college-level before. This course helps non-native speakers of Portuguese acquire basic communicative competence. It offers the students the opportunity to develop the fundamental skills of a language: Grammar is taught in a communicative way. The main emphasis of this course is on communication and, therefore, class attendance and active participation are essential.

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Elementary Portuguese II is a four-credit language course designed for students who completed Elementary Portuguese I or have successfully taken one semester of Portuguese at college-level before. This course helps non-native speakers of Portuguese advance their ability to express themselves verbally and in writing, expand their range of vocabulary, and learn to describe, define, compare, and sustain dialogues. It offers the students the opportunity to continue developing their ability to listen, speak, read, and write Portuguese. The emphasis of this course is on communication and, therefore, class attendance and active participation are essential.

This course examines global public health issues through a biopsychosocial perspective focusing on health as a fundamental human right for all people. The relationships between social and behavioral factors in health and disease frame the course. Topics include; infectious illnesses, chronic illnesses, nutrition, mental health, health issues of women and children, and ethical issues in health. Global perspectives on environmental factors in health such as climate, culture, economics, and political systems will be explored.

The course will focus on challenges of international cooperation in dealing with health disparities, natural disasters, conflicts, global health interventions, and setting world health policies. Students will continue to expand their vocabulary and further their knowledge of the spoken and written language, develop listening comprehension, and acquiring competence in cultural topics.

The Language Schools

The emphasis of the course is in communication skills, therefore, attendance to class and active participation are essential. Grammar is taught in a communicative way and material studied in previous courses will also be reviewed and contextualized. Intermediate Portuguese I, or its equivalent.

Students will continue to enhance their knowledge of the spoken and written language and study more complex and advanced cultural topics and related vocabulary. It is designed for students who also want to develop reading skills in a relevant cultural context travel narratives. The course includes diversified communicative and written activities. The unifying concept of the course is traveling and all the grammar review, oral, and written exercises were developed based on travel narratives by the famous contemporary Brazilian author, Moacyr Scliar, in which he occasionally establishes insightful comparisons between Brazilian and American cultures.