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The 6 Best Vacation Deal Websites. Package deals invariably include the cost of your hotel in the price, which is fine if this is specifically the type of accommodation you're looking for.

Package deal - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

But there are so many different options for accommodation now, that a hotel often won't be the cheapest one. For those willing to explore other possibilities there are huge savings to be had. Where you stay usually accounts for the biggest percentage of your travel budget, but by keeping your options open, you can considerably shrink this cost. Though you will find some cheap packages available during off-peak season, your choices are greatly reduced because many package operators simply shut down for the quiet months.

It's actually cheaper for them to do that than to run with minimal bookings.

package deal

Off-peak and shoulder season are, however, fantastic times to travel independently because prices fall on every aspect of travel. Flights, hotels, restaurants, and even costs for activities and attractions get drastically slashed. Vacation packages traditionally come in standard time frames that reflect the regular lengths of time people tend to go away for. For example, the most popular tend to be seven-, or day bundles. Though there's definitely an increasing amount of flexibility available, if you're planning on going away for, say, 13 days, you may struggle to find a suitable package.

Likewise, if you're traveling for a few weeks or longer, then you're likely going to be able to significantly reduce your costs. Package vacations, and in particular all-inclusive deals, are ideal for when you're not planning to do a great deal more than what's actually included in your package. It's when you begin to look at the "activities" or add-ons advertised that it may not seem like such a great deal. Booking independently gives you far more flexibility over how, when, and where you spend your budget. See more words from the same year.

More Definitions for package deal. A package deal combines several products, discounts, features or services as one transaction. Let's say John Doe is considering taking a cruise. Package deals occur throughout the consumer world.

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In many cases, they provide a way for a buyer to save money by purchasing a group of things he or she wants anyway and receive a reduced price. Often, package deals are available from vendors who are able to buy the items in bulk. However, package deals often include items, products or services the consumer does not want. For example, cable subscription packages often include several channels that the consumer does not want or watch.

See the full definition for package deal in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What it is:

Words that rhyme with package deal. What made you want to look up package deal? Please tell us where you read or heard it including the quote, if possible. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!

Where to begin for Package Deal? The writing just stinks. It is about years behind the times. Maybe the producer of this is doing this because he was successful in the U. It is like watching someone do a show with the same jokes in a sitcom that would have been maybe a little funny in the 90's. The premise is a stretch because what guy has two brothers about his same age all in their freaking 40's who control his life and get worried about him dating a girl and by the way the girl is hot and successful The actors are bad.

What is a package vacation?

The main actor and his girlfriend are very unfunny, not sure why but it's typical and sad that Canadian comedy shows cast OK to look at people to have their own comedy shows but that can't do comedy at all! The other two guys are both comedians, I guess they figured they could lift the show up. Harland Williams is amazing and I love his comedy and he is OK in this but the writing again is so terrible he has nothing to work with. The other guy is a huge nerd of a character and super annoying but I can't tell how much of that is that he sucks and how much of it is that the writing stinks so much.

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The other reviewer is right, skip this show because it's 30 minutes you'll just wish you had back and you'll just feel depressed about Canadian TV like me. Visit Prime Video to explore more titles. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet! Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends.

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Full Cast and Crew. Three brothers and the woman who comes between them.